Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 15, 2003, Martin Luther King Jr. Edition, Page 25, Image 25

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2003 s p e c ia l e d ilio n .
Gerald M. Chase ~ Richard L. Weil
B illy R eev L s
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Attorneys at Law
' 722 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 240
- . Portland. OR 97204
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"Injustice anywhere is a threat to
justice everywhere."
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-- Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
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all “ days
Dr. Martin Luther King Legacy Continues.
photo by
M ark W a . shin <; ton / T he P ortland O bserver
Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard today is a northeast Portland thoroughfare experiencing a
renaissance of vitality, drawing people to new businesses like Billy Reed's Restaurant and Bar.
'Greater Good7 Cited
in Name Change
If the street was nam ed after (form er G over­
nor) Tom M cCall, nobody would say anything
about it," said Robert Phillips, the N AACP
Portland chapter president at the time.
“W hat’s going on is this: A lot o f folks out
there are genuinely upset about the way the City
Council cram m ed the earlier nam e change from
Union Avenue to M artin Luther King Jr. Bou­
De I-a Salle North Catholic High School
7654 North Delaware Avenue
Portland, OR 97217
(503) 285-9385
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In other words, despite all the com m otion, the
m easure never got voted on.
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C-TRAN is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse
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levard, dow n their throats,” wrote then-O rego-
nian colum nist Phil Stanford.
Huss and Baxter lost again when Leonard
and Skanner publisher Bernie Foster, leaders in
the cam paign to change the street nam e to
M artin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, challenged
the action in court and got it rem oved from the
from BI J
fo r a growing
Our lives begin
to end the day
we become silent
about the things
that matter.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
In honor of
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Let us all take the tim e this day
to rededicate ourselves
to the fulfillment of his dream!
2151 N.W. Front Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97209
(503) 299-4539 • (888) 900-8559
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Federal Credit Union
Helping members get more out of life!
Representative Deborah Kafoury
Representative Jackie DingJelder