Page B4 (The JJnrtlanò (Bbseruer lanuary 22, 2003 C lassifieds / B ids WASHINGTON COUNTY CATLIN GABEL SCHOOL GIS SPECIALIST $3,986 - $4,845 / month Closes February 7, 2003 GROUNDSKEEPER Landscape and horticulture maintenance on 52-acre campus. Exp required. Full-time w/ benefits. PROGRAM COORDINATOR Commission on Family & Children $3,986 - $4.845 / month Closes January 27,2003 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Facilities dept. seeks dependable, detail-oriented, team player with data entry exp. and proficient word processing/spreadsheet skills. School bus driving secondary focus with opportunity to earn CDL & bus license. Full-time w/ benefits. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SUPERVISOR $4,977 - $6,051/ month Closes February 7,2003 See to review job descriptions and download application or call (503) 297-1894 x373. P ho to by W vnde Oy fr /T iif P ortland O bsekv er Mohammad Bader of Multnomah County Aging and Disability talks with case manager Cheryl Sanders about how to identify clients who are most at risk for homelessness and suicide as a result o f next month s cuts to the state's General Assistance and Medically Needy programs. Catlin Gabel School supports inspired learning, leading to responsible action through dedicated teaching, caring relationships, and community service. The school enrolls 670 students in Pre-Kindergarten-12 grade and is committed to diversity among students, faculty and staff. Equal Opportunity Employer General Assistance Funds Dry Up continued front Front state’s termination o f the Oregon Supplem ental Incom e Program Medical Medically Needy. This program, which provides free medi­ cine for low -incom e m edically needy individuals, will also disap­ pear on Feb. 1. M ohammad Bader, north and northeast Portland Area M anager for Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services, said 62X ofthe 9,721 clients served by his two of­ fices on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Albina Avenue will be affected when the Medically Needy program ends. “These are people with multiple and complicated illnesses with no access to pay for treatm ent," Bader said. "O ur concern is that they will die." Lauren Gill, one o f B ader's case managers at the Albina ADS office, said she has two clients w ho are on a list for organ transplants. Before receiving new organs, transplant patients must show proof that they will be able to afford post-operative medication. Without the Medically Needy program, her clients will be unable to get their transplants. Oth­ ers will not be able to afford more than $1,000 a month for HIV and AIDS treatment. “I have some clients who are paranoid schizophrenics,"Gill said. “With no counseling and no meds, they would run out into traffic and kill themselves.” Bader said some medically needy people should try to get medication samples from pharmaceutical com­ p a n ie s o r by lo g g in g on to w He and his casew orkers are d o ­ ing their best to pool together re­ sources to offer clients the best support network in this time o f cri­ sis. They have modified their phone system in anticipation o f a high caller volum e and are working to develop a human resources direc­ tory for clients. Casew orkers are trying to identify those clients who will be most at risk for housing displacem ent to get them set up with emergency housing programs Our concern is that they will die. — Mohammad Bader, north and northeast Portland Area M anagerforM ultnomah County Agingand Disability Services or in shelters. So far, B ader’s staff has identified 96 people w ho are at high risk for homelessness. "W e're trying to establish pro­ tocols and figure out what our tri­ age resources are," Bader.said. “ It's horrible because these are people’s lives w e’re dealing with. These cuts are devastating.” Not only does Bader have his clients to worry about, but also his staff. H isoffices will loose 11 case­ workers by Feb. I and tw ice as many during the next round o f cuts. Bader said some m em bers o f his staffhave requested for him to bring a therapist to work to help them deal with the upcoming layoffs. C ase m anager Cheryl Sanders, w ho has been with the Albina of­ fice o f ADS for two years, said that she and her cow orkers know they will loose their jobs, but their real concern is for the clients they help. "W e love to help these people that’s why we work here," Sanders said. "For our clients, budget cuts make the difference between hav­ ing a ro ofover their headand being homeless. W eknow we'll looscour jobs, but at least we have our health.” Jim Edge, acting assistant ad­ ministrator for the state Office o f Medical Assistance Programs, said even if M easure 2k passes on Jan. 2X, General A ssistance would not be restored. However, the measure may enable legislators to tempo- rail ly restore some o f the Medically Needy program. "The measure will restore funds for the next biennium, but not for the next 24 m onths,” he said. “Things are definitely going to get more complicated." The co m p licatio n s for Lana C enteno are only about to begin. W ithout her G eneral A ssistance check each m onth, C enteno will be faced w ith eviction. U nlike many o f O reg o n ’s disabled, she has a fam ily support netw ork in C alifornia w ho w ill allow her to live w ith them . Centeno will have to sell all her belongings and interrupt her medi­ cal treatm ent to return to the state she left eight years ago. She ran away to O regon to escape the drug lifestylethat left her with Hepatitis C. She sobered up, stayed clean and left everything behind her in San Jose. Now she will go back. "It's reallyjust one day at a time from here on out," Centeno said. PARK FEE COLLECTOR Temporary positions 5 - 7 month duration $8.00/ hour Open until filled Call (503) 846 8606/TTY (503) 846-4898 for information or see our w eb site: County application and supplemental a p p lica tion form s required . Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Consider a Career in Construction! Heavy Equipment Operators Apprenticeship The Oregon and SW Washington Local 701 and ACC Heavy Equipment Operators JATC will provide and accept applications February 3-14 Mon-Fri, 9-12am and l-4pm Striving to develop a diversified workforce, we encourage all who are qualified and interested to apply! M in im u m R e q u ir e m e n ts : Must be at least 18 years old APPLY TO: M ust Have a H.S. Diploma or CED Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro. OR 97124 4 -6 ♦ years of LEARNING AND EARNING$$$ Call Now for information about how and where to apply A 541-7 4 1-7 2 9 2 Email: Website: Click on Opening Announcement Housing Authority of Portland DEPARTMENT OF COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES Request for Proposal No. P011003 Aging & Disability Services Division Rental Property Evaltions and Physical Needs Assessment Area Nurse Consultant, 20 Hours Per Week Recruitment #631509. $20.09 to $26.79 per hour. Apply by January 31,2003. The Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) seeks proposals from consultants who are experienced in preparing rental property evaluations and physical needs assessments. Interested Prospers may obtain a copy of the RFP documents at the Housing Authority of Portland, 8910 N Woolsey, Portland, Oregon 97203, 8:30 AM through 4:30 PM. Proposals are due not later than 4:00 PM PST, March 11. 2003. Questions regarding this project should be directed to H. David Walter, Capital Improvements Manager for the Housing Authority of Portland, (503) 735-4210 or Ron Coulam at (503) 735-4214 SWINERTON BUILDERS 3030 SW Moody Ave., Suite 250 Portland, Oregon 97201 Phone: (503) 222-2000 Fax (503) 478-2600 0R#111561 WA#SWINTB0997JT Contact: Michelle Barnes WASHINGTON SCHOOL OFTHE BLIND IRWIN DISTANCE LEARNING CENTER Application materials and formal job announcements are available at: in person at 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, 1st Floor Lobby; or by mailing a self- addressed stamped envelope requesting application forms to: M ultnom ah C ounty Human Resources D ivisio n , PO Box 14700, Portland OR, 97293- 0700. Assisted access to M ultnom ah C o unty jo b inform ation and web site is available at Multnomah County Libraries. Multnomah County is actively recruiting candidates from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enhance services to our diverse community. BIDS DUE: January 22, 2003 at 3:00PM Plans and specifications are available for review in our office We are an equal opportunity employer and request bids from all Interested firms Including disadvantaged, minority, women, veterans and emerging small business enterprises DOMONIQUE'S / B U S IN E S S ¿Zz recto ry HAIR DESIGN *Teresa, Owner & Stylist *Deborah, Stylist *Horace, Barber 2 8 6 -3 7 5 8 222 N. Killingsworth 97217 (Vancouver) h her f ' the heat th of yoi r hair comes first .’ OFF.: (503)286-1103 FAX: (503)286-1146 STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICESBLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS “MISSIONARY GOSPEL SINGER” ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent Booking Information 503-335-0701 Email Title of New CD One Sweet Day DOUBLE J TIRE CENTER N E W • U S E D • N E W L A I’S ÎZ _ a g le WITH 2 LOCATIONS" 6841 N.E. M.L.K. JR BLVD 4510 S E 52ND A HOLGATE PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PORTLAND. OR 97206 (503) 283-9437 (503) 771-1834 HOURS MON THRU FRI 9 TO 6 • SAT 9 TO 4 Phone 10010 NE Sandy Blvd Portland. 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C M 3 T O I* PRINTED G A R M EN TS MOUSE M D S PUZZLES EM BRO IDERY SILK SCREEN N U M BERS Q UICK GIFTS $03-184-1810 p h o n e $03-184-1810 lax www « th n ic fa b ric com o « » MEAT Special O rd e rs G la d ly A c c e p te d ! Paul Houge -887-860-0047 8238 N D enver Avenue, Portland, Or. 97217 Phone: (803) 289-8418 '3