Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 15, 2003, Martin Luther King Jr. Edition, Page 29, Image 29

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January IS, 200?
a r t in
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2 0 0 3 s p e c ia l e d itio n .
Page B I7
As the only full-service hank based in North and Northeast
Portland, Alhina C om m unity Bank is here to stim ulate
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self-sufficiency and expanded o p p o rtu n ity in our
Martin Luther King Jr. meets President Johnson during a press conference.
Three White Presidents and One Black Man
would call the white house and talk to John or Bobby
Kennedy, apprising them of M LK ’s difficulties.
Also struck by Dr. K ing's gentle manners and
The W hite House generally show ed all the
notK iolent Gandhian approach, the K ennedy’s
support it could. In fact, m any believe it was
opened upa friendly working relationship with MLK.
K ennedy’s close relationship w ith K ing and his
By 1963 dem ands forequality and rioting increased.
support of the A frican-A m erican cause that may
On Aug 28 nearly a quarter o f a million people
have cost him his life.
marched on W ashington D.C., demanding equal
President Lyndon Johnson was also responsible
rights for African Americans.
for additional civil rights laws such as a Voting Rights
President Kennedy helped push
Law in 1965 that was designed to
through the Civil Rights Act of
ensure the voting rights o f African
Many believe it
1964, banning discrimination on
Americans and the Civil Rights Act
was Kennedy’s close
the basis of color, race, national
of 1968 that was designed to stop
origin, religion or sex. The act,
relationship with King racial discrimination in housing,
w hich protected the rights o f
allowing any American to live
and his support o f the where they wanted to.
blacks and other minorities, is still
today one o f the nation's stron­ African American
Although Dr. King helped make
gest civil rights laws. Kennedy,
enormous gains in terms of civil
cause that may have
who proposed the act in 1963, was
rights for minorities, he would not
cost him his life.
assassinated before it passed.
live long enough to see the fruit his
However, Vice President Lyndon
efforts would bare. On April 4,1968
Johnson was sworn in as the next
Martin Luther King was assassi-
President and continued to support it, passing the
law early in his term.
His political life had found him at odds and then
Throughout his short life, JFK became very com ­
on more friendly terms with three different presi­
mitted to equality, an act that brought him the vast
dents. Though he is gone, his ideals and morals are
majority o f black votes. During his brief term in office
still among us. The legacy Dr. King left will be with
Kennedy often worked behind the scenes helping
America for centuries to come. W ithout the persever­
King with his imprisonments and other roadblocks
ance o f this one leader, several o f our nation's
that kept him from achieving his goal of racial equal­
presidents may have been able to skirt past the issues
ity. Sometimes when things got rough Coretta King
of discrimination, segregation, and racial equality.
vibrant neighborhoods.
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