Committed to Cultural Diversity www.portlandobserver.tom lanuary OK, 2 0 0 } CTTiii' ^ o rila tth CObserucr C o ni ni u n i t y a le n d a r SECTION Warming the Winter Adopt a Pet The Oregon Humane Society is i extending its outreach efforts to several area pet stores this month. Help the Humane Society bring homeless pets into the commu- » 503-285-7722, extension t 204 for more information. m D avid P lechi . Heating oil deliveries warm up as weather cools down love her.” T he P or it asd O bserver » Radical Women Meeting I “The oil picked up, and the wood and coal played out,” Scarborough said. Nowadays, gas is replacing oil, but the demand for diesel in home heating and com ­ mercial applications is still going strong. "Normally I do 30or 40 deliveries a day," Scarborough said. “It gets real hectic.” The need increases when the mercury falls and homeowners crank up their thenno- stats. When he drives his truck down the street he knows which houses take oil and which don’t. Being healthy is more than just pounds and inches. Dr. Neall will discuss vitamins, minerals and herbs that are supportive to a healthy and comfortable meno­ pause at New Seasons Market - Concordia, Wednesday, Jan. 8 from 7 p.m. to9 p.m. She will also describe fitness programs and answer questions. Health for People of Color J On a mild December day, Scarborough knocks off about a dozen deliveries before noon. Just as he cleans his slate, another call comes in I le follows it up immediately and as he tops off the tank, another call. Summer brings some relief from the non­ stop driving and tilling. "T hat’s when I get some o f my days back Mood Cure Lecture front working seven days a week," he said. Best-selling author o f The Diet I Scarborough has two trucks but keeps Cure, Julia Ross. M.A will share her latest ideas about supporting emotional health from her new book The Mood Cure New Sea­ sons is committed to helping cus­ tomers lead a healthy lifestyle. [ Come see Ross in person at New Seasons - Concordia, Tuesday, I Jan. 14 at 7 p.m. "I would drive my truck right down onto the court,” he said. On a typical day at that time, 40 or 50 pieces o f oil-thirsty equipment might be dropped down to his truck from points around the arena. H e’d fill them up and a crane operator would swing them back to their positions. photos be D avid Pi e < iil /T he P ortland O bserver H om e deliveries o f oil are really j u s t th e tip o f th e iceberg for Ed Scarborough. The longtim e Portland b u s in e s s a lso su p p lie s hea tin g oil to co nstruction p ro jects and other com m ercial a ccounts. the second only as a backup. His mother Zelma still answers the phones and plans his routes. “I’d be lost without her,” he said. "She knows how to get the orders down so I don’t have any problems getting to them." Even though Zelma is into her 90’s, she still enjoys working with her son and talking with all the friends she’s made through the busi­ ness. H Ed Scarborough h a s b e e n delivering hea tin g oil to P ortland re sid e n ts for over 4 0 years. “She lo v es it. It keeps her g o in g ,” S carb o ro u g h said. “ She know s all the cu sto m e rs. T hose c o n stru c tio n gu y s ju st 4 m i ‘J ' y --- from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Weatherization Workshop Com e and learn how to save | energy through m aterial instal­ lation. behavioral changes and simple maintenance around your home. Both hom eow ners and renters are welcome at The Com-1 m unity Energy Project, 422 NE A lberta St. Saturday, Jan. 18 I from, to 12 p.m. Qualified participants receive free kit o f I m aterials worth $ 150. To regis­ ter, call 503 284-6827. FreeCPR Classes t The A m erican H eart A ssocia­ tion is offering free CPR classes on Saturday, Feb. 22, at 9 a.m. and 11 p.m. at four locations: O M SI, 1945 SE W ater Ave., C’lakamas C om m unity College, 19600 South M olalla Ave., in O regon C ity at N orthw est Re­ gional T raining C enter, 11606 | NE 6 6 th S t., S u ite 103, V ancouver. C lasses in Spanish are offered at C entro Cultural, 1110 North A dair, Cornelius. ] R e g is te r o n lin e at h ttp : or by] calling 1-800-452-9445. »'I % ifc. hj * < > m if An a rtist s rendering sh o w s a p ro p o se d ska tin g rink a t P ioneer C o u rth o u se S q u a re with um brellas that would provide protection from th e rain. Public m e e tin g s will h elp th e city d ec id e th e fa te o f the proposal. I “Forklifts, compressors, night-lights and generators,” he said, “ I’d fill them all.” Scarborough finds much o f his business through word o f mouth. He keeps his cus­ tomers with quick, reliable service. “H e’s such a sweetheart,” said long-time customer Nola Anderson. “Youcall him and he comes the same day.” Scarborough used to paint his trucks red, but when he got a new Chevy, it came blue- green from the factory. He liked the color. "It gets a lot o f com pliments,” he said. 11 was about that same time that he named the business D ad’s. Originally it was called Scarborough Oil, but he says when custom ­ ers ft lied out their checks they never seemed to spell the name right. Besides, ’D ad’ was the one that really started it all. Ice Skating Considered for Pioneer Square Body Symptom Clinic The Multicultural Senior Center I is presenting a free clinic with doctors Amy and Amy Mindcll that will di.scuss issues o f illness, pain and varying physical abili­ ties. The doctors will encourage participants to share their own experiences to find insight and create community Friday, Jan. 17 | “W e’ve been doing it for so long, every­ one knows the name,” he said. Home deliveries are really just the tip o f the iceberg. D ad’s supplied much o f the oil used in the construction o f the Rose G ar­ den. The job kept Scarborough busy for over two years. Business began when his father started delivering wood and coal to shivering ten­ ants in Portland's working-class districts. But that was a long time ago. Being Healthy Discussion on Menopause The Center for Sel f- Enhancement, j Inc. and Providence Health Sys­ tem are presenting a Health and Wellness Seminar forCommuni- ties o f Color, Thursday, Jan. 9 from6:30p.m.to8p.m.atSEI,3920 N Kerby Ave. No admission will | be charged. Scarborough was just 15 when he and his brother would make the oil deliveries and ‘dad ’ would repair the furnaces. He is a hard-to-miss face in the com mu­ nity. When he drives down the street, driv­ ers honk and pedestrians wave. "Almost all my customers know me,” said Ed Scarborough, owner o f D ad’s Oil. Scarborough can often be found in his trademark, blue-green oil truck. H e’s deliv­ ered heating oil to some residents in Portland for over 40 years. To celebrate the 30"’ anniversary o f Roe Vs. Wade the Portland's Radical Women will host a meet­ ing to explore the history o f the United State’s reproductive rights struggle and how women can safe­ guard those rights on Wednes­ day, Jan. 8 at 7 p.m. at the Bread an d R oses C e n te r, 819 N Killingsworth. There will be a multi-ethnic buffet with Vegan and Vegitarian options served at 6:30 p.m. for a donation on $6. Pioneer ( ourt house Square and fulfilling the square's original man­ the City o f Portland invite the pub­ date - to function as an integral part lic to attend live workshops in the o f the urban core in all seasons. next four weeks and comment on Opponents say the rink would the proposed seasonal ice skating interfere with public use and intro­ rink at Square. ducer commercialism to a square Therink would be approximately noted for its openness. the same size as a rink at New York C ity C o m m issio n e r Jim City's RockefellerC'enter, a 60 foot Francescom.said he thinks the pro­ by 120 foot oval surface. It would posal can fly, but he knows there be set on top o f the brick floor, will not be I Of) percent consensus. covering about 25 percent o f the He wants to hear from the public, square’s surface and his instincts area from Novem- The Square is a tell him people will berto March each strong positive warm to the idea year. once they under­ By the end o f attractor in the stand it and can every March, the community, currently weigh in. square would re­ hosting over 250 T h e p u b lic turn to its origi­ hearings will be event days each year. nal, unobstructed held Jan. 15 at 3 - Greg Goodman, president of design. p.m. at Pioneer The estimated PloneerCourthouse Square V C o u rth o u s e costis$7.9nullion. ------------------ ------------- r Square; Jan. 18 at to be paid mostly by private do­ I p.m ..also at the square; Jan .23 at nors. 6:30p.m. at the Portland Police East “The Square is a strong positive Precinct, 737 S.E. 106 St.; Jan. 28 at attractor in the community, cur­ 6:30p.m . at the Multnomah Center rently hosting over 250 event days Auditorium, 7688 S.W Capitol each year,” said Greg ( ioodtnan, llw y.; Jan 29 at 6:30 p.m. at the president o f Pioneer Courthouse Historic Kenton Firehouse, 8105 Square and chief executive officer N Brandon Ave.; and Feb 4 at 6:30 o f City Center Parking. "But only p.m. at St. Philip Neri Catholic four o f those events occur between Church, 2408 S.E. 16th St. the annual holiday tree lighting The public may send written ceremony and spring break. com ments on the proposal to Pio­ (ioodtnan said the rink will in­ neer Courthouse Square, 715 S.W. crease public use o f the square Morrison St.. Suite 702, Portland. during the winter months, thereby GR 97205.