Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 22, 2003, Page 10, Image 10

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(Che ^Jnrtlanh (Observer
SUN L A N & The Light Bulb Lady
I walk in to my house, turn on all the lights and still cannot make it
bright enough to chase a way the winter blues. How come?
lanuary 22. 2003
N ews /METRO
Is a tight that is very close to the light nature created Early man
lived by light, sun up go to work. Sundown-go to sleep Today.
li e urt expected to work before sunrise and after sunset tie are
home doing the fam ily thing lie go from one dark cave to another.
Our lights let us see what tie arc doing but do not provide
Sunlight Sulan lias several sun like like lights in the play room to
help Light up your life. More next month...
Sat 10 am-4pin • 503- 281-0453
3901 N. Mississippi Ave.
Dean’s Beauty & Barber Shop
liicstlays through Thursdays
Senior Citizens days m e Tuesday
215 N.E. I lancock St., Portland, OR
W AI ,K - I \S
A .I). W illia m s
W E I X X >M K
Richard Edw ards
Tyrone Erazier (new stylist) PRESS i Cl RES SPECIAL S25”
— 7 his Special ends at the end o f February —
Church of the Living God
Christian workers fo r fellowship
6401 N.E. 10"'Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97211
Pastor and First
Lady Roy G. Marie
Sunday School
Morning W orship
Evening W orship
Wed. Bible Study
9:45 A.M.
photo by
D avid P ie c h l /T he P ortland O bserver
Ibrahim Mubarak, the duke o f Dignity Village, came out to protest a war on Iraq with other residents o f Portland's homeless en­
campment. Thousands o f peaceful protestors gathered In the south park blocks and marched in a circle around downtown chanting
slogans like. "No blood for o il." — ’ While you ’re shopping, bombs are dropping," and, “ Your SUV is killing m e."
“Where there is no vision. The People perish. ”
For more inform ation please call
(503) 284-5171
Peace Rally Draws Thousands
from Front
Richard A rm entrout came with
daughter Anne-Marie. Armentrout
has labored as a relief worker in
developing countries and thinks
American foreign policy is far too
“ It is important we make a state­
ment to the world as well as our own
governm ent," he said. “ I believe in
the power o f the rally."
Marchers gathered in the south
Everyone s Welcome.....
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Commercial and Residencial Services
| C A R P E T C L E A N IN G ($25 each area) |
park blocks around noon. The crowd fense o f the President's aggressive 30,000marched in Washington D.C.
becam e so large that as the first stance on Iraq.
N ieholas Post was among many
marchers returned from the loop
"W e're here basically for the parents who brought their children
through downtown, others were peopleoflraq and North Korea,” he to the dem onstration. He and son
just beginning.
said. "T heir people suffer every­ David together held a sign that
A simple chant o f "Peace, not day because o f our inaction."
simply read - N ever War.
w ar," could be heard am ong drum ­
He cited those countries own
“ It's his future that is open to
ming, supportive cheering and anti­ leaders as the real instigators o f change," Post said o f his son, now
w ar singing. Sidewalks became war.
5. " It's all about the America that
thick with supporters that choose
"W ith guys like this, war is the we leave for our children.”
to watch rather than walk.
right thing to do,” he said.
Alex llica was am ong a handful
The rally was tim ed with other
o f protestors who cam e out in de­ peace dem onstrations nationwide.
• 2 A reas or m ore. Sm all Hall Free, Pre-Spray T raffic A reas
• S ta irs .......................... $ 1 .5 0 each
Making a Difference for Children and Families
• Sofa (under 6 ft.) $69
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$99 & up
1 Throw pillow s $5 each
I 1 Cleaning Area
Pre-Spray Traffic Area
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(Hall not included)
Sofa (under 6 ft.)
, Loveseat & Chair
$119 00!
5 0 3 -2 8 1 -3 9 4 9
front Front
Is a ch ild in d a n g e r? W hat
e v id e n c e is at h an d ? C an the
ch ild be left in the* h o m e? O r
sh o u ld the S tate o f O reg o n in ­
te rv e n e ?
“ It is a v o la tile , high p re s ­
su re , c o n tro v e rsia l p o sitio n to
be in ," she said.
T oran step p ed dow n from the
p o st in 1999, a fte r a fiv e -y e a r
run - the lo n g est in sta te h is ­
to ry . L ike m any b efo re h er, her
te n u re w as rack ed by c o n tro ­
v ersy and n ear co n sta n t m edia
a tte n tio n .
T o ra n 's p o sitio n d em an d e d
sh e w alk a fin e line. D ecisio n s
had to be m ad e d e lib e ra te ly and
d e lic a te ly . T he w ro n g d e c isio n
c o u ld c a u se an u p ro a r, so m e ­
th in g she d is c o v e re d early in
h er te n u re , w hen fiv e c h ild ren
w ere rem o v ed from the hom e o f
a c o u p le w ho im m e d ia te ly c o n ­
ta c te d th e p ress.
It w as re p o rte d th at the c h il­
d ren w ere tak en a fte r o n e ch ild
w as sp an k ed . T oran cau g h t flak
from m any d ire c tio n s. S he w as
c ritic iz e d by the sta te le g is la ­
tu re an d in th e p ress.
But sh e w e a th e re d the storm .
S he c re d its th e ste a d y su p p o rt
o f G o v . K itz h a b e r and a stead y
flow o f p o sitiv e le tte rs from the
com m unity.
“ Y ou can s u r v iv e c o n tr o ­
v e rs y ,” she said .
T o ran not o n ly m ain ta in e d
h er c o m p o su re , but she su c ­
ce ssfu lly lobbied the state body
for a d d itio n a l re so u rc e s.
In 1997, the le g is la tu re a p ­
p ro v ed a 2 I p e rc e n t in c re a se in
the a g e n c y 's b u d g et. T w o years
la te r a 19 p e rc e n t in c re a se w as
a p p ro v e d .
"I felt the five years I w as there
w ere successful for the agency,"
she said, "I felt like I had done
w hat I w as supposed to do and it
w as tim e to m ove o n .”
In addition to her role as P resi­
dent o f V OA , T oran has co n tin ­
ued to stay active in the political
process. She cam paigned tire ­
lessly for the C h ild re n 's In itia­
tive, w hich w ill provide funding
for an expansion o f p revention-
based services.
“ T his is one o f the best things
that has happened for kids in a
long tim e," she said. “ W e'll be
able to intervene early enough to
help the parents, and keep these
kids safe."
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W ednesday Jan 22, 2003: 6-7pm B ible Study; 7-8 pm Prayer M tg.; 8-9 pm R elationships
T hursday Jan 2 3 rd. 2003: 6-7pm C ook in g D em o; 7-8 pm W om en Study; 8-9 pm P arenting
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Friday Jan 24"’, 2003: 6-7 pm H appy H our; 7-8 pm Y outh C hoirs; 8-9 pm S tress
S aturday Jan. 25"’, 2003: 9:15 am Bible Study; 11:00 am W orship Service;
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* Healthy snacks will be served before each session *
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* Sat 9:15am Bible Study, 11am Worship Service *
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