®lje ‘¡Jortlanh ©bserue r January OI. 2003 Page A9 IL @©8ilRVA®@IR C lassifieds / B CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES WITH THE _______ CITY OF PORTLAND For contracting and vendor opportunities with the City of Portland, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page: www.cLporttand.or.us/purchasei'purchase. htm Orchestra Performs “ Mexican Traditions” Symphony concert to features charismatic composer The V ancou ver Symphony Orchestra’s Sil ver Anni versary concert season celebration continues in January with the m uch-anticipated “M exican Traditions,” an intriguing clas­ sical program imported from exotic Mexico and featuring the charismatic Guillermo Salva­ dor from Guadalajara. Jalisco as guest conductor. M aestro G uillerm o has a professional background as a brilliant pianist, both in recit­ als and as a soloist with the m ost im portant orchestras in Mexico and abroad. The Gov­ ernment of Mexico named him best m usician o f the year in 2001. Guillermo Salvador The symphony will feature a diverse selection o f m usic by M exican com posers, in­ cluding Silvestre Revueltas. A sa c h ild , Revueltas played the violin and organized o r­ chestras among his playmates. C ity o f Portland He went on to develop a highly unique m usical language rooted in the folk idiom o f his native land. O ther selections include “M oncayo’s H a u p a n g o ”; a folk-m edley based on three well-known melodies from the port city o f A lvarado. This brilliant rhapsody has become one o f the m ost well know n sym phonic works w ritten in Mexico. The concert will also in­ clude w orks o f a Cuban o ri­ gin. The “danzon ” typically features instrum ental solos. The dance begins formal ly and restrained then picks up as the Afro-Cuban rhythms bring a pronounced sensuality to the surface. The “danzon" became popu­ lar in Mexico almost as soon as it gained notoriety in Cuba. The program concludes with George Bizet’s Symphony #1 in C. Com posed when he was only seventeen and still a stu­ dent at the Paris Conservatory, the music has a youthful feel, rich in freshness and charm. Perform ances will be held Saturday, Jan. 25 at 3 p.m. and Sunday, Jan. 26 at 7 p.m. A “Musical Conversation,” an informal talk about the music and com posers, begins at 2 p.m, preceding S atu rd ay ’s concert. Bureau of Purchases 11 ! • SW Fifth Ave. Hoorn ?$# P.irtland (Mt 972IM who would like to see more students earn a CIM , say it is valuable and that state col leges are increasingly using ittomake decisions about enrollment and scholarships. The CIM certi­ fies that students who have earned it meet state standards in reading, math, writing and public speaking. The state found vast dispari­ ties in which students earn CIM s: W hites, Asians and American Indians in the class o f 2002 all earned certificates at roughly the statewide rate of 27 percent. But only 8 percent o f black and Hispanic students got CIM s, the state reported. “This really gives us a road map o f where we need to put our efforts,” said Gene Evans, communicationsdirectortbrthe Oregon Department of Educa­ tion. O regon’s class o f 2001 was the first eligible toeam the certificates, which grew out of O regon’s 1991 school reform Florida Prepares for Eventual Travel to Cuba (AP) — W henever Congress debates an end to the ban on U.S. travel to Cuba, Maria A ral's char­ ter flight company gets calls from Americans eager to book a trip to Havana. Aral ’ s ABC Charters and other tourism companies and state and local officials are preparing for the day when people might be free to travel to the island that is only 90 miles from Florida. Since 196.3, most Americans have been prohibited from visit­ ing Cuba. Only people with rela­ tives in Cuba, U.S. government officials and professionals such as journalists and doctors can make the trip. President Bush said earlier this year that a substantial softening of U.S. policy would only come after the communist government of Fidel Castro is out of power. When that day comes, Florida officialshopeforajumpin tourism. The state’s tourism marketing agency. Visit Florida, commis­ sioned a survey that found many people who want to visit Cuba w ould p re fe r to com bine a weeklong trip to Florida with an excursion to the island. Fewer than one in 10 would skip the state altogether to visit Cuba. But some parts of the state — for example, the Florida Keys — fear they could lose business to Cuba. Key West is closer to Ha­ vana than to Miami. Harold W heeler, who heads the Monroe County Tourist D e­ velopm ent C ouncil, said his group has created a plan to m ar­ ket trips to Cuba as an ideal side trip from the Keys, and vice versa. He expects C uba’s short­ age o f h ig h -q u a lity h o te ls would help keep the Keys as the main destination. “We realize there's going to be a great curiosity to go to Cuba,” Wheeler said. “The key is how we position ourselves.” Learn about job openings available now. Call 503-215-5770 or visit the Providence Employment Center, 1235 NE 47th Avenue, Suite 200. You also can apply online at www.providence.org Providence Health System is an equal opportunity, affirmative-action employer. Pre employment drug and health screens are required Ö SA.D.& THE CHRISTMAS BLUES Drag your self out to bed. Face your To-Do List. It will never all get done. Everyone wants to party except you. Just wish Santa would bring you a stocking full sunshine. Spring oh. spring where are you. Only 5 months away? Five long gray Portland months away. Lights to help the Christmas Blues This Lightbulh lady knows of 3 kinds of lights to help chase away the winter blues. The secret is enough o f the correct high CRI (Color Rendering index) light for the task at hand. One light is the Quartz Halogen bulbs. Quartz has a CRI of about 99 and creates a light the color o f spring. Come to the playroom and learn more about lights to help. Sat 10 am -4pm • 503- 281-0453 3901 N. Mississippi Ave. DOUBLE J TIRE CENTER NEW • USED • NEW CAPS Taxes, Mounting & Balancing Inducted FULLY GUARANTEED Inform ation about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job H otline at (503) 9 4 4 -7480. Hearing im paired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port's website at www.portDortlandor.com or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port's office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland. Immediate full and part-time open­ free when you join. FR E E R E G IS T R A T IO N FO R M E E T IN G S For additional meetings near you: eig ht W atchers . com 1 8 0 0 651 6 0 0 0 W CALL Temple Baptist Church 1 -8 0 0 -6 5 1 -6 0 0 0 0 1319 N.E. T* FOR MEETING TIMES. 2823 N. Portland Blvd. Tlmberllne Dodge Tillamook Park Bldg 2510 N.E Sandy Blvd. 2108 N.E. 41’ Ave. FREE REGISTRATION UNTIL MARCH 15, 2003 ^WeightWatchers For a lim ited time at participating meeting location» Joining members pay only the weekly fee 0-2003 Weight Watchers International, Inc owner of the WEIGH7- WATCHERS trademark. All rights reserved. Dean’s Beauty & Barber Shop Am erican com m unity providing in fo rm a tio n a b o u t p ro b le m gambling. Facilitates referrals to p ro b le m g a m b lin g tre a tm e n t. R e q u ire s e x c e lle n t com m unication skills, the ability to w ork in d e p e n d e n tly and to n e tw o rk w ith in th e A fric a n American community. Tualatin Valley Centers offers a c o m p e titiv e sa la ry, e x c e lle n t benefits and has a terrific staff. In te re ste d a p p lic a n ts may fax resum es to 5 0 3 -6 9 0 -9 6 0 5 or mail to TVC, 1 4 6 0 0 NW Cornell Rd, Portland, OR 9 7 2 2 9 Attn: H um an R e so u rce s. P le a se include in your cover le tte r the p o s itio n fo r w h ic h you a re applying. To learn more about TVC please check out our web site at www.tvcenters.org. Equal Opportunity Employer Computer J DOLLARS OFF OREGON LEGISLATURE Tuesdays through Thursdays NETWORKAOMINISTRATOR Senior Citizens days are Tuesday $ 3 ,6 1 0 -$ 4 ,9 9 2 215 N.E. Hancock St., Portland, OR • Responsible for daily operation (503)282-2920 W A I .K - I N S W E I .C O M E A.D. Williams Richard Edwards Tyrone Frazier (new stylist) PRESS k El RES SPECIAL S25* — This Special ends a t the end o f February — Mortgage Payments 2.75%* Alwayx Ip p rn v r« ! lo c a l • E va lu a te s, re s e a rc h e s and re so lve s s e rv e r and n e tw o rk problems, installs upgrades • R ecom m ends and 6841 N.E. M .LK JR BLVD PORTLAND. OREGON 97211 (503) 283-9437 For a p p lic a tio n Karen Hupp Legislative Adm inistration 9 0 0 Court St NE Room 140-B (503) 9 8 6 -1 3 7 3 Contact Yvette Roberts Territory Manager 503-493-2828 Direct: 503-936-2470 ►Call fo r D e tails W ith Ix iw c r Paym ents, Y o u Can fa y o ft H ills , Start a S avings Plan o r C o lle g e Fund — 503,2 88 .0 0 3 3 Deadline for application : Application m aterials will not be faxed. An equal opportunity employer & drug free work place Portland, OR 9721J ads@portlandobserver.com To be part of the team, application m aterials are available M-F in the lobby of the Ainsworth Building. A pply in person o r se n d se lf- addressed, stam ped ($.64) legal envelope indicating position to M u ltn o m a h ESD, A ttn R e c e p tio n is t, 11611 NE A insw orth Circle, P ortland, OR 9 7 2 2 0 -9 0 1 7 o r via WEB @ January 3 ,2 0 0 2 1040 NE Sandy Blvd, Ste 100A TT — —- — — --------- » • 170 days - ( 2 0 hrs week) school year - R equires Valid Oregon license to practice as an RN and recent experience (within the last five years) w orking in a hospital o r c o m m u n ity h e a lth c lin ic a l setting with chronic or technology s u p p o rt h e a lth p ro b le m s . Application Deadline: 5 PM 1 /1 9 / 0 3 fo r firs t screening. Open until filled. in fo rm a tio n 4510 S.E. 52ND & HOLGATE PORTLAND. OR 97206 (503) 771-1834 HOURS - MON THRU FRI 9 TO « • SAT 9 TO 4 p la n s contact: Visit Our Office: “NOW WITH 2 LOCATIONS" a re a network Salem, OR 9 7 3 0 1 Office: Registered Nurse/ Direct 1-1 Student Care 2 2 0 days (2 0 hrs week) fiscal year. Requires: Bachelor's degree in m anagem ent or other related h e a lth -fie ld and s p e c ific knowledge and skills listed on job d e s c rip tio n w ith a p p lic a tio n materials. Five years experience in th e O regon P u b lic S ch o o l Medicaid Program may be substituted for degree. Application Deadline 5 PM 1 /1 4 /0 3 hardware and software gassai NURSE s e rv e rs a n d W in d o w s 2 0 0 0 • Troubleshoots networked client ìebhl $ 8 .0 0 + S ta rtin g wage O vertim e/advancem ent potential Medical & Dental, 4 0 1 K avail. Drug te st/B a ckg ro u n d Check New hires m ust have acceptable docum entation to confirm both identity and e lig ib ility to work. Apply 1 2 :0 0 -1 2 :3 0 PM, Tues & Thurs a t City Center Parking 1 3 0 SW S tark, P ortland Supervisor, Medicaid network projects Refinance NOW! - t£) ings. S eekin g d ep e n d a b le , w ell- groomed, positive Individuals. and m aintenance o f enterprise S e rv e r/N e tw a re BARBERS: SUNLAN & The Light Bulb Lady Career Opportunities ¿ÄV Yours I Northminster Press. Church PORT OF PORTLAND law. To earn a certificate, stu­ dents must pass multiple-choice tests in reading, math and sci­ ence and essay tests in writing The Port o f Portland is an and problem-sol ving. They also Equal O pportunity Em ployer must complete eight samples of classroom work judged by their teachers to meet state stan­ Tl'ALATINH ai LLEY rn E N T E R dards: three essays or papers, c s fa PROBLEM GAMBLING three speeches and two com ­ OUTREACH SPECIALIST plex math problems. The cer­ (2 6 h rs/w k - benefited) tificate is not required for gradu­ PARKING FACILITY Operator ation. Provides outreach to the African A VERY COOL WAY TO START LOSING WEIGHT. NORTH PORTLAND 5(U.823.6855 A better career could be yours! Few Graduates Earn High School Certificate AP) — Only 27 percent of O regon’s most recent high school graduates earned the certificate of academic profi­ ciency issued by the state in 2002, up slightly from 24 per­ cent the year before. The credential, knownasthe Certificate of Initial M astery, or the CIM , carries no state mandated-penalties if students don’t take it, and no rewards if they do. But teachers and principals, ids — — — — — ' — —— « • ▼ W » clc)ssifieds@portlandobserver.com