Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 15, 2003, Martin Luther King Jr. Edition, Page 21, Image 21

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January IS, 2001
a r t in
L uther K
2 0 0 3 s p e c ia l
Martin Luther King Jr.
Knowledge Poll
in g
Page B9
e d itio n
/V lU e v tr x S t r e e t
from H4
915 NE Alberta
Portland, Oregon 97211
Alberta Street Market
Martin Luther King Jr.
The Black United Fund of Oregon, Inc.
Is proud to join The Portland Observer
in honoring the life and legacy of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
His dream lives on in all of us.
For more information on how you can support the
Black United Fund of Oregon, please contact us
2828 NE Alberta St.
Portland, OR 97211
‘He was a civil rights leader and was assassinated for standing up against racism. He was a
person who sought out non-violent solutions to conflict. He opposed Malcom X. '
-Terry Coughran
The Next Stage*
Instruction #9
"The most polite and gentlemanly treatment
of all customers, however insignificant
authority of
1 The
agents .
A u tho rity of ea B i p r « «
Agent of thia
Company 1» defined • • fo"u'” To
*” 4 " T f
(or Money, Valuable». and Merchandtre to be (wwatdcd ;
to receive Notes. Drafts, etc., for colleetiou, sod to receive
money to procure Bill, of Kachenge ur V « * * * ^ »
Deposit. Slid for the pureh.se of Good. Ao * i
not Authorised to draw atty C b « k or «111 o f l x
c h u t» , to re c « ’ . on D opo.it u y Money or Valuable,
nor to undertske u y traaaictton In the Company«
n u n . t b it d o ., not lo g iu m ito ly p o rt» « to the Bs
pree. end Torw nrding Bnelnee«.
J Agent, end em ploy., .re po.it.vel) prohibited
from accenting or undertaking lo .« c u t e in the name of
the CompJhy. end e> . pert of « • bu,mere and i f n .k .
u y order whafattever for the p urcb «. or « l e « crotodv
of Mining or other Stock», uidere specially .ulhonred in
«•riling.- P ereon .d c.irin gtotr.nsu t such bu.mM. ce«
communicate directly with any Well«. F « g o A C o .
Bank waling their enclosures which must be way billed
at their declared value.
J No agent or employ« i . permitted, but. ou the eou-
trery »11 «re positively probil-ileil from contracting ««J
debt», making or accepting drafts, making not«, due-
bills, « other money obligations or .ccoiinu in the name
of or for account of the Company except by special
t g u t a are not allowed to purchase supplies on
Company's account nntil authority has hneu asked and
Any service, other than the authorized businewof
the Company, nroat be declined, and the Company mu»t
not be need for ifueriionnhle pnrpoaes.
B tte tn o m ConfM ««ntli»l.
« The business of the Company, and the ttatiaaction.»
„f ,t, customer, must he .trietly couftikuti.l anil hooka.
Inti., etc ere not opan for public Inspection
7. Information concerning the amount of money re-
r in relation to any matter ol busi-
their business, is insisted upon.
8' The personal conduct and deportment of employ«»
must he auch as to reflect no ducredit on themselves or
the Company, and in their horinees intercourse with each
ley must not indulge in unbecoming language
jir mort polite and gentlemanly treatment of all
Ere. however ma.guific.ut their husiue«, is insiste,!
upon Proper respect mint he .howu to all let them be
men w » » m or children, rich oc poor, white or black - i t
must not I* forgotten that the Contpanv .« dependent on
th e« same people for it . business
10. Misconduct on the pert of au emploi« coming
un.ler the notice of another, must he reported to the
General or Diviakm Superintendent Bottle Agent or
, , .
11. An emploi« who may Income cognisant of default
Proper respect must be shown to all -
let them be men, women or children,
rich or poor, white or black."
Wells, Fargo & Co's Express Instruction Book of 1888
in duty by another employ«, and teil» to report « m e to
ihe Superintendent at Me Divirion, becomes equally ceil-
, urehle with the defaulter and when known will he dealt
with accordingly.
11. Clerks, drivers. or other employ«» are subject to
the agent at the office where employ ed, or where their
duties require them to he.
18 For good cause. agent, may suepend employ«»
from duty, reporting the facta lo the General or Divlekm
« ...
14. Mnwenice™ mu»l not be «eut off their regular
route, hy »genfa. eackpt for good renron.. which must be
reported to the Ihvmion Superintendent
15. While n»e*aenger> are »beent from car* or wache«,
for meal», etc., at a station, the agent imwt remain with
the car or coach, or aubatitute a writable pm*”’
16. Emplovéa excltwively engaged in the Ctnupany a
business will'not «bwnt therawlve. » about pe.m.wlon
from the Superintendent of their Division, or from the
Agent of the Office where they mey 1st eugaged
IT. When defamed from huit ne»« by «cknr is or other
cause, employ«» must ioform Superintendent or Office
where employed, at once, giving reasons for their ate
” 1». All employé» whore duties reiynre them to huitdla
____ _ ", yaLiable'*, and other* when deemed advi-a «le,
Since the beginning, Wells Fargo has always shared the dream of helping customers reach their next stage of success.
We honor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
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