January IS. 2003 JInrtlauh (©bserlier PagcA9 S ports /METRO Holmes Offensive Player of the Year Jeffewi Sumes m P rie st H olm es ac co m p lish e d in 14 g am es w hat m any p lay ers c a n ’t in tw o fu ll seaso n s. H is rew ard : T he A sso c ia te d Press N FL O ffen siv e P la y e r o f the Y ear aw ard. The dynam ic running back for the K ansas City C hiefs was on p ace to sh a tte r se v e ra l N FL records before a deep hip bruise sidelined him for the final two gam es o f 2002. S till, H olm es set 10 team records, including 1,615 yards rushing and 21 TDs. He also had three scores as a re ­ ceiver, and the 24 TD s w ere two short o f M arshall F au lk ’s league mark. Holmes’ 2,287 yards from scrim­ mage fell 142 short of F aulk's NFL rec o rd . A nd in 383 to u c h es, H olm es had only one fum ble. C hiefs coach D ick V erm eil re ­ searched H o lm es’ total yards from scrim m age and found it was the m ost ever in a 14-gam e span. “A fter I m issed the last two gam es, 1 w asn’t even thinking about any honors or aw ards or a n y th in g ,” H o lm e s a d m itte d T hursday after receiving 20 1/2 votes from a nationw ide panel o f sports w riters and broadcasters w ho cover the league. “I really appreciate this. “B ut I ’m grateful to my offen­ sive line and coaches m ore than anything for w hat they did for me.” Globetrotters Pledge Support for PIL The Harlem G lobetrotters is pledging $ 1 of each ticket sold this month for their upcoming Feb 15 Portland appearance to the “Save Spring Sports" campaign, organized by the Portland Interscholastic League. “The Harlem Globetrotters em ­ bodies the concept o f athletic op­ portunity. So we want todo our part to make sure Portland area students continue to have the opportunity to learn, play and com pete," said Kelly Lovell, the G lobetrotters’ senior marketing director. “The H arlem G lobetrotters Portland Show typically attracts between 12,000 and 14,000 fans, so we see a big potential here to help save Spring Sports.” The Globetrotters show at noon in the Rose Garden on Feb. 15 is part ofthe team ’s 2002-2003 “Reclaim­ ing the G am e” North American Tour. Most tickets are $ 1 1-$22, plus applicable service charges. “The Harlem Globetrotters have been creating unforgettable experi­ ences through our mad skills, daz­ zling athleticism and quality family entertainment for generations," said Globetrotters Owner and Chairman Mannie Jackson. “This season's show wi 11 be even more exciting and a wonderful opportunity for fami­ lies and friends tocreate new, memo­ rable experiences together.” Groups should call 503-963-4400 for group discounts. ca ll 503.388.0033 o r e n ta il: adsCii port la u d o b se ivci.co m ; PHOTOBV j D avid P i . echl / T he P ortland O bserver Senior Center Ray Peterson goes up for a rebound late in the game against Mt. Zion Christian Academy at Saturday night's first Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational at Jefferson High. The Jefferson boys won the match 70 to 63. Mt. Zion was recently ranked in the top 10 nationally according to a USA Today poll Priest Holmes lbc Portland Observer Advertise in Refinance NOW! tí) Mortgage Payments 2.75%* A lw a y » A p p ro v e d M u r t ( R ( r K e rv ic e « . L I A ' Contact Y vette Roberts Territory M anager Office: 503-493-2828 Direct: ' 503-936-2470 Visit OurOffics: ( all for Details With Lower Payments, You ( an fay ott Bills, Start a Savings Plan or College Lund S040 NE Sandy Bl»d, Sts 100* Portland. OR 9721J AFFORDABLE « JJ LOCK & KEY & FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE * RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT?-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Two Locations: Portland 503-284-9582 Oregon City 503-656-2116 Serving Portland/M etro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) Kobe Bryant Breaks 3-Point Record