PagcA2 (Life ^lortlanh (©bseruer lanuary 08. 2003 P olice Accused Killer Spotted on 1-84 Sharp-eyed north Portland siblings lead police to suspect (AP) — As north Portland resident Linda Martin and her brother Thom cruised through desolate East­ ern Oregon, something about the gray van in front of them on Interstate-84 clicked. "We see this van, we saw it at the same time, and we said, 'O h, is that it? Is that the number?’ “ Linda said. It was. photo ht Do ii i Pi i ( h i /T u t P o r tlan d O bserver Police investigate a fatal traffic accident Thursday afternoon on North Vancouver in the vicinity o f the approach to the Fremont Bridge. Woman Dies in Vancouver Avenue Wreck A w o m a n w as k ille d died at the scene. T hursday afternoon w hen she P olice said h er view o f the pulled her car into the path o f oncom ing SUV may have been an oncom ing sport utility ve­ obscured by a van turning w est­ h ic le on N orth V a n c o u v e r bound onto Cook. A venue and C ook S treet, p o ­ Police said n either speed nor lice said. alcohol was a factor. T he d riv er, id e n tified as “She ju st d id n ’t see the SU V ," 23-year-old A shana C henoa, said Brian Schm autz, Portland Police public inform ation o f­ fice r. S chm autz said the w eather was not a factor in the acci­ dent, but he rem inded m otor­ ists to “drive d efensively, es­ pecially in the w inter m onths, w hen roads tend to be more slip p ery ." At the wheel was Edward Morris, who had eluded police for two weeks and is charged with killing is pregnant wife and three children along a snowy side A family portrait shows north Portland resident road in the Tillamook State Forest 350 miles to the west. Edward Morris with his wife and children. The Martin siblings checked out the license plate, Morris is accused o f murdering each o f the WHS-171. family members in the Tillamook State Forest “We both had seen the news reports, where they on Dec. 20. flash the license plate. And it kind of registered with both o f us that he might be the one,” Linda Martin, 58, could not complete a call in the isolated area. They got off the freeway at a state police exit, but * o f Portland, said. The Martins began following the van at about the office was closed. Thom Martin called from an i midday Saturday. emergency phone there. “We sort of played tag with the van,” she said. They got back on 1-84 and eventually followed They were trying to look at him without making it Morris to the parking lot o f a Rite Aid drug store in obvious they wanted to get a good look at his face, she BakerCity and called 9 1 1. said. Morris was inside the store. When he came out, When the Dodge van pulled in at a gas station in the police were waiting. Durkee, Thom Martin, 50, of Rochester, Wash., got a Ironically, Linda M artin's grandson played on a look at the man behind the wheel. His head was shaven, soccer team with Bryant Morris. but it still looked like pictures of Morris that Martin had Authorities had offered a $50,000reward for infor- seen on television. mation leading to M orris’ arrest. The Martins said It it weren’t for Linda and Thom Martin, Edward they have not been told if they are eligible. Tillamook Morris might still be a fugitive. County Sheriff Todd Anderson said he thought they Linda Martin tried to call police on her cell phone but would be. Police Kill Son of Civil Rights Figure I nformation S essions Officers say man fired assault rife and refused to stop (AP) — A Little Rock, Ark. police officer fatally shot the son of one of the Little Rock Nine, the group of African Americans who integrated the city’s schools in 1957, police said. Police said they were called after neighbors saw the man, Erin Eckford, 26, firing an assault rifle into the air on the evening of Jan. 1. Eckford was asked to put the weapon down, and when he did not, officers fired a beanbag round at him, to no avail, police Sgt. Terry Hastings said. Eckford then began firing the assault rifle again, and police shot back, firing seven to 10 rounds and hitting him six times, Hastings said. Eckford died at a hospital. The three officers involved were placed on administrative leave with pay, the normal procedure, pending a police investigation of the shooting. Eckford, a student at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, was the son of Elizabeth Eckford. She was among the students who broke the color barrier at Little Rock Central HighSchool in 1957. Elizabeth Eckford declined to com­ ment, a family friend said. Her son had a short criminal history with a marijuana charge in 1997 and a firearm possession charge in 2000. A neighbor, LaWanda McKinnie, said she saw Erin Eckford carrying a rifle while her son and friends were playing basketball. She said she asked a passing man with a cellular telephone to call police. “I feel like it's all my fault,” she said. “He eventually would have gone back into his house. But I didn’t want him to shoot that gun with all the kids outside.” for Trillium Charter School A New Portland Public K -12 Charter School 16 at 7:00 p . m . 27 at 7:00 p . m . T hursday J anuary M ■ Sniper Suspect Leaves Courtroom Sniper suspect John Lee Malvo is escorted from court after a hearing in Fairfax, Va. Lawyers for Malvo scored a legal victory Thursday when the judge ordered prosecu­ tors to turn over statements he made have made to police about two Virginia shootings. Malvo and a second suspect are charged in the string o f sniper killings that terrorized Ihe Washington, D.C. area. onday J anuary at 116 N. P age S treet .. . q UJ < - c Trillium seeks to create art environment of Independent learning w ith in a small school, small multi-age class setting. Learn how our focus of Community, Urban and Global Studies encourages cross-age relationships, social awareness and critical thinking. Alternatives...Choice... Change FOR INFORMATION AND APPLICATIONS CALL (503)285-3833 OR VISIT OUR WEBSITF AT WWW.TRILLIUMCHARTFRSCHOOL.ORG