Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 08, 2003, Page 4, Image 4

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,-hv Portland Observer
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Charles H. Washington
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We can do better tor our vulnerable people and we must
The following guest com m en­
tary’ on the income tax measure
facing voters ina vote-by-mail elec­
tion on Jan. 28 is from our Port­
land legislators, Sen. Avel Gordly,
Rep. Jackie Dingfelder and Rep.
Steve Marsh.
If Measure 28 fails on Jan. 28,
cuts to mental health programs and
services would cause irresponsible
and irreparable harm in com m uni­
ties across the state The state would
most likely face lawsuits.
Cuts to mental health would have
severe, im m ediate im pacts on
people and services. Efforts to build
a culturally responsive and compe­
tent system will be stalled. More
programs will close. More jobs will
be lost. Homelessness^and crime
will increase. Fewer children, al­
ready underserved, will have ac­
cess to treatment.
Collaboration between the local
mental health authorities and local
law enforcement will be eliminated.
Because thousands of Oregonians
w on’t be properly treated or be able
to function in the community, many
will find their illnesses worsening;
some will become suicidal.
A gain, the only option left will
be the streets, and the future costs
o f repeat acute stabilization will
be far greater than the costs of
prevention and rehabilitative ser­
vices today.
Where are these people to go?
How are these mental health clients
to become self-sufficient if we don’t
provide the social support they
need? With the state facing an­
other huge budget shortfall, are we
prepared to pay the legal costs of
our actions?
If we consider ourselves a hu­
mane, compassionate and caring
community, this scenario— which
is already underway - is not ac­
ThisisOregon. W ecandobetier
for our vulnerable people and we
Already over 20 percent o f O r­
egonians with mental health d is­
orders are not receiving the ser­
vices and m edication they need.
If we are forced to make tens of
m illions o f dollars in additional
cuts, the long-term effects will be
These are not exaggerations; the
consequences of the cuts will far
exceed any savings to the current
budget. We can do better than this
and we must.
W ith one vote, you have a
chance to save countless children,
families, and communities from de­
spair and irreparable harm.
Please vote yes on Measure 28
on Jan. 28.
<rin JJartlanh (Dhsmier
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for the Portland Observer?
Do you have an opinion on current events that hasn't been discussed In
White House Doesn’t Match its Rhetoric
It’s time to revive Dr. King’s commitment to civil rights, poverty and peace
N um berofkids who will be cut off
child care because o f the Bush
budget: 33,000. Num berof workers
who will be cut off unemployment
insurance because o f the Bush
budget: 1 million.”
As we speak, the Bush Adminis­
tration is planning for more tax cuts
for the rich, and weakening taxes on
dividends and stocks for the upper
less kids who will be cut off educa­ classes. Yet the Bush budget shows
tion programs because of the Bush callous disregard for those most in
budget: 8,(MX). N um berof kids who need, the working families and poor
will be cut off after-school programs people of America, even in this time
because of the Bush budget: 50,000. of giving.
other newspapers? If so, the Portland Observer editorial s ta ff would
like to know. Please fill our this form and attach a brief description of
your editorial so we can contact you.
Title, Author & Outline of Editorial;
The Bush Administration sold itself to the
voting public as compassionate and
conservative, but so far only the conservative
part of the label has been revealed.
- Rev. Jesse J ack son Sr.
Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr.
Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr., founder
and president o f the Rainbow /
PUSH Coalition issued the fo llo w ­
ing statement regarding this sea­
son o f compass ion, gi ving and < -are
fo r our fellow humans:
Christmas season warms our
hearts, but cools the air. And if you
cannot afford 'a present for your
child, or food for the holiday table,
or heating oil for your home, it can
be a very cold time of year. It is time
for the Republican Party toelevate
its game, and match its record with
its rhetoric on compassion and car­
The Bush Administration sold
itself to the voting public as "com ­
passionate" and “conservative,"
but so far only the "conservative"
part of the label has been revealed.
As columnist Molly Ivins and Con­
gressman Jesse Jackson Jr., have
each pointed out, the President did
a Christmas photo-op with a ftxxl
bank, while cutting assistance for
the poor at the same time. This is
politics at its worst - all image,
negative substance.
Consider the record on “com ­
The President spoke well on the
sin of segregation during the Lott
scandal, but how does that stack
up against the attorney general he
appointed, who shares many of
Lott’s beliefs, fought school de­
segregation for years and years,
and spoke glowingly of several of
the same neo-Confederate groups
that Lott also favored? Lott was
demoted for his hurtful words; but
the Justice Department and the
White House were upset at him
because the controversy was get­
ting in the way of more hurtful deeds,
such as joining in on the University
of Michigan affirmative action suit
on the wrong side and rolling back
even more gains of the Civil Rights
The President last year hung
Dr. M artin Luther K ing’s picture
in the W hite House, another nice
photo-op. But what evidence is
there that this W hite House has
put any o f Dr. K ing’s ideals and
beliefs into practice? Dr. King
sacrificed a great deal for peace;
but we are on the verge o f unilat­
eral war. Dr. King led the civil
rights m ovem ent, but neither the
P resident nor the attorney gen ­
eral will meet with topcivil rights
leaders. Dr. King died leading a
march for union sanitation w ork­
ers, but the P resident will not
m eet with John Sweeney and the
AFL-CIO . The W hite House has
an open door policy on trade, but
a closed -d o o r policy on civil
rights and labor.
Most poignant of all, given the
circumstances of Jesus’ humble
birth. Dr. King launched a War on
P overty, but the Bush budget
slashes funding for those most in
need. Consider this list of budget
cuts from those most in need dur­
ing this winter season (taken from
a column by Molly Ivins):
“Number of seniors who will be
cut off meal programs because of
the Bush budget: 36,000. Number
of fami I ies that wi 11 be cut off heat­
ing assistance because of the Bush
budget: 532,000. Numberof home­
b etter to the (fffditor
Pedestrian Killed Remembered
My childhtxxl recol lections of Anita Nichols were of a young
girl who endured abuse and poverty with her siblings in a large
house on 13th and Sumner.
On several occasions we would share our food with “Nita
Ree" as we called her.
I am saddened that her life would end so violently. Although
she endured much Nita Ree loved to laugh and play like any
otherchild. I will not forget her as she was innocent and lacking
Anthoney Orr
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NE MLKJr. Blvd., Portland, Or. 97211 or fax 503-288-0015.
Submissions can be made by emailing
18th Annual Keep Living The Dream Tribute To:
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
U n iv e rs ity O f P o r tla n d ’s
“C h ile s C e n t e r ”
5 0 0 0 N o rth W illa m e tte Blvd.
M o n d a y , J a n u a ry 2 0 , 2 0 0 3
1 2 : 0 0 P .M . - 6 : 3 0 P .M .
Live Broadcast/Simulcast
Portland Cable Access,
Television Services (PPS) K B O O 90.7 FM
Donation: $2.00 OR 3 cans of non-perishable food
For More Information Please Call (503) 816-9001
A Production of World Arts Foundation, Inc.
Sponsored by: Portland Public Schools • Oregon Education Association • SAFECO Corporation
Portland Association of Teachers • Portland Parks and Recreation • Enterprise Rent-A-Car • University of Portland