Page B4 (Ehe |J n rtla n ò ODhscrucr B U S IN E S S d ir e c to r Chicago DOUBLE J TIRE CENTER Chicago is a story about two murder­ esses that backstab, lie and cheat. They also sing and d an ce- in order to make themselves stand out in the Chicago spot­ light o f the roaring 1920s and the 30s. But the real spotlight goes to Queen Latifah, who has been nominated for a Golden Globe Award for her role in the movie as the money-loving, low-cut-dress wearing prison warden extraordinaire Matron "M am a" Morton. She almost didn’t get the part. Ma­ donna and Rosie O ’Donnell were both after it along with 10 other major name stars. She auditioned three times for the part and finally nailed with her perfor­ mance o f “When You’re Good to Mama." “This story is about 1930s women who were smoking, having sex and shooting their husbands,” Latifah told the Daily News. “Things don't seem to be any differ­ ent these days, and people love to read about that stuff and gobble it up. How many stories have you read about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez lately? Every­ one wants to know w ho’s sleeping with who.” Velma Kelley, played by Catherine Zeta- Jones, has had a sensational nightclub duo with her sister, until she blanks out and shoots her philandering husband af­ ter she catches him cheating on her—with said sister. Kelly lives the high life injail, enjoying the perks, as long as she pays for them, given to her by the warden, Latifah. Velma also hires Chicago’s slickest law­ yer, Billy Flynn played by Richard Gere, to keep her notorious murder case on the front page. N E W • U SED • N E W CAPS Taxes. Mounting A Balancing Included FULLY GUARANTEED "NOW WITH 2 LOCATIONS" 68 4 , N.E. M.L.K. JR BLVD PORTLAND, OREGON 9 7 2 ,, (503)283-9437 4 5 ,0 S.E 52ND & HOLGATE PORTLAND, OR 97206 (5 0 3 ,7 7 ,-1 8 3 4 HOURS - MON THRU TRI 9 TO 6 • SAT 9 TO 4 jy ïJ k A T Special O rders G ladly A ccepted! Paul H o u g e [-8 8 7 -8 6 0 -0 0 4 7 8238 N D enver A venue, P ortland. O r. 97217 Phone: (803) 289-8418 M o n o's E th nic F a b ric 2 8 6 1146 January 08. 2003 Queen Latifah stars as Matron "Mama" Morton in the musical Chicago which is now playing in theaters nationwide. Latifah has been nominated for a Golden Globe Award for her performance. INSURANCE COMPANIES J This story’ is about 1930s women who were smoking, having sex and shooting their husbands. Things don’t seem to be any different these days, and people love to read about that stuff and gobble it up. — Queen Latifah % Then enters little Roxie Hart, played by Renee Zel weger. Hart is a wannabe singer' dancer w h o ’s entranced by C hicago’s promise o f fame and fortune and winds up on the row for offing her abusive lo\>r because he lied to her about breaking h jr into show biz. Billy immediately recognizes enorm ols potential in Roxie’s crim e o f passion and, whilepostponing Velma's case, turns Roxie into A m erica's latest sweetheart. The press loves her, and Roxie milks it for all it's worth, convinced she'll be famous when it’s all over. The jilted Velma, however, has other plans for little Miss Perfect and sets out ,o sabotage Roxie’s case. The two women stop at nothing to top one another and claim their rightful place in the spotlight. Still, maybe there is room for two on that stage, after all. O r maybe Latifah should take the stage alone to accept her Oscar. “ I feel like I’m living in a dream. D on't even say the ‘O ' word to me,” she told the Daily News o f all the kudos and Oscar talk over her performance as Mama. HOME OFFICES:BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. A gent 6 5 2 7 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 • 'n , First Latina Elected Statewide Begins Term AFFORDABLE LOCK & KEY FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT?-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Two Locations: Portland 503-284-9582 Oregon City 503-656-2116 Serving Portland/M etro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) DOMONIQUE'S/ HAIR DESIGN *Teresa, Owner & Stylist *Deborah, Stylist *H orace, Barber 2 8 6 -3 7 5 8 (A P) — O reg o n ’s new super­ in te n d e n t o f s c h o o ls , S u san C astillo has a b ig jo b w aiting for her — schools reeling from bud­ get cuts, federal m andates loom ­ ing, and a surly legislature. “T here’s a huge learning curve still in front o f m e," said Castillo, a Democrat from Eugene who has spent five years in the state Sen­ ate, but never w orked in the pub­ lic school system . "I love learn­ ing, so I am looking forw ard to that part o f it, but it’s huge.” A fter years spent w rangling o v er b u d g e ts in th e c a p ita l, C astillo's more than fam iliar with that part o f the equation. She says sh e ’s prepared to do battle for the s tic k e r-s h o c k e d sc h o o ls, w hich have alread y absorbed about $ 170 m illion in cuts, even if sh e’s got to forsake other state program s along the way. It’s the other parts o f her new jo b — like coping with the Bush / 'm ready for (the job) and I look forward to it. Let s figure out how we can gain back whatever trust has been shaken a bit, so we can stay focused on how we help kids achieve. Susan Castillo a d m in istra tio n 's new e d u c a tio n r e f o rm s , —Susan Castillo, Superintendent curbing the sta te ’s still ofSchools high drop-out rate and ------------ navigating the charged debate an n o u n ces p la n s to cut back o v e r w h e th e r to m ak e h ig h school days, and teachers and schoolers pass a state test in or- school boards fight bitterly over d erto g rad u a te that sh e ’ll have contracts. to digest in a hurry. “ W e’ve got to articulate how A form er television reporter, we are spending tfiose dollars, C astillo says she know s sh e ’ll be why those decisions are m ade, fighting a w a ro f perception about and w hat w e are getting back in O regon schools, especially as return,” she said. one school district after another So far, C astillo said, her plan is to be a bridge-builder — w ith the sta te ’s higher education com m u­ nity, traditionally a com petitor foi education dollars, or with the sta te ’s federal delegation, long attuned more to natural resource issues than O reg o n ’s schools. Her election to O regon’s top schools job made Castillo the first Latina elected to statewide office. She’s a native o f Los Angeles, raised by a mother who dropped out o f school in the eighth grade, and was determined that her daugh­ ter would have the education she never got. Now, she said, she owes it to the state’s mothers, and fathers too, to stabilize, if not increase, funding for their children’s schools. “ I’m ready for it, and 1 look for­ ward to it.” she said. “Let’s figure out how weean gain back whatever trust has been shaken a bit, so we can stay focused on how we help kids achieve.” 222 N. Killingsworth 97217 (Vancouver) » HERE THE HEAL TH OF YOER HAIR COMES FIRST.’ C lassifieds / B 'Subscribe! ids j Fill out. Clip out & Send to: I ìtle JJortlanb (Dbsrruer Phone ( 5 0 3 ) 2 5 6 - 3 3 3 5 A ttn: S ubscriptions PO Box 3137, Portland O R 97208 P A R K IN G F A C IL IT Y O p e ra to r HI-TECH AUTO SERVICES Open 10010 NE Sandy Blvd Portland. Oregon 97220 Mon - Sat 8AM 8PM Sunday 10AM - 5PM MAACCUTTC FRUIA, DC. (HIIONAdlt (All C hiro practic Clinic 485 N IU ,8th Avenu«. Suite 3 Portlond. Ofl 97809 Phone (5 0 J ) 88« 6140 p s u b sc rip tio n s are (u st $ 6 0 p e r vear Immediate full and part time openings. Seeking dependable, well-groomed, positive individuals. $8.00 + Starting wage; Overtime/advancement potential Medical & Dental, 401K avail. Drugtest/Background Check New hires must have acceptable documentation to confirm both identity and eligibility to work. Apply 12:00-12:30 PM, Tues & Thurs at City Center Parking 130 SW Stark, Portland Consider a Career in Construction! 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