January 2 9 ,2 0 0 3 9TI|c Portland (ßbaeruer Page AS B lack History Month ‘Unchained Memories’ Premiers Film presents dramatic selections from slave narratives collection A sa part o f Black H istory M onth com m em oration, the O regon H is­ torical Society w ill present a p re­ m ier screening o f an H B O d o cu ­ m entary film , “U nchained M em o­ ries: R eadings From the Slave Nar- r a t i v e s ,” a t M c M e n a m in 's K ennedy School T heater, located at5 7 3 6 N .E . 33"1 A ve., on W ednes­ day, Feb. 5 at 6:30 p.m . T he film p re se n ts d ra m a tic se ­ lections from the S lave N arrativ es C o lle c tio n , c o m p ile d b e tw e e n 1936 and 1938 fo r th e W o rk P ro je c ts A d m in istra tio n fo r its F e d e ra l W rite rs ’ P ro je c t. T ra n ­ scripts from in terv iew s w ith m ore th an 2 ,0 0 0 o n e -tim e slav es w ere p u t to g e th e r by the W P A g ro u p to form a u n iq u e firsth a n d reco rd o f slav e life. “U n ch ain ed M e m o rie s” p re ­ sents pieces o f these interview s, th r o u g h o n - c a m e r a , e m o tio n c h a rg e d re a d in g s by n a rr a to r W h o o p i G o ld b e rg an d g u e sts O prah W infrey, Samuel L. Jackson, A n g ela B assett, D on C h e a d le , V anessa L. W illiam s and others. The footage will be interspersed Black History month is in February. The rememberence o f minority accomplishment was established by the efforts o f Dr. Carter G. Woodwanl. Reed College Hosts Reparations Advocate Black History Month celebrated with prominent African Americans The premier screening o f the HBO movie “Unchained Memories: Readings from the Slave Narratives" will feature Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey, Samuel L. Jackson, Don Cheadle, Angela Bassett and others. w ith archival photographs, m usic, film and period im ages. The 74- m inutedixum entary will airon HBO on M onday, Feb. 10. Dr. D arrell M illner, Professor o f B lack Studies at Portland State U niversity, w ill introduce “ U n ­ chained M em ories" at the Kennedy School prem ier and lead a d iscu s­ sion with audience m em bers after In h o n o r o f B lack H istory M onth, Reed C ollege is bringing to cam p u s slavery reparations advocate R andall R obinson, so­ ciologist O rlando Patterson and poet S onia Sanchez. T he goal o f these visitors is to provide a series o f program s that will be useful to the R eed com m u­ nity in addition to the larger Port­ land com m unity. Each o f these lecture events begin at 7:30p.m . in the Kaul A u­ ditorium . T hey are free and open to the public. On W ednesday, Feb. 5 Randall R obinson, author o f “The Debt: What America Owes Blacks," “De fending the Spirit,"and "The Reck oning: W hat Blacks O w e Each O ther" will lecture on slavery repa rations. R obinson is a graduate o f H arvard Law School, the founder and president o f the TransA frica Forum and is a leading voice in support o f reparations for A frican A m ericans. O rlando Patterson and John C ow les will speak on T hursday, Feb. 13. W inner o f T he Sorokin P rize and the N atio n al B ook A ward, Patterson is an interna­ tionally renow ned sociologist and is know n for his w ork on race, immigration.and multiculturalism. On W ednesday. Feb. 19, Sonia Sanchez will read poetry and dis­ cuss social activism. She is a poet, playwright, social activist, fem inist and author of more th;ui a 15 Ixxiks. the screening. For m ore inform ation on this event or o th er O regon Historical Society activities, contact Ken D uB oisat 503-306-5221. PCC Cascade Hosts African Film Festival Annual event to feature 19 films during month of February Portland C om m unity C ollege will host the popular and div erse 13th A nnual C ascade F estival o f A frican Film s, in honor o f B lack H istory M onth, through the m onth o f February at the C ascade Campus, 705 N. Killingsworth. All screen­ ings will be in T errell Hall 122, unless noted otherw ise. A ll o f the festival film s are free and 'open to the public. T he festival, w hich features 19 film s this year, has grow n to be a big favorite am ong film buffs. L ast year the festival featured an appearance by actor D anny G lover and attracted a record o f 4,000 people. “T his y ear’s film s are all outstanding,” said M ary H olm strom , an organizer o f the festival. “T hey all have extraordinary sto­ ries to tell and im ages to reveal. They have very im portant things to tell us about A frican history, the urban A frican w om an, religion and spirituality, civil w ar and H IV /A ID S. T hey also celebrate m u ­ sic and dance, love and freedom , and the indom itable hum an sp irit.” T h e fe s tiv a l w ill o p e n w ith the S enegalese film , “K arm en G et” directed by Joseph G at Ram aka. on Saturday, Feb. 1 at M cM enam ins K ennedy School, 5736 N.E. 33rd Ave. There will be screenings o f the film at 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m . The film is loosely based on G eorges B izet’s opera “C arm en,” and is believed to be the first A frican-produced m ovie m usical ever made. E thiopian film directo r H aile G erim a will present his docum entary film, “Adwa: An African Victory,” at 7:30 p.m. on Thurs­ day, Feb. 6 at the H ollyw ood T heatre, 4122 N.E. Sandy BI vd. The film chronicles the epic Battle o f A dw a o f 1896, in which an arm y o f E thiopian m en and w om en defeated an invading Italian arm y against im possible odds. At PCC C ascade on Feb. 13, the T hurs­ day E vening D ocum entary Series will include “A dw a,” “ B ilalian,” “Scenarios from the S ahel” and “It’s M y L ife" on the subject o f A ID S in W est and South A f­ rica. Film s about the lives o f tw o o f E g y p t’s great artistic and literary giants, the singer U m m K ulthum and the w riter N aguib M ahfouz, will be presented on Feb. 20. “Kirikou and the S orceress,” the popu­ lar anim ated ch ild re n 's film based on a C ongolese folk tale, is the featured film for Family Film Day at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 22 at M cM enam ins K ennedy S chool. T w o o f C ilia S aw ad o g o 's short anim a- co o CMCA0» Kt’-vH Û» African Films « M ac « «WW*» montn This year s films are all outstanding. They all have extraordinary stories to tell and images to reveal. lions will also be show n: "T he C ora P layer" and “C hristopher C hanges His Name." The festival concludes with W om en Ftlmmaket s Week. “M am a Africa: Grow­ ing Up U rban,” three short film s by women directors from N amibia, Nigeria and South Africa, will be show n on Feb. 27 and 28, and “Satin R ouge,” the new T unisian film by Raja A m ari about fe ­ m ale sensuality, will show on Feb. 27 and M arch I. T he festival will also host the young African A m erican film m aker A m in ah B ak eer A bdul-Jabbaarto Port­ land. She will present her film “Bilalian” at 7:30 p.m . on T hursday, Feb. 27, at PC’C ’s Terrell Hall 122 on the C ascade C am pus. “Bilalian" traces the history o f the transform ation o f the Black M uslim m ovem ent from the N ation o f Islam o f Elijah M uham m ed into the orthodox Islam o f the M uslim Society o f America. T he com plete listing and descrip­ tions o f film s are on the festival W eb site at w w w .cfaf.n et. - Mary Holmström, PCC Cascade Festival of African Films organizer Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s vision stirred the nation's conscience with his dream of a better world for our children. Today as we celebrate his birth, let us remember the progress we have made yet be mindful of the challenges still before us Let's all strive to keep the dream alive. OSAFEW AY I I 1 1