Page B2 ¡Tb* Jlortlanh (Bbseruer FACT'. Prices are Lower at GARY OWENS APPLIANCES lanuary 08. 2003 R eligion 148th & NE SANDY • Washer/Dryer set $135** • Ranges from $77lf,, • Refrigerators from $77* • Stacked W&D from $199* COMPLETELY REBUILT& SPOTLESS WITHEULLGARYOWENSGUARANTEE Same Day Delivery • Open 7 Days 9am-6pm Major Credit Cards Accepted Ctf/Z 503-289-6067 and Save! Dean’s Beauty & Barber Shop J DOLLARS OFF Tuesdays through 'Thursdays Senior Citizens days are Tuesday 215 N.E. Hancock St., Portland, OR (5 0 3 )2 8 2 -2 9 2 0 BARBERS: A.D. Williams Richard Edwards Tyrone Frazier (new stylist) W A L K -IN S W E L C 'O M E PRESS i Cl RES SPECIAL S258 — This Special ends a t the end o f February — Church of the Living God Christian workersfor fellowship 6401 N.E. 10th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 Services Pastor and First Lady Roy G. Moxie Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Worship Wed. Bible Study 9:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 7:00P.M. 7:00P.M. “Where there is no vision, The People perish. ” r * ,, -{ For more information please call (503) 284-5171 PHOTO BV M A RK W ASH IN G TO N / I HE PORTLAND OBSERVER On her 100th birthday Edna Adams-Bates got her hair styled at Geneva's on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. She celebrated her birthday with family and friends. Everyone s Welcome Super Senior SUN LAN & The Light Bulb Lady BEMYVALENTINEANDGIYEMESUNSHINE I walk in to my house, turn on all the lights and still cannot make it bright enough to chase a way the winter blues. How come? THERIGHTLIGHTTOCHASETHEW1NTERBLUES ts a light that is very close to the light nature created Early man lived by light, sun up - go to work, Sundown-go to sleep. Today, we are expected to work before sunrise and after sunset we are home doing the fam ily thing. We go from one dark cave to another. Our lights let us see what we are doing but do not provide Sunlight Sulan has several sun like like lights in the play room to help Light up your life. More next month... Sat 10 am -4pm • 503- 281-0453 3901 N. M ississippi Ave. w Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Commercial and Residencial Services | CARPET CLEANING ($25 each area) | • 2 A reas or m ore. Small Hall Free, Pre-Spray T raffic A rea • S ta irs.......................... $ 1.50 each Sectional $99 & up Throw pillow s $5 each I CARPET COUPON . (Hall not included) Seyyed Hossein Nasr, one o f the w orld’s leading experts on Islamic philosophy and spiri­ gious tradition that continues to shape current events and headlines. tuality and one ofthc best interpreters o f Islam In addition to his Friday night lecture. Profes­ to the West, will givea lecture at Trinity Epis­ sor Nasr will give a Saturday seminar entitled, ‘ Islam and the Abrahamic T radition o f M ono­ theism .’ Nasr will explore the parallels to Is­ copal Cathedral on Friday, Feb. 7 at 7:30p.m., entitled “The Dimensions oflslam .” , ¡ growing rel igious group, real ly bel ieveand value. lamic values in Judaism and Christianity provid­ ing an ethical foundation for rapprochement Drawing from his most recent book, “The amongst the Abrahamic traditions. The lecture takes place at T rinity Cathedral while the Sat­ Heart oflslam: Enduring Values for Humanity,” urday seminarwill takeplace in Kempton Hall Nasr wi 11 offer a much needed corrective to the m isinformation and stereotypes about a reli- ofTrinity Cathedral. Forticket information call 503-478-1218. Refinance NOW! t=J Mortgage $119-1 Payments 2.75%* » C [ upholstery coupon Sofa (under 6 ft.) Loveseat & Chair stars o f the northw estern sky shined brighter and five years ago she m oved to Portland. She maintained her own home until she was 97-years-old when her grandchildren decided they d idn’t like the idea o f her living alone. Family members said she is the kind o f grandmother everyone would like to have. Martin Luther King Memorial Mass Church Offers Lecture on Islam Professor Nasr wi 11 explore what the major­ ity ofthe world's 1.2 billion Muslims, the fastest I UPHOLSTERY CLEANING | 1 Cleaning Area Pre-Spray Traffic Area Family members say Edna Adams- Bates, who celebrated her 100lh birthday on Jan. 3, is still very active, kind and sweet - even though she is a century old. A native o f San B ernadino, C alif., A dam s-B ates lived and w orked in H ol­ lyw ood until She w as 85 years old. D uring that tim e she cam e into contact w ith m any fam ous celebrities, but the Expert to dispel popular stereotypes about Muslims MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE M Sofa (under 6 ft.) $69 Loveseat $49 Edna Adams-Bates is still sharp at 100 years CALL LOR A PPO IN TM EN TS 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -3 9 4 9 ’f a l l for D etail* W illi lo w e r Payments. You i'a n ’ay o il Hills. Sl.irt a Savings I’ lan or i:ollegc I und h 5ÖUE FOOP t ' ^ 0 n SC¡0(fs) . b $5 Cover Show Time: 9 pm I oa A l w a y « % |» p r«*c «l S e r» 1 e r« , L l< ( The 2003 special eelebratiot o f Mass honoring Rev. Dr. Mar tin Luther King Jr. will occur or Saturday, Jan. 18 at 5:30 p.m. a the Cathedral o fth e Immaculate Conception at Northwest 18"’ anc Couch. John G. Vlazny, Arch­ bishop o f Portland, will be the celebrant and the homilist for the Mass. This wi 11 be the first M LK Mass at the cathedral. The annual event had rotated between Holy Re­ deemer, Immaculate Heart and St. A ndrew Catholic churches in north and northeast Portland since 1988. The com bined gospel choirs o f Immaculate Heart and St. An­ drew Churches will provide the music for this year’s celebration. ? B o n .s0 p e n n .8 p n . „ * “ ' * « * „ , * * • * ° " d N o lin „ .„ •onally Known Every Thursday Contact Yvatte Roberts Starting Nov. 1 4 Territory Manager Featuring The Repravation Band & Office: 503-493-2828 Direct: 503-936-2470 Ports interested . n Master of Ceremony — Wonc at Bookies forming tall VhltOurOnk« » 0 « ME Sandy Blvd, Sie 100A Portlend. OR Í7J1J SOI ÌS8 1247 ft L«rg» A Production ved ,vr tiu '. 'Pul 4 * «