M a r t in E i ther K in g .J r . 2 0 03 s p e c i a l e d i t i o n . Page B8 January IS, 20(B Martín Luther King Jr. Knowledge Poll What do you know about this great leader photos B i M ark W ashim ; to \ / T hk P orteas » O bserver B y R on W eber T he P ortland O bserver The Portland Observer reached out into the community to ask people o f all nationalities what they specifically knew about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The answers rangedfrom some who didn 't even know who King was to others who knew him well. The following are some o f the responses to our Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Knowledge Poll: He was a great man and stood up for all mankind. He felt we should not have to die for expressing our opinions. He was non-violent the way God wants us to be.’ -Thomas Edward Mullen ‘He represented equality and fought for civil rights.' - Ron Wesley He stood up for the rights o f people in a non-violent way. -DonnaHayes ‘He was a pro­ activist for civil rights and was killed by people who did not believe in what he stood for.' —Melinda Durbin ‘The guy had guts enough to stand up for what is right at a great personal risk. He cared enough to state his opinions and demand change. He was not afraid to say racism is wrong.' -Tammy Lucky Kuettel THO PORT OF PORTLAND HONORS DR. MARTIN LUTHOR RING. JR. 7 have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodlCS, J. g education and culture for their minds. and dignity, equality and freedom fo r their spirits ” t We celebrate cur cultural history -I)r. Martin Luther King, p: in recognition o$ Dr. King's struggle t>cr civil rights fjor all people. k T Providence | Health System A caring difference you can feel The Port is an equal opportunity employer, committed to affirmative action. For more information about employment opportunities with the Port, call the 24-hour Job Hotline at 503.944.7480 or visit the Port’s Web site at www.portofportland.com. www.providence.org/oregon Providence Portland Medical Center • Providence St. Vincent Medical Center Providence Milwaukie Hospital • Providence Newberg Hospital © Providence Hood River Memorial Hospital • Providence Seaside Hospital Providence Medford Medical Center • Providence Health Plans A I PORT OF PORTLAND WE H E L P O R E G O N BE O R E G O N 5“