^ o rtlan h (©bserner Page B2 SUNLAN & The Light Bulb Lady BEMVVAIJir>mNEANDGIVEMIiSVNSHIN>; I walk in to my house, tum on all the lights and still cannot make it bright enough to chase a way the winter blues. How come? THE RIGHTLIGHTTOCHASETHE WINTER BI .IKS January 29, 2003 R eligion Is a light that is very close to the light nature created Early man lived by light, sun up - go to work, Sundown-go to sleep. Today, we are expected to work before sunrise and after sunset we are home doing the family thing. We go from one dark cave to another. Our lights let us see what we are doing but do not provide Sunlight Sulan has several sun like like lights in the play room to help Light up your life. More next month... S a t 10 a m -4 p m • The Value of Children The very fabric of the values and ideology, that transfers into the meaning of safety and stability for our children has been unraveled. 5 0 3 - 2 8 1 -0 4 5 3 3 9 0 1 N . M is s is s ip p i A v e . Dean’s Beauty & Barber Shop 3 DOLLARS OFF Tuesdays through T hursdays Senior Citizens days are Tuesday 215 N .E . H ancock St., Portland, O R (503)282-2920 BARBERS: W A L K -IN S A.D. Williams W E L C O M E Richard Edwards Tyrone Frazier (new stylist) PRESS I Cl RLS SPECIAL S2SM — This Special ends a t the end o f February — Church of the Living God Christian workers furfellowship 6401 N.E. 10,h Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 Services Pastor and First Lady Roy G. Moxie Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Worship Wed. Bible Study 9:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 7:00P.M. 7:00P.M. "Where there is no vision, The People perish. ”» For more information please call (503) 284-5171 Everyone’s Welcome..... by E thel J. B ates F or T he P ortland O bserver According to Psalms 127:3-5chil- dren are valuable. Too often chil­ dren are seen as liabilities rather than assets. But the Bible calls chil­ dren “a gift from the Lord.” We can learn valuable lessons from their inquisitive minds and trusting spir­ its. Those who see children as a distraction or nuisance should in­ stead see them as an opportunity to shape the future. We dare not treat children as an inconvenience when God values them so highly. Apart from religious influence, the family is the most important unit of society. However, the family and the home can never exert their proper influence while ignoring the Bibli­ cal standard. The Bible calls for discipline and recognition of au­ thority. If children do not learn this at home, they will go out into soci­ ety without the proper attitude to­ ward authority and law. There is always the exceptional child, but off in January. “Right now, we' re low on canned and boxed foods," said Gary Free­ man, the Food Service Director and also a member of Union Gospel Like many charitable organiza­ M ission’s LifeChange recovery tions, Union Gospel M issionexpe- community. rienced an increase of food dona­ M eals for the homeless and tions over the holiday season. The needy happen all year round, even food donations have since dropped though most donation activity oc- Mission: Donations have declined AFFORDABLE Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning JJ Commercial and Residencial Services C A R P E T C L E A N IN G ($25 each area) LOCK & KEY • 2 A reas or m ore, Small Hall Free, Pre-Spray T raffic A reas • Stairs......................$1.50 each FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED 0UT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH [ U P H O L S T E R Y C L E A N IN G ] Sofa (under 6 ft.) $69 ’ Loveseat $49 HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Two Locations: • Sectional $99 & up • Throw pillow s $5 each ~ — — — — 7 I CARPET COUPON 1 C le a n in g A re a . Pre-Spray T ra ffic A rea (Hall not included) * | . 0 ~ Portland 5 0 3 - 2 8 4 - 9 5 8 2 j Oregon City 5 0 3 - 6 5 6 - 2 1 1 6 I Serving Portland/Metro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) * your heart forever; fasten them around your neck, when you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you, for these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light.” The very fabric of the values and ideology, that transfers into the meaning of safety and stability for our children has been unraveled, shaken, distorted and destroyed. Parents snipped the thread o f fam­ ily values by following the dictates of a government that abolished public prayer and stopped praying in the home. Our children are abused and misused by the very ones on whom they are dependent for their care and survival. 1 want us to look primarily at the government of the United States of America because we were leaders in the world. We were leaders in Ethel J. Bates is a minister for military might, leaders in strong the Allen Temple CME Church in moral fiber, leaders in affluence and Portland. Post-Holiday Slump in Food Donations (Obituaries Union Gospel M , MART,N CLEANING SERVICE ¿ f jr most tell us that the child is largely what the home has made him. The only way to provide the right home for your children is to put the Lord over them and fully instruct them in the ways of the Lord. These include discipline, love, service, honesty, integrity and prayer. You are re­ sponsible for the home you pro­ vide for them. ‘T rain up a child in the way it should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it (Prov. 22:6).” This proverb is a favorite in train­ ing to honor authority, obey and follow instruction. It discourages rebellion, stubbornness and dis­ obedience. It exhorts parents to practice consistent discipline and corporal correction in rearing chil­ dren, and to recognize that children are trained to obedience by these and not by ‘time-outs.’ “My son, keep your father’s commands and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. Bind them upon curs during the holiday season. Every weeknight. Union Gospel Mission serves between 40 and 100 dinners during an evening chapel service. Union Gospel Mission pro­ vides an average of 10 food boxes per week to needy individuals and families seeking an emergency tem­ porary food source. Union Gospel Mission provides for all the meal needs of the LifeChange com mu­ nity— 30 men and women who live and work at Union Gospel Mission for two to four years as they over­ come addiction and build new lives. “In a week we go through about 30 cans o f com , 20 cans o f green beans, 50 cans of soups and chili and a variety of boxed foods to support the chapei service meals, food box d istrib u tio n and LifeChange meals," Freeman said. Those interested in donating may call Union Gospel Mission at 503-274-4483, or drop off donations at 15 NW Third Ave., between Burnside and Couch streets on the west side of the Burnside bridge. Online donations may be made at www.ugmportland.com J Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel U P H O L S T E R Y C O U P O N "] 2736 NE Rodney Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-4891 Sofa (under 6 ft.) Loveseat & Chair CALL FOR A PPO INTM ENTS This ad dedicated to the loved ones who passed In: 2002 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -3 9 4 9 New Millenium Wireless (formerly Galore Paging) 3 2 1 3 NEMLKJRBLVD DOYOUNEEDAPHONENOW??? CALL503-288-9180 1. Purchase your first $30 airtime card 2. Pay a $15 activation fee 3. Give us your name and address and enjoy your new Phone ——— No Credit Cheer No Monthly Bill No Contract iwtth 100 peak mins. Or2 5 0 eft peak mtm. leaders in sending the most mis­ sionaries out. We are still leaders. We are leaders in crime, leaders in drugs, leaders in teen pregnancies and leaders in illiteracy. We are leaders in pornography, leaders in abusing children and leaders in debt. We are also fast losing in our preeminence of sending forth mis­ sionaries. What on earth happened? We stopped praying! Sin has affected the govern­ ment, leaders and society in gen­ eral. D eceit and dishonesty has ruined the fam ily - the core of society. We m ust tu m back and resu rre ct those teach in g s and principles that were handed down from our forefathers, the w isdom that shaped our own m orals and character and the w isdom which defines the foundation for integ­ rity in to d ay ’s children and com ­ ing generations. Return! ‘‘C om e with fasting, w eeping and m ourning, d o n ’t tear your clothing in your grief, instead, tear your hearts. God is gracious and m erciful. He is not easily an ­ gered. He is filled w ith kindness, and is not eager to punish you (Joel 2:12,13).” Allen, Marietta 11-5-02 Anikus, Alexander Philip Tuner 8-31XJ2 Avritt, Logan 7-11-02 Baker. Joan 10-30-02 Belcher Sr., Paul 12-31-02 Bell-James, Asia 11-20-02 Berg, Jorge 12-17-02 Blackson, James E. 11-13-02 Bower, FotTest 2-7-02 Bradley, Cheryl 9-1-02 Bright Jr., Franklin 8-26-02 Brown, Virginia 6-25-02 Bryant, Maggie 4-1-02 Campbell, Fannie (10-28-02) Cannon, Rev Eddie 7-6-02 Carter, John 5 -18-02 Cole, Kimberly 8-5-02 Collins, Norman 7-1-02 Crawford (Sr), Ronnie 12-8-02 Draughn. Alphonso 11-30-02 Gibson, Osceola 3-2-02 Goldsby, Albert 3-3-02 Gould, Vemice 4-17-02 Guitry, Billy 12-25-02 Hall, Howard Lee 1-9-02 Hammick Jr., Byron Clay 2-22-02 Hampton, Alvtn 3-8-02 Henry, Alma Jean 12-30-02 Hill, James C 1-9-02 Holloway, Jimmie 6-4-02 Holloway, Pamela 10-5-02 Horton, Louise 7-29-02 Howard, Willie 12-22-02 Jackson, Velma 3-6-02 Jacobs, Marla Betty Jean 9-16-02 Johnson, Carol 1-5-02 Johnson, Debbie 1-11-02 Johnson, Ethel 12-20-02 Kane, Sophie 2-20-02 Landers, Joseph 4-18-02 Leinhard, Sharaylah 8-11-02 Lindley, Bennie 2-12-02 Livingston, Glen 3-29-02 Marks Sr, Richard 2-20-02 McConnell, Jurial 11-10-02 McNack, Barbara 12-14-02 Nichols, Anita 12-15-02 Nichols, Theodore 6-2-02 Parr, Hattie 4-7-02 Pendergraph, Dannie 1-29-02 Price-Pitts, Willard 5-8-02 Pritchard, Gina 3-21 -02 Robinson, Edna 9-10-02 Roberts, Marguerite 9-2-02 Rodriquez, Arnold Aguilar 6-13-02 Scott, Charlie 4-9-02 Sims, Darryl 12-22-02 Sims, James Lee 8-26-02 Smith, A Clarence 4-17-02 Smith-Beaty, Rhodda Trudy - 3-9-02 Smith, Jackie Lee 4-30-02 Steen, Mikal 9-9-02 Thomas, Cressie 12-2-02 Thompson, Hewey 11-6-02 Thompson, Jeny Woop 1-30-02 Towner, Clydie Mae 10-24-02 Turner, Maggie 8-9-02 Waller, Belinda 10-25-02 Weaver. Jeny 2-26-02 Williams, Gwen 10-17-02 Williams, John 10-21-02 Willis, Linda 11-16-02 Wilson, Anita 4-24-02 Wilson, Anthony 3-21-02 Wright, Esaw 6-28-02 William Kinney Sr. W illiam Kinney Sr. died Jan. 13 at the age o f 81. K in n e y , a n a tiv e o f M orriton, A rk., lived in the Portland area for 51 years. He w as a retired US Postal Ser­ vice em ployee. He attended Sm ith College, w as a W orld W ar I arm y vet­ eran and a m em ber o f the Lions Cl ub and Am erican D ia­ betes A ssociation. K inney at­ tended the Mt. O livet Baptist C hurch. He is survived by his wife, Pauline Ross; his sons W ill­ iam K inney Jr., M ark T im o­ thy K inney and Paul D avid K inney; his daughters Hazel Jo y c e K in n ey and S haro n K inney; a d aughter-in-law , Julie Kinney; 20 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services w ere held Jan. 21 at C aldw ell Colonial Chapel. R em em brances can be m ade to the A m erican D ia­ betes A ssociation. Please send submissions for Obituaries attn. “Editor’’ to ads@portlandobserver.com PIZZA A G O GO We Deliver! A go going to North Portland, Swan Island, The Peart, NW, and Downtown... When you want it HOT + You gotta have it NOW! We thank those fa m ilie s w h o have patronized o u r business. Advertise in llK Portland Observer call 503.388.0033 or email: ads@portlandobserver.com <