Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 15, 2003, Martin Luther King Jr. Edition, Page 6, Image 6

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lanuaiy 15.2003
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_ = = RJB EXPRESS = -
(K J R M E R L Y C H U C K H IN T O N ’S)
Catering & Take-Out
O ur S pecialty :
R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q
• Sandwiches • Salads
• Chicken • Pork Ribs
• Beef Ribs
P hoto by M ark W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver
A parcel o f land that once housed the Brothers Free
motorcycle shop on Alberta Avenue sits cleared and
ready for development.
_____________________ _________
A design plan shows a proposed two-story building on the corner o f
Northeast Alberta and 2 3° Avenue Owner Steve Gemmel envisions three
retail spaces on the first floor and five more on the top story.
Retail Sought on Brothers Free Site
M on.-Thurs. I larn-9pm
Fri.-Sat. 11 am-10pm
Sun. 1 lam -8pm
Developer plans new stores and restaurant on block burned by arson
Fish Sandwich - $8°°
Fish Dinner - $100Q
* * * N ew L ocation * * *
5410 N.E. 33 rd
B y L ee P erlman
T he P ortland O bserver
Steve G em m el wants to build a
tw o-story m ixed use building on
the southw est c o m er o f N ortheast
A lberta Street and 23rd A venue.
H e feels it w ill be an im prove­
m ent for the area., a site that previ­
ously housed the B rothers Free
Please join Port of Portland Executive Director Bill Wyatt at an informal
gathering to give your input regarding Port activities. The forum will include
a brief overview of the Port’s draft strategic plan followed by a question
and answer session. Copies of the Port's strategic plan can be found at
www.portofportland.com. If you prefer to receive a hard copy, please
call 503.944.7056. Refreshments will be provided.
B ill Wyatt. Executive Director
Thursday, January 23, 2003 • 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
McMenamins Kennedy School
5736 NE 33rd Avenue, Portland
f t
Racial & Ethnic Approaches to Community Health
A program of the African American Health Coalition, Inc.
Sponsored by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Wellness W ithin REACH: M ind, Body, and Soul
Activity Calendar
Mall Dishman
S at
Old School
African Dance
II :00am-12 00pm
Jan 11,2003)
Salvation Army
5325 N William.
Water Aerobics
Water Aerobics
2:00 - 3:00pm
N ahn's
3535 NE 15th.
Body londibooiny
7:30-830 pro
1 Class beyms
Jan. 11.2003)
P a n a d a Pari.
Walkmy Gronp
6:00-7:00 pm
9:00- 10:00am
(Class begins
Jan. 152003)
Jan. 18,2003)
Walking Groap
1230 pm
Malory A tok
Christian Chnrth
126 NE Alberta
630 7:30pm
503-413-1850 Please receive approval from your doctor before beginning exercise class.
All classes are free of charge!
African American Health Coalition, Inc.
2800 N Vancouver Ave., Suite 100 • Portland, OR 97227 • Phone: 503-413-1850
E-mail kdempsey@aahc-portland.org • Web: www aahc-portland.org
m otorcycle repair shop. In past retail units. Each floor will be 20 feet o ld e r b u ild in g s, b u t has n ev er
years, neighbors com plained about high.
started a building project from
loud noise and unruly behavior in
G em m el says he has no tenants scratch.
the area. The m otorcycle shop was lined up, but hopes to recruit so m e­
“ I ’ve alw ays dream ed o f build­
destroyed in an arson fire in 1999. one from the local com m unity. He ing som ething from the ground up,”
The structure G em m el envisions hopes to begin construction by he said.
w ould have three retail spaces o f March.
G em m el said the reaction from
3,000,1,400 and 1,300 square feet,
G e m m e l, w h o m o v e d to the C oncordia A ssociation w as for
w ith th e la rg e s t s p a c e a llo c a te d C oncordia from Irvington in 1999, the m ost part favorable.
fo r a r e s ta u r a n t, h e to ld th e said he acquired the building site
N e ig h b o r h o o d a s s o c i a t i o n
C o n c o rd ia N e ig h b o rh o o d A s ­ by being in the right place at the C h a ir N a n c y H e n d r ic k s to ld
s o c ia tio n la s t w e e k . T h e to p right time.
G e m m e l , “ W e lc o m e to th e
flo o r w ould be divided into five
He has w orked at rem odeling n e ig h b o r h o o d .”
Small College Stung by
Racial Bias Complaints
Uproar brings resignations from three faculty members
( A P )— R ecent accusations that
black students and faculty m em ­
bers have been stung by discrim i­
nation at tiny N orthw est C hristian
C ollege n ear E ugene have led to
troubling tim es at the cam pus.
T hree faculty m em bers recently
resigned after the dean o f the edu­
cation program w as fired for speak­
ing out about allegations o f racial
bias in financial aid and student
All w ere strong advocates for
m inority students, and all believe
that w as a factor in the dean ’s dis­
missal, som ething the college presi­
dent says isn ’t true.
Several black students also say
they w ere treated unfairly at the
school, w here m inorities m ake up
about 1 0 p ercentofthe500-student
Reactiononthe 107-year-oldcam-
pus has been mixed; some students
are outraged that anyone would make
the accusations, w hile others say
they’ve experienced different treat­
ment because o f their race.
Still others believe that if dis­
crimination occurred, it was entirely
“I have never felt like I’ve ever
been racist,” said Kim Pierce, a
fourth-year student. “I’m not like
that. For som eone to say that about
this college is offensive to m e.”
B lack students have a different
take on it, although they acknow l­
edge that for the most part N CC has
been an accommodating place. In Burke-
Griffeth Hall, where several students
were shooting pool, they said they’ve
they have sensed a difference in their
‘Every black person that’s gone here has dealt with
something. It’s not a bad place, but you find racism
everywhere,’ - N o rth w est C h ristian C o lleg e stu ­
d en t S h erw ood D ixson.
“Every black person th at’s gone
here has dealt w ith som ething,”
said Sherw ood D ixson. " I t’s not a
bad place, but you find racism e v ­
eryw here.”
O vert racism has occurred, som e
say. One o f the professors w ho
resigned was C loe V eney, the only
black professor in the sch o o l’s h is­
tory and its diversity coordinator.
She said she once found the w ords
“M artin Luther C oon” w ritten on a
blackboard w hen herclass returned
from a service honoring M artin
L uther King Jr.
NCC defenders say such incidents
were isolated, occurred years ago and
were resolved to everyone's satisfac­
tion. But some o f them seem to have
taken on a new life in light o f the recent
O ne is an incident involving a
“servant auction,” a fund-raising
ev e n t put on by stu d e n ts last
spring. A fter the resignations, it
Kids Gear Up for
Higher Education
PSU hosts students for MLK activities
Portland State U niversity has
scheduled tw o im portant events to
highlight the teachings o f M artin
Luther King Jr. and com m em orate
the holiday as a nationally-recog­
nized D ay o f Service.
On Friday, Jan. 16, the university
will host 150 middle and high school
age students on cam pus to fam iliar­
ize them with higher education and
M artin L uther K ing, Jr .’s m essage
o f social ju stice and equality.
Kevin K ecskes, P S U ’s director
for com m unity based learning, said
the goal is to dem ystify higher edu­
cation for potential students unfa­
m iliar with the process o f applica­
tion and studies.
Sen. Margaret C arter will address
the students on K in g 's dream s and
w as described as having originally
been advertised as a slave auction.
R obyn B oehm , the student w ho
helped organize the event, said
th a t’s not the case. It w as never
advertised as anything but a ser-
PSU President D aniel B em stine
said he is excited to spread K in g 's
m essage.
“H opefully these activities w ill
help keep the story o f K ing alive,”
he said.
On M onday, Jan. 20, PSU stu ­
dents, faculty and adm inistrators
will participate in o ff cam pus ser­
vice projects at the O regon Food
Bank, Friends o f T rees, the C om ­
munity Energy Project, and T ransi­
tions Projects.
Before those events begin, a break­
fast gathering at PSU will invite partici­
pants to discuss King's principals of
social justice and service.
For more information about PSU
and the M artin Luther King Jr. D ays
o f Service, visit w w w .oaa.pdx.edu/
vant auction, a lighthearted event
in w hich students offered four hours
o f th eir tim e to the highest bidder,
som e o f w hom w ere black students,
she said.
F o r longtim e supporters o f the
college, the allegations o f discrim i­
nation seem outrageous. Bill W hite,
a local pastor, w ent to N C C and so
did his father and a daughter. S ev­
eral children in his congregation
also attend the college.
“I’ve been involved w ith N CC
through the years, and the w hole
purpose o f the school goes co m ­
pletely counter to racism ,” he said.
“I know it not to be true. It m akes me
angry, because I know for a fact
how w rong it is.”
T he school, associated w ith the
D isciples o f C hrist church, offers
program s in C hristian m inistries,
business, com m unication, psychol­
ogy, m usic, teacher education and
school counseling.
(A P )— A battalion o f M arine
reservists in north P ortland has
been called to active duty as the
m ilitary prepares for a possible
w ar against Iraq.
The 230 reservists from the
Sw an Island-based 6th E ngineer
S upport Battalion w ill report to
the N avy-M arine C orps Reserve
C enter during the next few days
for pre-m obilization paperw ork,
then will be shipped to C am p
Pendleton, the M arine base in
O ceanside, Calif.
“A ll w e know is w e 'll depart
for C am p Pendleton and aw ait
furtherorders,” said Lt. Col. Mike
B arnes, spokesm an fo r the b at­