Page A8 ■Jîortlanô (Observer lanuary IS. 2003 All Faiths Can Unite in King’s Dream African American Jew reflects on the message of Dr. Martin Luther King B v M hhaki H i » son F or i he P ortland O bserver It was on a Sunday morning in 1968. I was 13-years-old and un­ aware that 1 was about to miss what would have been the most memo­ rable church service of my life. The Rev. Dr. Marti n Luther King Jr. was invited to speak and 1 missed that m orning's service. A few weeks later, hearing the broken voice of presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, I realized that I would never have the chance to personally meet Dr. King again. “Martin Luther King dedicated his life to love and to justice for his fellow human beings, and he died because of that effort,” Kenney said. I know that Dr. King’s message touched me and continues to touch me as an African American. In 1968, I was a United Methodist Christian and recognized Dr. King as a Chris­ tian leader. Approximately nine years ago, I converted to Judaism and have and G entiles, P rotestants and hope that ...we will become one mean Jews— this is G od's own ticipate in terrorism was an issue Catholics, will be able to jo in big fa m ily o f Americans. Not white truth.” never faced by Dr. King. Yet the hands and sing in the words o f the Americans, not Black Americans, However, I feel that Dr. King’s words o f his guidance still echoes old N egro spiritual, ‘Free at last! not Jewish or Gentile Americans, message is not just for Black Ameri­ in my mind: fre e a t last! Thank G od Almighty, not Irish or Italian Americans, not cans and Jews. It is a universal "I refuse to accept the v ie w . . . we are fre e at last! ’ ” Mexican Americans, not Puerto message. In a speech delivered in that the bright daybreak o f peace I know that the Hebrew Bible R ic a n A m e ric a n s, b u t j u s t March 1968 just days before he and brotherhood can never b e­ since developed a new perspec­ (Old Testam ent) speaks o f a day Americans. ,.l have a dream this was taken from us. Dr. King said: come a reality.” tive in many o f my views on life. I have recently asked m yself how 'We will be able to speed up that day when all o f God’s children, black Dr. K ing’s message touches me as a Jew. men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will While in my dormitory room at be able to join hands and sing in the words o f the old Negro spiritual, Pacific University in Forest Grove 'Free at last! free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!” as a Com munications Arts Major in the early 1970s, I thought o f the - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lim ited opportunities for Black Americans in the media. Since Dr. King’s time, there are better oppor­ morning that one day the lion and “First, we are challenged to Dr. K ing’s challenge to me to­ tunities for African Americans not the lamb will lie down together, develop a world perspective. No day as an African American o f the only in the media but also in the and every man will sit under his individual can live alone, no na­ Jewish faith is to continue to seek areas o f housing and employment. own vine and jig tree and none tion can live alone, and anyone peaceful solutions to the w orld’s Today, as I review Dr. K ing’s shall be afraid. ” who fe e ls that he cun live alone is crises and to not let the acts o f a few writings, it is clear to me that part of As a Jew, I am comforted by Dr. sleeping through a revolution. The evil persons to shade my view o f an his message involved an accep­ Michael Hudson K ing’s specific warning against world in which we live is geo­ entire religion. And most im por­ tance o f people o f all religions and anti-Semitism in his “Letter to an graphically one. T h i challenge tant, to be appreciative o f those backgrounds. when all humankind will be able to Anti-Zionist Friend” published in that we fa c e today is to make it one who fought before me to make the , In Dr. K ing’s m ost fam ous live as brothers and sisters. Micah 1967: in terms o f brotherhood. " world a better place and to never speech delivered on the steps of 5:4 proclaims, “Every person shall “You declare, my friend, that Dr. King did not live through the stop the fight to bring dignity, re­ the Lincoln memorial in 1963, he dwell under their vine and under you do not hate the Jews, you are challenges o f the new millennium. spect and equality to all people proclaimed: their ow n fig tree undisturbed.” I merely ‘anti-Zionist. ’ And I say, let Certainly, the challenge o f dealing regardless o f race, nationality, reli­ “When we let freedom ring . . . look forward to such an era. Dr. the truth ring fo rth fro m the high with the threat of terror and yet gion or economic status. we will he able to speed up that King clearly shared this view when mountain tops, let it echo through showing the proper amount o f com­ M ichael Hudson works as a hu­ day when all o f G od's children, he spoke these words in 1965: the valleys o f G o d ’s green earth: passion toward the vast majority man resources specialist fo r the black men and white men, Jews “One day, here in America, I When people criticize Zionism, they o f M uslims who would never par- Los Angeles public school system. Church of the Living God Christian workersforfellowship 6401 N.E. 10lh Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 Services Pastor and First Lady Rov G. M axie Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Worship Wed. Bible Study 9:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 7:00P.M. 7:00P.M. Ministerial Alliance MLK Service Sunday The Albina Ministerial Alliance The celebration will be held at Luis Palau will be one of the major worship service. will hold its Annual City-wide Mar­ M aranatha Church of God, located speakers. A host o f city, county For more inform ation, call Dr. tin Luther King Jr. Worship Service at 4222 N.E. 12th Ave. and state civic leaders and local LeRoy Haynes Jr., at Allen Temple at 6 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 19. The world-renowned evangelist church choirs will participate in the CMEChurch 503.287.0261. Martin Luther King Gospel Brunch Set SUNLAN & The Light Bulb Lady BEMYVALENTINEANDGIVE ME SUNSHINE 1 walk in to my house, turn on all the lights and still cannot make it bright enough to chase a way the winter blues. How come? THE RIGHTLIGHT TO CHASETHEWINTERBLUES “ Where there is no vision, The People perish. ” For more information please call (503) 284-5171 Everyone’s Welcome.... On S u n d ay , Jan . 19, M cM enam ins K ennedy School hosts a Gospel Brunch in honor of Martin Luther King Day in the school’s historic gymndSium. The public is invited to enjoy traditional breakfast favorites while listening to spirited gospel music from The Disciples in Song, a group that com bines soul-filled ballads with foot-stom pin’ contemporary tunes. Christor Lewis, the founder and Is a light that is very close to the light nature created Early man lived by light, sun up - go to work, Sundown-go to sleep. Today, we are expected to work before sunrise and after sunset we are home doing the fa m ily thing. We go fro m one dark cave to another. Our lights let us see what we are doing hut do not provide Sunlight Sulan has several sun like like lights in the play room to help Light up your life. M ore n ex t m onth... Sat 10 am -4pm • 503- 281-0453 3901 N. M ississippi A ve. MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE ** Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Commercial and Residencial Services Dean’s Beauty & Barber Shop Church Celebrates King Message J DOLLARS OFF C A R P E T C L E A N IN G ($25 each area) • 2 A reas o r m ore. Sm all Hall Free, Pre-Spray T raffic A reas • S ta irs ..........................$ 1.50 each Tuesdays through Thursdays Senior Citizens days are Tuesday A celebration and remembrance addressing it in this program,” said of the life and words of Dr. Martin Maura Fox, co-director for the per­ Luther King.Jr. will be held at the formance. Portland Baha’i Center in north T he ce le b ra tio n w ill beg in Portland at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, w ith “ L ift E v ery V o ice and Jan. 20. S in g ,” w h ich is k n o w n as the The program will be performed B lack N atio n al A n th em . T he by the Baha’i Children’s Workshop, w ords are by th e fam o u s b lack consisting of a dozen children from p o et, Jam es W eld o n Jo h n so n , the Portland m etro area. w hose w ife, R o sam o n d w rote “ R ace u n ity fo c u se s on the m usic. America’s most vital and challeng­ For more information, call 503- ing issue and that’s why we are 736-9388. 215 N.E. Hancock St., Portland, OR U P H O L S T E R Y C L E A N IN G " ] ■ Sofa (under 6 ft.) $69 Loveseat $49 1 Sectional $99 & up ■ T hrow pillow s $5 each | C ARPET COUPON I Cleaning Area Pre-Spray Traffic Area |