Page A8 (Elje Jîn rtian ô (Obseruer January 22. 2003 Focus King of New York rap pays tribute to mother in ‘G od’s Son’ ’Surviving Broken Prom ises’ Prom ises to Be a G ood Read ForN as, known as the King o f New York Rap - a title that goes to the city ’s best MC and most authentic hip-hop hero, knowledge is king. In the year that passed between his release o f platinum-selling ‘ Stillmatic ’ in 2001 and this year's ‘G od’s S on,’ the artist said he has gained a lot o f knowledge about the world, the rap game, and most importantly, knowledge o f self. This year’s testament, ‘G o d ’s Son,’ promises to showcase a deeper and more mature lyrical journey. He pays tribute to his beloved mother, who he lost to cancer, in the album ’s two final tracks, ’D ance’ and ’H eaven,’ with heartbreaking honesty the em otions evoked by her death. N as’ father, internationally famous jazz trum peterO lu Dara, provides the haunting coda for ‘Dance, ’ the rapper's plaintive desire to have just one last Rapper Nas has released a new album, entitled dance with his mother. ‘God’s Son,' that promises to showcase a deeper Fore more Information on God's Son,' log on to, or pick up a copy at a local music store. and more mature lyrical journey than his past critically acclaimed albums, ‘lllm atic,' ‘It Has Written,' ‘I Am . . 'Nastradamus,' and ‘Stillmatic. Valentines ’ ‘D a y fftie e t "Heart Celebration C ornelia G ibson’s book is about a single m om , battered wife and betrayed lover You c a n 't hurt a woman, especially a black woman with an attitude, and expect to get aw ay with it. Cassandra d id n 't always have an atti­ tude. Five jerks, as she wryly refers to the men o f her life, took her from high school achiever through everything she d id n 't im agine when planninga career asa lawyer: single mom, battered wife, betrayed lover and tough survivor. She loses heart and hope in the sixteen years ‘Surviving Broken Promises' covers, but never com­ pletely and not forever, for it is heart and hope that m akes this novel. At thirty-three, Cassandra is very proud ofw ho she is and what she has accom plished. W hat she accom plishes, considering those broken prom ises, is monumental. African A m erican author C ornelia G ibson’s straig h t-fo rw ard style brings her main charac­ ter and those jerks to I i fe. Marcus pressures a very young Cassandra for sex, Robert is an abusive and lying husband, George fails to mention that he is married, Chris falls for the babysitter, and Aaron has com m itm ent (and m ental) problems. The honesty in the te llin g is re fre sh in g ; Cassandra is not perfect and the m en are not wholly bad. G ibson is a student o f psychology and she uses her resultant insight on the most basic level, our level, to let her characters story unfold naturally. Readers cheer C assandra's trium phs and understand her despair. Reviewed by Jim Anderson for ‘Sur­ vivin g B roken P ro m ises ’ is a v a ila b le at at or by e- mailing the author directly at February 14,2003 I n in ir .a tf h Join Vs at the C t o Cotnedÿ Centra/ RAMADA ¡¡\N and Suites at the Portland Airport In l.ea’s Landing Restaurant * - (formerly O ’Callahans) f o r L iv e M u s ic F e a tu r i n g P ia n i s t F r a n k E llio t o f E n trees: Steak & Lobster • Orange Duck • Braised Chicken • Stuffed Salmon plus Champagne, Chocolates, and a Red Rose > For only $64.95 Per Couple (G ratuity not included) I D i n n e f l f o r I w o featu res Your C h o ice He's called youngest old-school comic around Best known for his roles in ‘The Nutty Professor’ and ‘Robin Hood: Men in T ig h ts,’ C om edian Dave Chappelle will kick o ff a new show airing on W ednesday, Jan. 22 at 10:30 p.m. on C om edy Central. Tall, svelte and strikingly good looking, Chappelle has been called the y o u n g e st o ld -se h o o l com ic around. He has shared the stand-up stage with such notables as David Letterman, Whoopi Goldberg, Arsenio H all, R ichard P ryor and G arry S handling. Bom in W ashington, D.C., and Spend the Night at the Ratnada Inn and Suites with a Chilled bottle of Champagne for Two for only $74.00 Total Package for Room and Dinner for Two is only $ 138.95 (Not including Tax and Gratuity) Call 503-252-5151 for Reservations! ¿ W Valentines T>ay with Tlatspecial Someone!!! “When I was 17, my mom drove me to all my club dates and I had an act as good as anyone. " - Dave Chappelle Pinocchio puppetry forkids Racial & Ethnic Approaches to Community Health A program of the African American Health Coalition, Inc Sponsored by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Wellness Within REACH: Mind, Body, and Soul Activity Calendar M on Tues W ed T h u rs Matt Dishman 77 NE Knott Fri Sat OM School African Dance Dance 10:00 IlflOam bAO-rOOpm Addo Kendncl S ik itm A ra y 5325NWifiHn«s. Nattrt'i 3535NE15A. Pernnsab Park. 7 0 0 N P « tU Water Aerobics Wafer Aerobics 2:00.3:00pm 2-flfl - 3 Oflpm llamplim Hampton Y«p Bods Condiliomni; 7:303(30 pm 9 3 0 -10:30am llfemfle Nicker«« Wallons Gronp Aerobics Aerobics 6:00-7:00 pm 730-X:30pm 9:00 10:00am KebersM Kelee Ubr ( Meet mside the Uoyd Center in Walk ui< Group Iron! of Sears) 1230 pm Nickerson Inker Arm e Ckristai Ckrd ( G f) 126 NE Alberta Aerobics Aerobics Aerobics 6.30-7:30pm 630-7:30pm 6307:30pm Niriersoo Niebenoo Nicker «m 503-413-1850 Please receive approval from your doctor before beginning exercise class All classes are free of charge! African American Health Coalition, Inc. 2800 N Vancouver Ave Suite 100» Portland. OR 97227 • Phone 503-413-1850 E-mail kdempsey@aahc-portland org • Web www aahc-portland org w t s schooled at the prestigious Duke E llington School o f the A rts, C happelle started honing his so­ cially conscious style o f stand-up at D.C. area clubs when he w as 14- years-old. “W hen I w as 17 , 1 had an act as good as anyone in D.C.,’’Chappelle said. "M y mom drove me to all my club dates. She figures that o f all the dangerous things I could be­ com e involved in, club life was the least harm ful.” Since then he has held roles in 13 movies, had his own II BO comedy special and performed on ‘Politi­ cally Incorrect' and ‘ Late N ight with C onanO ’Brien.’ a grr a r g r y tainm ent inspired by the art col- ection. Kids can learn impression- The Interstate Firehouse Cultural C ___ _____ 4 tissue painting, how to m ake art- ter and O ther Hand Productions will show four paper waterlilies, w ater reflections captured in matinee performances ofPinocehio. the classical story oil pastels and work on printm aking projects. o f a young puppet's m isadventures. The show in­ cludes five original songs scored for piano, violin and Sweet Honey in the Rock anniversary accordion. A udience participation is included in this To celebrate their 30lh anniversary and the release o f production. The IFCC thinks this puppet show is ideal their new CD “The W omen G ather" on Earthbeat opportunity for grandparents to spend time with their Records, Sweet Honey in the Rock return to Portland grandchildren w ho are aged pre-school to third grade. forapcrfonnanceatSchnitzerH allon Jan. 3 1. They will M atinees begin at 9:45 a.m. on W ednesday, Jan. 22, perform their uplifting and powerful a capella music. ‘ JI II I and Thursday. Jan. 23. The IFCC is locatedat 5340N . Interstate Ave. Tickets ate $5 and can be ordered by calling503-823-4322. Night of solo and collaborative acts On W ednesday, Jan. 22 the Mississippi Pizza Pub, located at3552 N. Mississippi Ave., will open itsstage up to an evening o f m usic and perform ance art by the newly formed ' Rasbl iutto Col leetive. ’ Come hear Jean- Paul Jenkins and Doug Theriault on guitar, Kelvin Pittman and Bryan Eubanks on saxophones, Justin Sondstrum and Mark Kaylor on percussion, O liver Newell on bass, Jim Alticri and Cameron Stevens on electronics and keyboards, Luke W yland on piano, Steve Schneider on tenor, Caroline Buchalter on viola and cello, and Stefan Kamola with strings and voice. Elizabeth Ward and Kathleen Keogh will provide movement. Admission is $5 to $ 100 with al I donations going towards a fund to get an independent perfor­ mance venue o ff the ground. IFCC Kwanza celebration show Over 20 local African American artists are exhibiting textiles, paintings, prints, draw ings, photographs, mixed media works and sculptures to reflect on one or more of the seven principles o f Kwanza. The IFCC is located at 5340 N. Interstate Ave. G allery hours are I uesday through Friday 11 a m. to 6 p.m. and Satur­ days from noon to 4 p.m. through January. For more information, call 503-823-2070. Go to Paris without leaving Portland From Jan. 25 to M arch 23, the Portland Art Museum will feature ‘Paris to Portland: Impressionist and Post- Impressionist M asters in Portland C ollections.’ The show includes 165 w orks drawn from private collec­ tions in the Portland area and has work by Cezanne. Renoir, Monet, G auguin, Picasso and prints by Toulouse-Lautrec, am ongst others. Some o f these works have never before been seen in public. On Sunday, Feb. 2 children and adults can com e to ‘Festival Parisian' to experience activities and enter- 1 Isaka Shamsud-Din art exhibit Life-long Portland artist and first ever Jam es DePreist Professorof Art at Portland State University will show an exhibit o f work and present a slide show o f addi­ tional works at Reed C ollege in the Vollum Lounge at 4:30p.m . on Tuesday, Feb. 11. Shamsud-Din was the president ofthe Black Student Union at PSU in thebO’s until he left Portland to work with the civil rights m ovem ent in the South. Since his return to the northwest in the 80s, Sham sud-D in has involved him self in mural projects at local high schools and governm ent buildings in an attempt to create a sense o f comm unity among African American artists. Sonia Sanchez poetry reading African American author Sonia Sanchez will read her poetry and sign any o f her 16 books at the Reed College Kaul Auditorium on W ednesday, Feb. 19 at 7:30 p.m. Sanchez, nationally known for her involve­ ment in the Black Arts Movement, has read her poetry and lectured nationwide about her work during the civil rights m ovem ent She is the authorof’Homecom­ ing, ‘We a BaddDDD People.’ ‘Homegirls and H andgrenades,’ ’W ounded in the H ouseofa Friend,' and most recently, ‘Shake Loose My S kin.' Back to the Doo Wop days High school friends from D etroit's North End, Levi Stubbs, R enoldo“O bie" Benson, Abdul “D uke" Fakir and Lawrence Payton began marveling their audi­ ences with an infectious blend o f pure vocal power ‘ and sweet harm onies in 1954. O nce they signed with M otown Records in the 60s as the Four Tops, the group churned out hit after hit eventually ending with an induction into the Rock and Roll I fall o f Fame. With 43 years o f playing history, the group will play at Chinook W inds Casino on Friday, March 21 and Saturday, M arch 22 at 8 Tickets are S25 to $40 depending on seat location. For more information or to buy tickets, call I -888-624-6228, or Fastixx at 1-800- 992-8499.