®l|c Jlortianb OObserüer January IS. 2003 Page A I I C lassifieds g US IN ESS d i re c t o r y Racial WASHINGTON COUNTY DOUBLE J TIRE CENTER SURVEY TECHNICIAN III $3,323 - $ 4 ,0 8 3 /month Closes January 17,2003 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846-4898 for information or see our w ebsite: www.co.washington.or.us. County application and supplemental ap p lication form s requ ired. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. NEW • USED • NEW CAPS Taxes. Mounting & Balancing Included FULLY GUARANTEED “NOW WITH 2 LOCATIONS’1 6841 N.E. M .LK. JR. BLVD PORTLANO. OREGON 87211 (503) 283-9437 HOURS 4510 S.E. 52ND & HOLGATE PORTLAND, OR 97206 (503) 771-1834 MON THRU FRI » TO 0 • SAT 9 TO 4 lU E A T APPLY TO: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Special O rders Gladly A ccepted I Paul Houge * -8 8 7 -8 6 0 -0 0 4 7 Free Home Visit for Families with Asthma. The American Lung Association of O re go n ’s Indoor A ir Q u ality program can help fam ilies to identify asthma triggers in the home and can provide low-cost or n o-cost su ggestion s for eliminating triggers. Free, where household Income Is 8238 N Denver Avenue, Portland, Or. 97217 Phone: (803) 289-8418 Mona’s Ethnic Fabric A Fashion / / / » ’J C linic P ’t Moua's Sewing, Quilting, Crgflciaoes, I tier uno ns Custom sewing $ 4 5 ,0 0 0 or less and at least one family member has asthma. Priority given to N/NE Portland. Phone: 5 0 3 -2 8 2 -3 0 6 8 Fax. 503-282-3096 Email: m d£ethnicfabnc com www ethnicf abric. com Families with higher income may qualify call for more information. Master Home Environmentalist OFF.: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 6 - 1 1 0 3 Program, 5 0 3 9 2 4 -4 0 9 4 x l8 , FAX: STATE FARM Margaret McConnell. (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFF1CES:BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS Planner/Scheduler InteliCoat Technologies, formerly Rexam Image Products, is seeking a talented professional to work in our Portland plant, which manufactures inkjet media and other coated paper products primarily for the high tech industry. The position will be responsible for all planning logistics for Bielomatic sheeter, including raw material and supply purchases, coa tin g schedules, sh eeter converting schedules, inventory m anagem ent, and custom er service interface. This will be done with close coordination of capacity and resource u tiliza tio n , forecasting, material strategies, shop flo o r and system s management. Requires 3-5 years of previous e xperien ce as a planner/ scheduler in a manufacturing environment, with a Business degree required. E xcellent interpersonal skills are required to negotiate and facilitate many functional areas. Experience with MRP systems in a manufacturing environment, planning of Bill of Materials, and APICS background is also preferred. ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent 6 5 2 7 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 ’u lta 2 0 4 R Killingsworth (Vancouver St.) Portland, O R97211 band b tsh irts@ earth lin k .n et C U S T O M P R IN TfD O A R M 1N T 9 M O M S ! RAOS PUZZLES EMBROIDERY SILK SCREEN NUM BERS QUICK GIFTS (A P) — W ashington State Pa­ trol troopers pull over w hite and m inority m otorists at sim ilar rates, but they search m inorities 2Vi tim es as often as w hites, a Seattle Tim es investigation found. “W hile they are sensitive to w ho they stop, w hat follow -up actions they take is w here racism , o r som e form o f discrim ination, appears,” said O scar Eason, past pi esident o f S eattle’s N A A C P chapter. W hen violations were m inor and w ouldn' t routinely require a search, blacks and Hispanics were searched m ore than tw ice as often as w hites. N ative A m ericans w ere searched three tim es as often. In the Y akim a district, Indians w ere searched live tim es as often. T he T im es analyzed 1.7 m illion traffic stops over 27 m onths, inter­ view ed m otorists pulled over by the Patrol, spoke w ith ex p erti on racial profiling, and rode along with troopers on state highw ays. T he analysis show ed the odds o f being searched, once pulled over, is one in 37. W hites w ho were searched w ere found w ith contra­ band 30 percent o f the tim e, com ­ pared to 21 percent for m inorities. Since the patrol began tracking searches that drivers consent to only in F ebruary, the num bers are to o sm all to d raw co n clu sio n s about that type o f search. The Tim es said in its report. - -■ V Volcano Menaces Guatemala Town A young Guatemalan boy rides his bicycle across a cobblestone street last Wednesday as ash, smoke and fire erupt behind him from a volcano near Antigua City. The volcano is just southwest of Guatemala City. The town, founded in 1527, was almost completely destroyed by a violent volcanic eruption in 1541, leaving only the facade of its cathedral standing. It was rebuilt on a safer site nearby and was partially destroyed again by another eruption. NEW S IT E M : B R A Z IL ’S N E W P R E S ID E N T CANCELS 5 B IL L IO N M IL IT A R Y PURCHASE IN FAVOR OF FE E D IN G T H E POOR tils preo W W type of REAR 0 6 ^ H6AD AGAIN p J W V r X .-S r r ’ 503-284-19X0 fax , happens when 7/ 'HAioRtTY EtecTNGr oVAMWGRilY S E U E < rT 7 ¡j¿ - DOMONIQUE'S/ HAIR DESIGN ♦Teresa, Owner & Stylist ♦Deborah, Stylist ♦H orace, Barber 2 8 6 -3 7 5 8 > o 222 N. Killingsworth 97217 (Vancouver) WHERE THE HEALTH OF TOUR HAIR COMES FIRST! MflflCiUTTE FRILLR, D.C. Disease Prevention Promoted Poder es Salud supports Hispanics and African Americans (HUOFtACTIC UK Technologies, Attn: Human Resource Mgr., P.O. Box 3349, Portland, OR 97208-3349. Chiropractic Clinic 485 N W 18th Avenue, Suite 3 Porttond. OR 97809 Phone: (503) 888-6140 Equal Opportunity Employer. Membership Specialist i Police search blacks, Hispanics more than whites 503-284-1810 phone p io to lilts a i l l r f o u null! We o ffe r com petitive compensation and an excellent benefits package. Please send resume including references and salary history to: InteliCoat O ut-based sta ff— re cru it volunteers, girls, and successfully partner with community to provide Girl Scout Program to girls living in North P ortland. Requires vo lu n te e r m anagem ent: organizational, presentation, documentation, and oral & writing skills; experience working with diverse populations: and a team player. Qualifications: BA/BS or equivalent in education and/or e xperien ce in vo lu n te e r management and recruitment. Need reliable transportation, ability to work flexible hours. B ilingual Sp anish/E nglish preferred. One year PT, 15 hrs/wk- $10.50/hr. Closes 1/21/03. Send resume and cover to: H R, Girt Scouts-Columbia River Council, PO Box 2427, Lake Oswego OR 97035. Fax (503) 598-6556. Equal O pportunity Employer. Committed to Diversity. Profiling Studied creations HAIR DESIGN FOR MEN & WOMEN 5425 N.E. 30th Ave. 503/281-1185 CYNTHIA LIVINGSTON Hair Designer A ccording to a report by the Institute o f M edicine, people o f co lo r in the U nited States experi­ ence m ore com m on and m ore se­ vere health problem s than E uro­ pean A m ericans. A new program called P oder es Salud o r Power (or Health, will sup­ p o rt co m m u n ity g ro u p s w ithin P o rtlan d 's A frican A m erican and L atino com m unities to take greater pow er over their health and narrow the healthcare gap. “As well as im proving health, we hope that this project can create a bridge between the A frican A m eri­ can and Latino com m unities," said C honitia Sm ith, executive director o f the Sankofaa Institute o f C u l­ tural Learning. The project is funded at $1.5 m illion for three years by the C en- ters for D isease C ontrol and Pre- ventionof the D epartm ent o f Health and H um an Services. Federal funds finance 89 percent o f the project and .04 percent o f funding is from non-governm ental sources. The health issues. “It's tim e to build upon cultural sim ilarities as opposed to d iffer­ ences,” Sm ith said. “ Each group has a gift to bring and each can benefit from learning from the ' It’s time to build upon cultural similarities as opposed to differences,’ — Chonitia Smith, executive director of the Sankofaa Institute o f Cultural Learning. rem aining 10.96 percent is funded other." by M ultnom ah C ounty. Partners in the effort include the T h e g o a l is to im p ro v e h e a lth U rban L eague o f P ortland, the in the L atin o an d A frican A m e ri­ Latino N etw ork, the Sankofaa Insti­ ca n c o m m u n itie s in M u ltn o m ah tute o f C ultural Learning, Portland C o u n ty by e m p lo y in g C o m m u ­ State University. ( )regon Health and n ity H e a lth W o r k e r s to u se .Sciences U niversity, and the C o m ­ p o p u la r e d u c a tio n to h e lp c o m ­ munity C apacitation C enter o f the m u n ity g r o u p s id e n t if y a n d M ultnom ah C ounty H ealth D epart­ s o lv e th e ir o w n m o st p re s s in g ment. Phone (503, 256-3335 Minority Enrollments Score Some Gains HI-TECH AUTO SERVICES 10010 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, Oregon 97220 Open : Mon - Sat 8AM - 8PM Sunday : 10AM - 5PM (AP) — Minority student enroll­ ment in Oregon’s public universities is growing, but not as fast as the growth rate in the general population. Blacks. Asians. Latinos and Ameri­ can Indians made up 10,068 o f the 78,111 student total in the state’s seven public umveisities this fall, according tonumbers kept by the Oregon Univer­ sity System . T h a t’s about 13 per­ cent o f the total, up from about 11 percent a decade ago. But m in o ri­ ties are about 15 percent o f the O regon population at large, accord­ ing to the 2(XX) Census. Oregon Health & Science Univer­ I sity. which began the decade as a state campus hut finished as an indepen­ dent. public corporation with some state support, h,kl the biggest increase inminority enrollment— 142pcreent, This fall, 14 percent o f its students in meilicine.nursingandiitl kt health fields were minorities. I