(El|c }J o rtla n ò (ff)bßrrüer Page B6 January 08. 2003 S ports fo r HOOPS photo bi D avid P lechl / T in P ortland O bserver Elijah Owens shoots as friend Deshawne Howard tries to block in a game of hoops at King Elementary in northeast Portland. The two were , taking advantage of , Sunday’s break in the * clouds after a long string of rainy days. Clear skies are expected to continue through the end of the week. MLK Holiday Invitational Jeff H oopsters to H ost N ation ’s Best presented by G.l. Joe's and Albina Community Bank at Jefferson High School, 5210 N. Kerby Invitational pays tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. FRIDAY, JANUARY 10™ Grant vs. M l. Tahoma at 6:00pm Battle Ground vs. Mt. Zion at 7:30pm SATURDAY, JANUARY 11'" Lake Oswego vs. Prairie at 5:00pm Battle Ground vs. Mt. Tahoma at 6:30pm Jefferson vs. Mt. Zion at 8:00pm ? I f you 're trying to be a top team in the country’, you try and play the other top teams Tickets available January 5th ■ January 9th at the Delta Pork O.l. Joe's Ticketmaster 1140 N. Hayden Meadows Dr., Portland, exit 3 0 6 * off 1-5 P hone:(503)383-0318 A«Jvlt............................................. Students/yowth (18 and under) $6.00 $4.00 Tickets at the Game M u l l ................. $8.00 Students/youth (18 and G.I. JOE'S TH I SPORTS A AUTO under) $6.00 S C H © L A S T IC P LA S T IC A lb in a C o m m u n ity Bank STO M I CANNON'S _ = = RIB EXPRESS = = - (FO RM ERLY CH UCK HIN TON ’S) C atering & Take-O ut O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q • Sandwiches • Salads • Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. I lam -9pm Fri.-Sat. I lam-IOpm Sun. I lam-Hpm CATERING EVENTS LARGE AND SMALL Fish Sandwich — $8°° ÍRII) ay Fish Dinner - $10°° SATURDAY * * * N ew L oc a t io n 5 4 1 0 N.E. 3 3 rd I * * * 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -3 8 3 6 Ground takes on Mt. Z ionat 7:30p.m. Saturday’s action has Lake O s­ w ego taking on Prairie at 5 p.m.; Battle G round playing Mt. Tahom a at 6:30 p.m .; Battle G round up against Mt. T ahom a at 6:30 p.m .; and by D avid P i . echl Jefferson playing Mt. Zion at K p.m. T he P ortland O bserver Mt. Zion has consistently been Jefferson High School in north ranked in the top five nationally and Portland will host the first ever M ar­ has produced such greats as N BA tin Luther King Jr. Holiday Invita­ sunerstarT racv M cGrady. Haskins tional basketball sees the gam e as tournam ent Friday an opportunity for and Saturday, fea­ his guys to match turing teams from skills. around the coun­ “Ifyou’retrying try. to be a top team in Jefferson B as­ the country, you ketball Coach and try and play the — Marshall Haskins, Jefferson A thletic D irector High School basketball coach other top team s,” M arshall Haskins he said. and athletic director. said similar tourna­ P roceeds from m ents have sprung up across the the event w ill benefit Jefferson country as a positive activity to honor High, C isco K ids and the Portland the M L. K hoi iday in a spirit o f cam a­ Interscholastic L eague. H askins raderie and brotherhood. said the tournam ent w as m ade p o s­ “ W e’re doing our part to realize sible by generous donations from Dr. K ing’s dream ," said Haskins. G I Joes and A lbina C om m unity “ Basketball is a perfect opportunity Bank. for that." “A lbina B ank and G l Joes are The invitational pits Grant against doing som ething very positive in Mt. Tahom a at 6 p.m. Friday. Battle the com m unity here," said Haskins. SABONIS PROPELS BLAZERS IN WINS Portland Trail Blazers ' Arvydas Sabonis shoots over New York Knicks ' Michael Doleac during first h a lf action at Madison Square Garden in New York on Sunday. Portland won the game 9 2 8 9 . with Sabonis ' play being instrum ental to the team 's 10th victory in the last 11 games. (APphoto) R ose B o w l V ic to r y Stoudamire Benched; Blames Whitsitt (A P) D am on S to u d am ire's certain that h e ’s w an n in g the bench at the behest o f B lazers' team p resi­ dent Bob W hitsitt. li e 's sure even though C oach M aurice C hecks says the decision w as made by him and him alone. W hitsitt, too. says he w ould never tell his coach w ho should play But S to u d a m ire say s h e 's fed up, so m u ch so th at he say s he w an ts to p lay fo r any o th e r team , as lo n g as W h i t s i t t 's n o t in ch arg e. At S u n d ay 's gam e against the K nicks, a fan yelled to Stoudam ire, " Y o u ' ve got to get traded. Y ou can stay at m y house." The disgruntled S toudam ire re­ plied. “ I'd live in your dog house to get out o f this." Museum to Tell Storv •/ of Muhammad Ali A tw o -f lo o r e x h ib it a t the M u h am m ad A li C e n te r in L o u is­ v ille, Ken. w ill tell the story o f the b o x in g g reat from ch ild h o o d to h e a v y w e ig h t c h a m p io n to g lo b e -tro ttin g h u m a n ita ria n I Oklahoma Sooners pose for a group photo after their 34-14 win over Washington State in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on New Year's Day. Signaling number one in the center is coach Bob Stoops and to his left is quarterback Nate Hybl (8). the gam e's m ost valuable player. (AP Photo) T h e c e n te r is e x p e c te d to o p e n in d o w n to w n L o u is v ille in la te 2 0 0 4 . D e sig n w o rk on the e x h ib its is a b o u t 4 0 p e rc e n t c o m p le te , said M ik e F o x , p r e s i­ d e n t o f th e c e n te r. T he trib u te to the L o u isv ille n ativ e w ill fe a tu re six “p o rta ls ." each s p o tlig h tin g a trait the d e ­ sig n e rs a ttrib u te to A li: ch a rity , c o n fid e n c e , d e d ic a tio n , s p iritu ­ a lity , re s p e c t and c o n v ic tio n .