(Ebe Jportlanò ffibsm ier Pase A2___________________________________ *_________ January 22. 2003 White Teens Held in Shooting Spree Suspects may have been targeting African American neighborhoods Hiree white teenagers and a young "Tlie Portland Police Bureau takes man have been arrested a Iter a racial ly incidents motiv ated by hatred or preju­ motivated shooting spree in a multi­ dice very seriously,” Kroeker said. cultural neighborhtxxl o f northeast The tour who were arrested were Portland, police said Monday. identitiedas: Andrew T. Sherwood, 15, N o o ne w as injured in the S u n ­ o f Portland; Denis P. Fahey, 18, o f d a y m orn in g sh o o tin g s but P ort­ Redmond; Joshua D. Ridley, 19, o f land Police B ureau inv estig ato rs Milwaukie; and Brian S. I leath,2 1, o f are seek in g a d d itio n al w itnesses, C insham. said C h ie f M ark K roeker. The arrests fol lowed rept ills o f four young whites driving a Chevrolet Cainero convertible through a largely black neighborhood early Sunday m orning, tiring shotgun blasts at houses, ears and at least one person, Kroeker said. Several "sh o ts fired ” cal Is cam e in from the v icin ity o f N ortheast M artin L u th er K ing Jr. Boulev ard and c o n tin u ed in the a re a o fN o rth - east S u m n er and G arfield . A bullet sh attered a w indow from a car p a rk ed along the curb. DetectiveBrian Gross said the spree apparently began earlier w ith souk target practice with a saw edotTshot­ gun in a vacant field. "They told m e they speci lically tar­ geted A friean-Aitiericans,”( iross said. H e sa id d ru g s and a lc o h o l a lso Police Help Groups Combat Fraud V ancouverpolicew illbeholdinga free seminar for non-profit organiza- tions that work with activities such as youth sports to help them spot and prevent embezzlement and fraud. The session will be held Wednes- day, Jan. 29 at 7 p.m. at the W ater Resource EducationCenter,46(X)S.E. Colum bia W ay. Officials will outline procedures that non-profit organiza- H. & B. Too NOW OPEN 2 blocks south of Alberta Weekdays til 6 p.m. - Saturdays til 4 p.m. Free Parking - State Controlled Rates - Se Habla Espanol www.hbloan.com Oregon Family Business for over 50 years Stop in at your earliest convenience Lic#306 trib u te s to the h e alin g .” A. L. " S k ip p e r" O sb o rn e, p re si­ Osborne noted that white residents d e n t o f the P o rtlan d c h ap ter o f the o f the neighborhood were also put in N A A C P , said it w as "u n fo rtu n ate danger. th at in the y e a r 2 00 3 , and so close “ It needs to be stressed that a bullet to the n ational holid ay for the slain doesn’t have a color on the end o f if ” civil rig h ts leader, the R e v . M artin he said. "I hope this is an incident that L u th er K ing Jr., that a tragic in ci­ will bring us together." d e n t like th is had to o c cu r." But he AssoiiateilPresscontrihuteJtothhi said qu ick a rre sts in the c ase “ c o n ­ story. Sex Offender Suspect Alludes Authorities tions should follow to help prevent fraudandembezzlementbyvolunteers. In order to plan for materials and supplies, pre-registration is encour- aged.Call36fF6l9-4l95. Oregon’s Oldest Licensed Pawnshop 4709 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. p la y e d a role. Michael Louis Freitas The C lackam as C ounty Sheri f t's O ffice, in co o p eratio n w ith C rim e Stoppers, is asking for help in locat­ ing a n d a p p re h e n d in g M ich ael L ouis F reitas on m ultiple se x -re ­ lated crim es, including rape and sex a b u se. Freitas, w h o h as u sed a lia ses o f M ichael L ouis S tew art, Jerry A n ­ drew Larson, Joseph T hom as Mazzi and Steve Ja m es M arshall, is a 46- y e ar old w hite m ale w ith a date o f b irth o f June 1 , 1956. H e is 5 feet 8 inches tall and w eighs approxim ately 170 pounds w ith brow n hair and hazel eyes. He w as last know n to b e living in the M ollalla/C o lto n area. C rim e S toppers is o ffering a cash rew ard o f up to S 1,000 for inform ation, reported to C rim e S toppers, that leads to an arrest in this case, o r any unsolved felony crim e. Y ou need not give y our nam e. C all C rim e S toppers at 503- 823-HELP. Underage Stripping Banned OLCC rule£ also affect young musicians and performers (A P ) — A state panel has d e ­ cided that letting m inors perform nude d an cin g at adult c lu b s goes too far. The Oregon LiquorC ontrol C om ­ m ission voted to ban all undcr-21 s from perform ing a t adults-only ven­ ues, from m usicians to strippers, unless they signed an em ploym ent co n tract before A ug. 15. C o m m issio n ers have said they think it’s the best w ay to stop y o u th s from m ixing w ith drin k in g patro n s. T he O L C C rule, w hich o fficials estim ate affects 10 percent o r less o f nude d an cers at licensed v e n ­ ues. is part o f a recent trend re v ers­ ing the sta te 's traditional hands- o f f attitude tow ard the strip club b u sin e ss. In O cto b er, a divided O regon C ourt o f A ppeals ruled that nude d an cin g is not p rotected e x p res­ sion u nder the state constitution. S o m e n ig h tc lu b o w n e r s w h o h ir e y o u n g m u s ic ia n s sa y th e r u le v e x e s th e i r in d u s tr y , e v e n i f th e y w e r e n o t th e in te n d e d ta r g e t.