Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 15, 2003, Martin Luther King Jr. Edition, Page 7, Image 7

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    January IS. 2003
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Page A7
--------C hinook W in d s --------
C asino
T a lk Shew tlost Stars
in IJpcom ins F ilm
Mari Marrow and Martin Lawrence engage in some hankypanky
while the building Lawrence should be guarding is robbed in the
action-packed comedy ‘National Security' which opens nation­
wide on Friday, Jan. 1 7'h.
Saturday & Sunday
January 11 & 12
Tickets • $10
Ashanti laughs as she poses with her awards at the 30th
annual American Music Awards Monday in Los Angeles. The
singer won Favorite New Artist-Pop or Rock ‘n Roll Music and
Favorite New Artist-Hip-Hop/Rhythm & Blues Music. (AP Photo)
Mari Marrow plays opposite Martin
Lawrence in ‘National Security’
M ari M arro w p la y s M artin
L aw rence’s sexy girlfriend in C o ­
lum bia P ictures’ hilarious, action-
packed com edy N ational Security,
starring L aw rence and Steve Zahn,
opening nationw ide on Friday, Jan.
L aw rence plays Earl M ontgom ­
ery, a cocky L.A .P.D . cadet w ho
w ould probably be a g reat cop if he
w eren’t such a show -off. E arl’s re­
bellious attitude gets him throw n
out o f the police academ y and he
has to settle fo r a jo b as a low ly
security guard w ith “N ational Se­
A fter a run-in w ith an uptight
police officer. Hank Rafferty ( Zahn ),
Earl accuses him o f harassm ent.
H ank loses his badge, is throw n
into jail and eventually w inds up
w orking for N ational Security, as
D uring a u sually u n ev en tfu l
night on the jo b , Earl decides to kill
tim e by e n g a g in g in c o m ic a l
sex cap ad es w ith his g irlfrien d ,
played by M orrow . W hile the tw o
are utilizing a vacant office, the
business Earl should be securing is
being robbed right under his nose.
Just as things are getting steam y
between them, Earl notices thecrim i-
nal activity going on outside the
door and leaves her handcuffed to
a pipe, only to be found by the
police the follow ing day.
M ost recently know n to TV au ­
diences as one o f the hosts on the
popular BET tiilk show, ‘Oh D rama,’
M o rro w ’s first television ap p ear­
ance w as on the po p u lar syndi­
cated series B ayw atch. She went
on to secure a recurring role on
A B C ’s Fam ily M atters, and guest
spots on a num ber o f popular shows
including The Fresh Prince o f Bel-
A ir, The Jackie Thom as Show and
M .A .N .TJ.S.
M orrow has gone on to w ork
w ith som e o f the in d u stry 's most
talented actors including D enzel
W a sh in g to n in V irtu o sity and
M ekhi Pfeiffer in the A capulco Film
F estival w inner, ‘A n U ninvited
G uest.’
Plnocchlo puppetry
On W ednesday, Jan. 22 the M ississippi Pizza
Pub, located at 3552 N. M ississippi A ve., will open its
stage up to an evening o f perform ance art by the
new ly form ed ‘R asbliutto C o llectiv e.’ A dm ission is
$5 to $100 with all d o n atio n sg o in g tow ards a fund to
get an independent perform ance venue o ff the ground.
Go to Paris without leaving Portland
From Jan. 25 to M arch 23, the P ortland A rt M useum
will feature ‘Paris to Portland: Im pressionist and Post-
Im pressionist M asters in Portland C o llectio n s.’ The
show includes 165 w orks draw n from private collec­
tions in the P ortland area and has w ork by C ezanne,
R enoir, M onet, G auguin, P icasso and prints by
T oulouse-L autrec, am ongst others. S om e o f these
w orks have never before been seen in public. On
Sunday, Feb. 2 children and adults can com e to
‘Festival P arisian ’ to experience activities and en ter­
tainm ent inspired by the art collection. K ids can learn
im pressionist tissue painting.
Benefit to fund performance venue
C om e see flute-playing painters, singing dancers,
dancing architects and a great quantity o f ju st plain
old m usicians at a benefit show for the new ly form ed
and tentatively nam ed ‘R asbliutto C o llectiv e.’ The
idea is to start an independent perform ance venue for
perform ance artists in
the area. A b o u t 15
m em bers o f the avant-
garde collective will
play w ith S m eg m a,
S u p e r U n ity , L in d a
Austin and Das Y allow
Sw ans at D isjecta on
Friday, Jan. 17 at 9 p.m.
A dm ission is a d on a­
tion o f $5 to $100 and
D isjecta is located at
116N.E. Russell.
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
January 17,18 & 19
Tickets • $15 to $25
800-992-TIXX • 888-MAIN ACT • 996-5825
TKannce fa ctio n ,
fr i
February 15,2003
•î :
IFCC Kwanza
celebration show
O ver 20 local African
A m erican artists are
exhibiting textiles, paint­
ings, prints, draw ings,
p h o to g ra p h s, m ixed
media works and sculp­
tures to reflect on one
or more o f the seven
principles o f Kwanza.
The IFCC is located at
5340 N. Interstate Ave.
Gallery hours are Tues-
day through Friday 11
a.m. to 6 p.m. and Satur­
days from noon to4 p.m.
through January. For
more information, call
bum an d fav o rite h ip-hop/R & B
album .
T he ra p p er, rec o g n iz e d fo r his
album “T h e E m inem S how ," d e s­
ig n a te d h is “ 8 M ile ” c o -s ta r
M ekhi P h ifer to ac c e p t the hip-
h o p p rize on h is behalf.
O th e r s a b s e n t w h e n th e ir
n am es w ere c a lle d at M onday
n ig h t’s A m erican M u sic A w ards
w ere the b an d s C re e d an d the
Dixie C hicks, w ho w on tw o awards
ap iece.
Ti nt M cG raw , w ho sang a “Tiny
D an cer” d u e t w ith E lto n John at
the start o f the n a tio n a lly te le ­
v ised sh o w , left fo r N a sh v ille
b e fo re w in n in g fa v o rite m ale
c o u n try artist, and M ary J. B lige
- a n o th e r a b sen tee - w as nam ed
fav o rite fem ale h ip -h o p a rtist.
Night of solo and
collaborative acts
The Interstate F irehouse C ultural
C enter and O ther H and Productions will
show four m atinee perform ances o f Pinocchio, the
classical story o f a young p u p p et’s m isadventures.
The show includes five original songs scored for
piano, violin and accordion. A udience participation
is included in this production. T he IFC C thinks this
puppet show is ideal opportunity for grandparents to
spend tim e with their grandchildren w ho are aged pre­
school to third grade. M atinees begin at 9:45 a.m . on
W ednesdays, Jan. 15 and Jan. 22, and T hursdays,
Jan. 16 and Jan. 23. T he IFCC is located at 5340 N.
Interstate Ave. T ickets ate $5 and can be ordered by
(A P ) — T he b ig g e st w in n ers
tu rn e d o u t to be m issin g in a c ­
tio n at th e 3 0 th an n u al A m e ri­
c an M u sic A w ard s, in clu d in g
E m inem , w inner o f a leading four
A m erican M u sic A w ard s.
R & B s e n s a tio n A sh a n ti -
w h o d id a tten d th e ev en t - w on
tw o h onors fo r fav o rite new hip-
h o p /R & B a rtist an d new pop
“ D e fin itely g o t to say, thank
G o d fo r g iv in g m e the stren g th
to do th is ,” said A sh an ti, best
k n o w n fo r th e sin g les “ F o o l­
ish ” an d “H a p p y .”
She en te re d th e co m p etitio n
w ith a leading five nom inations,
b ased on reco rd sales and a su r­
v ey o f a b o u t 2 0 ,0 0 0 listen ers.
G o in g in to the ev en in g A sh an ti
led w ith listen er support in som e
o f the c a te g o rie s E m in em w on,
in clu d in g fa v o rite p o p /ro ck al-
12 noon - Rose Garden Arena
$1 from each ticket sold through January 31,2003
will be donated to the Portland Interscholastic League
campaign to save spring sports.
5.5 Jam Squad
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Four tickets per coupon. Cannot be combined with other offers. Not good on
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Magic Circle or VIP seats Offer good while supplies last.
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