Committed to Cultural Diversity Adopt a Pet www.portlandobserver.tom I'anuary 15. 2003 Driving Kids To Success T he O regon H um an e S o ciety is ex ten d in g its o u tre a c h effo rts to area pet sto res th is m onth. T o h elp the H um an e S o ciety b rin g hom eless p e ts into the com m unity, call 503-285-7722, ex ten sio n 204. Body Symptom Clinic T h e N o rth e a s t M u ltic u ltu ra l S e n io r C e n te r is p re se n tin g a free clin ic w ith d o c to rs A m y an d A m y M indell th a t w ill d is ­ c u ss issues o f illn ess, p ain and v ary in g phy sical a b ilities. The d o c to rs w ill e n c o u ra g e p a rtic i­ p an ts to share th e iro w n ex p eri­ e n ces to find in sig h t and create com m unity wel lness. T he event w ill be held F riday, Jan. 17 from 7 p.m . to 8 :3 0 p .m . TriMet bus driver A. K Rucker takes tim e to invest in kids while m aking his stops. “ You have to stay with them for the long term, ” he says. Weatherization Workshop C om e and learn how to save en­ ergy through material installation behavioral changes and sim ple m aintenance around yo u r home Both hom eow ners and renters are w elcom e to a w orkshop at the C om m unity Energy Project, 422 N.E. A lberta St., on Saturday, Jan 18 from 10a.m. to 12 p.m. Qualified participants receive free kit o f m aterials worth S150. T o register, call 503-284-6827. Silver Jubilee C o m e c e le b ra te 25 y e a rs o f N e ig h b o rh o o d M ed iatio n ser v ices and g iv e sp ecial recogni tio n to O ffice o f N eig h b o rh o o d In v o lv em en t e m p lo y ee E ddie C o llin s fo r h is 25 y e a rs o f ser v ice. T h e re w ill b e refresh m en ts, a ce le b ra tio n pro g ram m u sic an d sp ecial g u ests. V isi tors can also ch eck o u t th e new an d im p ro v e d K in g F a c ility d u rin g this ev en t, sch ed u led fo r T h u rsd ay , Jan. 23 from 5:30 p.m . to 8 p.m ., in the C om m unity Court R oom at 4815 N .E. 7Ih A ve photos by D avid P lechl /T he P ortland by D avid P lechl T he P ortland O bserver A.K. R ucker cam e from a large fam ily, so large in fact that his father em ployed an unlikely brand o f discipline. “A nyone that w as tw o years older than you w as responsible for your behavior,” he said. “ If you got in trouble, they w ere p u n ­ ished too.” W hat R ucker and his siblings found out w as that w hen y ou have to take care o f so m eo n eelse you becom e m ore responsi ble for yourself. It’s a form ula he has used as a coach and a co u n selo r to kids. A s a bus d river for T riM et, he found an em ployer and partn er in the business o f turning kids around. His No. 75 bus has becom e som ething o f a base o f operations. As R ucker com es to a stop at Interstate and Lom bard, he opens the d o o r to find a young man standing alone. H e’s looking for another bus, but R ucker recognizes him. “ Y ou gone back to school y e t? ” R ucker asks the young man. "Y es sir I h av e,” he answ ers Conference on Black Affairs O regon A ssem bly for B lack A f­ fairs w ill host the 2003 C all-T o Action LeadershipC onference to discuss legislative and executive priorities o f O reg o n ’s A frican A m erican com m unity and the S tatcofO regon. O rganizers hope to p repare a 2003 leg islativ e agenda w ith strategies for im ple­ m entation. The conference will be held Saturday, Janu ary 25 at the Red Lion Hotel, in Salem from 8a.m. to6p.m . Registration is$50. The student fee is $25. Chinese New Year Banquet The C hinese N ew Y ear C ultural F air is a co m m u n ity e v e n t to w elco m e the Y ear o f th e S h eep w ith a b an q u et an d a tra d itio n a l d rag o n dance. T h e a n n u al c e l­ ebration will be held at the Legin R estau ran t, 8001 S.E . D iv isio n on S atu rd ay , Feb. 1, fro m 11 a m. to 6 p.m . and S u n d ay , Feb. 2, from 10 a.m . to 5 p.m . 1 football gam es. The added support w as a re lie f to parents trying to keep tabs on the lives o f their children. “W e figured the only w ay to keep them o f f the streets w as to get them on the bus,” R ucker said. R ucker said First Step has curbed vandal­ ism and graffiti in and around the buses because kids see them selves as a part o f a com m unity they can care about. “W e d o n ’t save them all,” he said. “But the ones we do have an im pact on, m akes a Riders Brace for Change Aslan Health Fair On Saturday, Jan. 23 com e from 10 a.m . to 5 p.m . to the Asian Fam ily C enter, located at 4424 N .E. G lisan St., for free health screening services by profession­ als. A ch iro p ra c to r, m assag e therapist, podiatristand acupunc­ turist am ongst other health care professionals w ill be on hand to give diabetes screening, blood pressure, heart rate and choles­ terol checks, feet checks, and in­ form ation on drug, alcohol and to b acco p rev en tio n , do m estic violence prevention, breast an cervical cancer awareness. Some­ one w ill also check for head lice. “ Y o u ’ve got to invest in k ids,” R ucker says. “Y ou have to stay w ith them for the lo n g term .” W ith the help o f T riM et, R ucker estab­ lished the First Step program during his time off. It gives high school age kids a helping hand as they m ade the transition into ‘the real w o rld .’ T riM et has hired the kids to clean up bus stops and shelters. T hey earn m inim um w age and m anage each other in a w orkplace environm ent. T ri M et loaned him a bus so he could drive the kids to Friday night high school Right now we ’re just looking at all the options. I f anything, service will get better. PHOTOS BY Othella Govan holds on aboard the No. 5-lnterstate Avenue bus as she and her and friend Donzaile Streeter (left), make their way home. The bus line will go away when MAX light rail on Interstate opens in 2004. — M ary Fetsch, Director of Communications fo rT rlM et TriMet asks for feedback on N/NE bus service options k by W yndf D yer T he P ortland O bserver Transit riders are bracing for change in north and northeast Portland. TriMet plans to redesign several bus routes in the area as the transit agency prepares for next year's opening o f a new light-rail line on Inter­ state Avenue. Despite rumors that bus sen ice may decrease in north and northeast Portland as a result oflight rai I, only the No. 5-1 nterstatc bus from downtown to Vancouverwill goaway, according to Tri Met Communications Director Mary Fetsch. “W e will take the service hours from the No. 5 and redistribute them to other frequent service buses in the area," Fetsch said. “If anything, service will get better.” Plaas call for starting service earlier in the morning and later at night on four buses that currently serve north and northeast Portland every 15 minutes, the No. 4 ,6 ,8 and 72 lines. Those buses may be able to make even more frequent stops during peak hours. The No. 75 line, which serves Lombard Street to Milwaukee, could also be upgraded into a frequent service route. “Right now w e're just looking at all the op­ tions,” Fetsch said. The more pressing concern is how to keep service to Vancouver. The No. 5-Interstate line currently takes Tri Met riders across the Colum­ bia River from Jantzen Beach, bu, MAX I ight rail will end at the Expo Center, on the other side o f Hayden Island from Jantzen Beach. Fetsc h said TriMet is playing with a couple o f options. One involves re-routing the No. 6-Martin Luther King Jr. Boulcv aid bus down Lombard, up Denver Avenue to Jantzen Beach and Vancouver. In this case, MAX would serve Hayden Meadows, the No. 8-15'*' Ave. bus would serve North Vancouver Way, Northeast Middlefield Road and Marine Drive, and then west to the Ri vergate industrial area. A second option is a short hop No. 5 bus that would run between the MAX line at Delta Paik and Vancouver. TriMet is also looking at new options to serve North Russell Street and Swan Island. There’s thepossibilityofrunningtheNo.33-Frcmontbus via Russell Street, crossingWilliams, Vancouver and Interstate avenues, and then continuing service downtown. The No. 85-Swan Island bus would connect with the MAX Station on North Prescott. TriMet officials wanttransitndes to maketheir views known. Open houses are planned for Wednesday, Feb. 5 from6p.m. to8p.m. at the S t John’sCommunity Center and Thursday, Feb. 6 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Kaiser Town Hall. Members o f the community can also record theiropinions by calling T riMet at503-962-5806. MLK Peace March Gains Momentum O rganizers o fa rally and m arch forpeace scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 18 have added 4 0 org an izatio n s to th e list o f co-sponsors and endorsers supporting a m obilization against a w ar on Iraq. “W e ’re w ell on o u r w ay to doubling the num ber o f co m m u n ity organizations that have jo in ed local efforts to stop this w ar," said C hris R oehm , a volunteer w orking on the peace m arch. The Portland chapter o f the N A A C P, the N orthw est Tree Planters and Farm W orkers U nion, and the E cum enical M inistries o f O regon are am ong the organizations that have added their voice to the call for peace. “T he January 18th peace m arch will be sending a strong and clear m essage o f op­ position to the Bush A dm inistration’s w ar plans,” R oehm said. S aturday’s m arch w as planned to fall during the M artin L uther K ing Jr. holiday. O rganizers say they w ill begin around 12:30 p.m . in the dow ntow n south park blocks for m usic and com m unity netw orking. “W e are urging people to com e early,” R oehm said. “King believed in a vision ofT h e Beloved Com m unity, w here all sisters and brothers, together with all creatures, share one common planet in a spirit o f mutual respect," he said. I 4 I