Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 22, 2003, Page 14, Image 14

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    (Ebe J J o rtla n b (D b seru er
Page B6
January 22, 2003
S ports
Urban League
Cham pionship
The third annual Alternative
School Basketball City Champion­
ship sponsored by the Urban
League o f Portland will take place
Thursday, Jan. 3 0 at6:30 p m. at the
Salvation Army at 8426N. Lombard.
Students from across north and
northeast Portland have been work­
ing hard to participate in the league.
Team rules require kids to attend
an alternative school in north or
northeast Portland and achieve an
85 percent attendance rate, a 2.5
grade point average, and undergo
two hours a week o f after school
We Deliver!
A go going to North Portland,
Swan Island, The Pearl, NW,
and Downtown...
When you want it HOT +
You gotta have it NOW!
Raiders, Buccaneers
Prepare for Superbowl
High-powered offense matches up against stifling defense
P hiladelphia E agles Troy V incent is stra ig h t a rm e d a s h e tries to
ta ckle Tampa Bay B u c c a n e e rs receiver K een a n M cCardell in th e
NFC C h a m p io n sh ip g a m e a t V eterans S ta d iu m in Philadelphia.
Sunday. Tampa Bay, w ho yie ld e d th e fe w e s t ya rd s a n d fe w e s t
p o in ts in th e lea g u e, w on th e c o n te s t 2 7 -1 0 .
(AP ph o to )
(A P) — The Oakland Raiders
have a high-powered otTense and
professional football’s Most Valu­
able Player. TheTampa Bay Bucca­
neers have a stilling defense that
seem s to get better each week.
The contrasting styles will be on
center stage in San Diego on Sun­
day when the two teams play in the
Super Bowl
a matchup that will
fe a tu re p le n ty o f in trig u in g
storylines and fam iliar faces.
Tampa Bay coach Jon Gruden
was the coach o f the Raiders for
four seasons, but left Oakland a
year ago after a highly publicized
co u rtsh ip by the B u ccan eers.
Tampa Bay paid Oak land $8 mi II ion
Twin Towers
L os A n g e le s c e n te r
Sh a q u ille 0 'Neal g o e s
for th e b a s k e t a n d is
b lo c k e d by H o u sto n
R o ckers c e n te r Yao
M ing in th e first m a tc h ­
up o f th e b ig g e st
players in th e NBA
Friday in H ouston.
3240 N. Williams Ave
@ Cook Street
and provided four dratt picks to get
The Raiders gave their head
coaching jo b to G ruden’s former
assistant, Bill Callahan.
“W e’ve got a tough team coming
Rice, the NFL’s all-time leading re­
ceiver. "And it’s going to be a little
unusual facing Gruden. But this isan
opportunity ofa lifetime and I am just
looking forward to the challenge."
Rice is one o f several aging vet­
erans who make up the core o f the
Raiders, includingquarterback Rich
Gannon, who was the league's MVP
as he led one o f the most prolific
offenses in recent memory.
who beat Phi ladelphia 27-10 forthe
NFC cham pionship, yielded the
fewest yards and the fewest points
in the league.
"W e're good and I 'm not afraid
to say it," said Ronde Barber, whose
92-yard interception return with 3:12
iced the win in Philadelphia.
The Oakland and Tam pa Bay
franchises have unique — but
highly different — pasts.
Led by their m averick ow ner Al
Davis, the Raiders w ere am ong the
N F L 's elite team s in the 1970s and
early 1980s, w inning three Super
Bowls as they adhered to D avis’
slogan o f "Just win, baby!” They
becam e a pow erhouse again when
Gruden arrived.
O akland R aiders q u a rterb a ck Rich G annon ru n s fo r a touchdow n
The Buccaneers w ere once the
o u t o f th e g ra s p o f T e n n e s s e e Titans s a fe ty Lance S c h u lte rs in a laughingstock d f football
4 1 -2 4 victory in th e AFC C h a m p io n sh ip S u n d a y in O akland. Calif. lug the league in 1976 and losing
their first 26 games. They were mis­
Tam pa Bay counters with a scored 71 points in two playoff erable through most o f the 1980s
stingy defense made up o f defen­ victories, including a 41-24 deci­ and early 1990s, but started making
sive stalwarts including Derrick sion over Tennessee on Sunday strides in the last five years.
Brooks, W arren Sapp and John forthe A FC title, is not just to move
Now they’re in the Super Bowl
the ball against Tampa Bay, but
and their coach knows all about
Thechallenge forOakland, which also find the end zone. The Bucs, his opponent.
Portland Trail Blazers forward
Rasheed W allace was suspended
Saturday for seven games without
pay for confronting and threaten­
ing a referee outside the Rose G ar­
den in Portland.
Referees mentioned the confron­
tation in a routine report filed after
P ortland's 100-92 victory over
Memphis on W ednesday night.
NBA Vice President Stu Jackson
said while there was no physical
contact between Wallace and ref­
eree Tim Donaghy, the penalty was
appropriate for R asheed's actions,
which was apparently a heated
verbal exchange.
Wallace scored a season-high
38 points and had 10 rebounds
against Memphis. Donaghy called
a technical foul on him with 9:45 to
go in the third quarter. The call
appeared to be forthe way W allace
returned the ball to another referee
after he was called fora foul. Jack-
son said W allace’s prior indiscre­
tions were taken into account in
determining his new punishment.
"The actions here were com-
R a s h e e d Wallace
pletely out o f bounds, and they
were not appropriate and will not be
tolerated," Jackson said.
W allace, who is signed through
the 2003-04 season, is making $ 16.2
million this season and will lose
$1.26 million due to the suspen­
sion. The pow er forward has led the
Blazers in scoring the past three
seasons, m aking the A ll-Star team
twice, and he leads the team again
this season at 17.4 points per game.
He was fined $ 15,000 last month
for his actions following a post­
gam e brawl between the Blazers
and the G olden State Warriors.
Wallace allegedly tried to go aftera
fan who threw a wad o f chewing
gum on him.
Carter, Murray
Join Baseball Hall
Gary C arter (left) a n d Eddie
Murray, th e 2 0 0 3 in d u c te e s
into th e N ational B a seb a ll
Hall o f Fame, are p h o to ­
g ra p h e d during a n e w s
c o n fe r e n c e in N ew York
formally a nnouncing their
induction on Thursday. C arter
a n d Murray, w ho pla yed
to g e th e r for L os A n g e le s in
1 9 9 1 , will b e in d u c te d in a
c e re m o n y on July 2 7 in
C ooperstow n, N. Y. (AP
P h o to /E d Bailey)
e Pass
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