Sllje “P ort lattò (©baeruer Page A6 fanuaiy 29. 2003 FBI Considers Hate Crime in Shooting Spree continued from Front "The car we can replace, but if that was one o f my loved ones, how could I replace that?” he said. The N A A C Pjoined Debnam in a press conference last week in front o f his hom e where they pleaded with the neighborhood and city to com e together and deal with the tragedy as a com ­ m unity. The group asked M ayor V e ra K atz an d G o v . T ed K ulongoski to speak up and let the state know that racially m oti­ vated crim es will not be tolerated. Tw o days later, the FBI said it had joined local police to deter­ mine whether or not a firearm was used in a com m ission o f a federal hate crime. Those arrested w ere identified as A ndrew T. Sherw ood, 15, o f Portland; Denis P. Fahey, 18, o f Redm ond; Joshua D. Ridley, 19, o f Milwaukie: and Brian S. Heath, 21, o f Gresham . The four currently face charges of intimidation, criminal mischief and unlawful use o f a firearm under Oregon law. The FBI said if the accused are convicted of a federal hate crime, each defendant could face a mandatory sentence o f 10 years in prison. Detective Brian Gross with the Portland Police Bureau said the four photos by W ynde D yer /T he P ortland O bserver Robert Larry, Chad Debnam and a group of NAACP members give a press conference on Jan. 21 to call for action in a suspected racially motivated shooting spree where four young white men were accused o f driving through northeast Portland shooting at cars, houses and at least one person. Chad Debnam shows the damage done to his car during a Jan. 19 shooting spree that may have been motivated by hate. “The car we can replace, but if that was one o f my loved ones, how could I replace that?" said Debnam, whose brother died three decades ago in a racially motivated shooting. were childhood friends who now During a Multnomah County grip shotgun from Ridley before to “scare him .” live in different cities. He said the grandjury hearing Monday, police the shootings. According to court Sherwood told investigators that shooting spree began with some testified that Heath told them he documents, he said he shot out Ridley suggested driving to north­ target practice in an empty lot. Gross shot up several cars because he several car windows at random as east Portland to “shoot up” black said drugs and alcohol were in­ was “drunk and upset” after being he stood through the open T-top people but when Sherwood pro­ volved. He also said the boys told harassed by an unidentified black ro o f o f R id le y ’s 1991 black tested that he didn’t want to hurt him they specifically targeted Afri­ man on a bus in Portland. Chevrolet Camaro, and pointed the anyone, Ridley instead suggested can Americans. Heath said he bought the pistol- shotgun at an unknown black man they shoot up a neighborhood where blacks live. According to court documents, after police responded to reports of shotgun blasts, Heath threatened to shoot Ridley if he didn’t try to outrun officers. The Associated Press contrib­ uted to this article. HIV Testing Urged Free H IV Testing in NE Portland T u e s d a y a n d T h u r s d a y E v e n in g s 5 :0 0 -8 :0 0 p .m . (last check in a t 7 :3 0 p .m .) NE Health Center MLK J r . Blvd. And NE Killingsworth (Enter in rear door near Emerson, go to 2nd flo o r) Se habla español fas M artes ’ “ For more information on H IV and testing Call the Oregon A ID S Hotline 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 7 7 - A ID S A Multnomah County Health Department ^>^ÍKSK»^»Se§SÍS8®8SSSWS!S®«»33SSÍS;SK38!CS®S9S.i8eS^,aaBKSOaE8KaR39Si8»«¡ H A B IT A T F O R H U M A N IT Y H a b iC a r P ro g ra m C om e C e le b ra te yo u r C o m m un ity! Community Mural Dedication s Who: What: When: The African American Health Coalition, Inc. and the Alberta Cooperative Grocery A vibrant health-promoting mural will be dedicated to the N/NE community in honor of Black History Month Saturday, February 1st at 10:00 a.m. THE CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT YOU DONATE CAN HELP US BUILD AN OREGON FAMILY’S HOME. Habitat for Humanity builds simple, decent homes for families in need. Your vehicle donation will generate construction funds we'll use right here in Oregon. Call now to arrange fast, fre e pickup. Y o u r kind, tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated, i m in e 1-888-247-6282 photo by D a vid P lechl /T he P ortland O bserver Stephen Hererra, a community health specialist for Multnomah County, prepares a sample for a HIV test at the county's health clinic on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Hours extended to reach more African Americans C .A .S .C . Creating Avenues of Success and Equity In Advanced Technology Who are Portland Community College C A S E students? We are students who are underrepresented in technology disciplines, Including African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Women Where: Alberta Cooperative Grocery on N.E. Alberta and 15th Street Please come join us! The C A S E program provides: ■ Referrals to advising and campus resources: • Internships and job-search • CASE scholarships 4 financial assistance • Industry related activities and events • Brown bag discussions • Tutoring services • Referrals to Industry mentors • CASE Club - opportunities to network with other advanced technology students • 0 8 1 0 0 TEKnotogy Career Exploration class Tuition waived - Eiptorss high tech care e n 2003 Winter Term CIS K M Racial 4 Ethnic Approaches to Community Health * AFRICAN AMFAICAN MFAITH COAUTIOM. INC s e o m o n d by t h . COC I C v r t M for ON m w Control and fro vo n tlo n ) CASCADE CAMPUS: CRN 1524« TUES, « THURS. 5:00-7:50 1/21/2003- 3/22/2003 Contact Sharatta Butcher 603-9744146 For more information contact; African American Health Coalition, Inc. Schedule Sylvania Campus CRN 15205 Mon. 5:00 - 5:60 pm 2/10 to 3/20 RoomSSlOa Contact: Patty McCoy 503-977-4293 CIS 100 Class offered Every Term! 2800 N. Vancouver Street, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97227 (503) 413-1850 CASCwaksar imp pec m w o w . We want to talk with you! Call us today! by D avid P lechl T he P ortland O bserver The Multnomah County Health Department is serious about AIDS. The departm ent’s outreach pro­ gram at 5329 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. has extended testing hours to help identify African Americans living with AIDS and help keep those free o f the virus safe from infection. “W e’re trying to identify people living with HIV that may not know it,” said Ronnie Meyers, co manager of the county’s HIV Community Pre­ vention Program. Clients w ho wish to be tested can come in on both Tuesdays and Thurs­ days between 5 and 8 p.m. Spanish speaker workers are available Tues­ day evenings. People whot wish to remain anony­ mous can test with number verifica­ tion. All other tests are strictly confi­ dential. Tests can be taken orally or with a blood draw. Though the increased testing hours are intended to promote testing in the African American community, every­ one is encouraged to be tested. “W hen people are tested it gives them the opportunity to think about what it would be like to live with HIV,” Smith said. The county health office will also be open for HIV testing on National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on Friday, Feb. 7th from 3 to 6p.m. A march will follow a short meeting at 3:30 p.m . at the U rban League Multicultural SeniorCenter.