M a r t i n L u t h e r K in g .J r . 2 0 0 3 s p e c ia l e d itio n January 15,2001 Page B 19 Center To Promote King Legacy Advertise with diversity in £*** “jp ortianb (Ohserurr call 503.288.0033 or email: adsportland observer.çom H a r t in L u th e r King «>r. Ramambarlng the Oraa m C .A .S .E . The Rev. M artin Luther King Jr. speaks to the media on May 20. 1956, about his arrest for leading the Montgomery bus boycott. (APphoto) G ^aono ¿Wer>w» « and Eflurty m Artatrtnad T «ch rd iH jv Whc ar« Portland Comntunfty C om #< h > C A S C atudanta? W» omaa Dr. M artin Lather King Jr. 's legacy is advanced at Atlanta's King .Center, which was opened in 1 9 6 8 by Coretta Scott King and is '.now run by the National Park Service. KO3 Wkrt». T a i* CIS 100 OthaduJa h M * Ganau« C*k «MM I 1 C w a* aa» Km t «! «m aaa Denny’s restaurants plan to raise $1 million this year for The King Center in Atlanta, a national treasure advancing the ideals «ai ar.-u n W» w ant tn M k ■of the civil rights leader. CRN IM M aa«»» •»« »4.».- «Will« » (Ì.W1 ‘•î> Mw«. «nti you* C U un indayi The corporation will donate 20centsfrom the saleofeach All- Am erican Slam entrée as part of the “Re-ignite the Dream ” campaign to The King Center, which was established in 1968 by rs. C’ Coretta Scott King. “The campaign focuses on promoting community service and is acrucial step towards fulfilling The King Center’s mission of buildingthe BelovedCommunitythatDr. King envisioned,” said The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. collapses after praying in Montgomery over bus-integration violence. Jan. 1 5 ,1 9 5 7 . (APphoto) Rachelle Hood Phillips, Denny’schiefdiversity officer. "Many o f us do not know Dr. King’s teachings on serving one another,’’Phillips said. “Itis our hope to rekindle his thinking and his words in the minds o f the American people so that we make Eat at “SM ALL WORLD CAFE" Inside o f BIG CITY PRODUCE serving one another, serving our neighborhoods and communi­ Oficn 7 da tfi it ivedeff f ties a way o f life. We hope this campaign will re-ignite these Sf }(air Caro Center For your everchartging lifestyle W igs B raiding H air W e av in g H a ir M e n ’s, W o m e n s &. C h ild re n ’s H a ir P roducts B arber &. B eau tician Supply Jew elry values among the American people.” The King Center will use the grant to build operational We are continuing the Dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s capacity in order to introduce next-generation programs that advance Dr. King’score philosophies and legacy. ; “ I want people to know that M artin lived a life dedicated to » serving God and his fellow human beings. In hisown words, he said that he wanted to be remembered as one who gave his life 722 N S U M N E R loving and serving humanity,” said Mrs. Coretta Scott King. Anyone can log on to www.thekingcenter.org or cal 1866-4- A-Dream and find acommunity service opportunity by zip code in theirown communities. 503-460-3830 C A F E — B u lk Food, O rga nic Produce, M ilk , Eggs a nd Greens & Best ethnocentric selection as a lw a y s !!! CANNONS service a way o f life— not just on the King holiday, but every day,” Mrs. King added. = R IB EXPRESS^ Salutes Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. continued A , from BI6 5 0 3 *3 3 5 *0 3 0 0 RENT YOUR NEXT FROM THE HOME LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS With option to own This Coupon Good For $ 1 0 O ff M o n th Z1 Have a Dream We Deliver! I Celebrates the dream WASHER & DRYER com m unities and nation by serving one another and making PIZZA A G O GO 707 N E Frem ont Portland, O R 972 12 (503)281-6525 NEW— ENLARGEDSTOREM “At The King Center, we encourage people to serve their and sing in the words of the old places will be made straight, and Negro spiritual, “Free at last! free at the glory of the Lord shall be re­ last! thank God Almighty, we are vealed, and all flesh shall see it free at last!” together. This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jan­ gling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brother­ A go going to North Portland, hood. With this faith we will be able Swan Island, The Pearl, NW, to work together, to pray together, and Downtown... to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom When you want it HOT -i You gotta have it NOW! together, knowing that we will be free one day. This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, ‘My country, ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the p ilg rim ’s pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring.' And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. . And when this happens. When In Support of Civil we allow freedom to ring, when we Rights we join the let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and celebration of MLK Jr. every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's chil­ dren, black men and white men. 324 0 N. Williams Ave Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and @ Cook street Catholics, will be able tojoin hands President: Rhonda Cabine-Purifoy Chicken ♦ Pork Ribs ♦ Beef Ribs Catering & Take-Out Our Specialty: Real Hickory Smoked Baf-B-Q W ayne & Juanita Cannon (Proprietors) Sun Tue 11:00am 8:00pm ♦ Wed-Thu ll:00am -9:00pm ♦ FrISat 11:00pm 10:00pm 5410N.E33rd $50 Per For The Sei DELIVERY AND INSTALLION FEE rental Co. washer (503) 2 3 1 -7 4 1 3 WE SALUTE MARTIN LUTHER KING 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -3 8 3 6 MOBILE 0PTÌC fs p V tfe c tU M l Barber-Beauty Salon www.genevas.net N A T IO N A L L Y R E C O G N IZ E D Business Award o f Excellence Best o f Portland ( W illam ette Week) (( LIMITED TIME OFFER E ye E xam $ 3 9 00 Eye G la sse s $ 5 9 ^ (som e restrictions apply) We do a££ types of haiid Hair, Nail, Pedicure. Shoe Shine Hours: 9-6 M on-Fri; 8-6 Sat; 1 0 :3 0 -3 Sun (503)285-1159 5601 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Portland OR. 97211 e-mails: paulsr@ genevas.net M obile O ptic « 4 2 NE M.L.K. Ir Blvd 503-280-2020