Remembering 50¿ TLC's new album '3D,' a loving tribute to Lisa Left Eye' Lopes. LL Ite Killingsworth Design Plans Supported Neighbors Envision Active Street Life See story, Metro front page, inside See story, page B3 w w w .portlandobscr FstahllsheH Established in in 1970 1970 zacoc ’ ‘City of D Roses Volume X X X II • Committed to Cultural Diversity Number 4 6 Wednesday • November 20, 2002 ON HUNGER’ T,Weekin TheReview Police Consider Selling Ad Space on Patrol Cars Cash-strapped police depart­ ments around the country are considering selling advertising space on their patrol cars — an idea that has some officers in North Brunswick, N.J. worried they will get stuck driving around with a really em barrassing ad. Father Sues Amateur Hockey League A Canadian father is suing the N ew B ru n sw ic k A m a te u r Hockey Association after his 16- year-old son failed to win the league’s most valuable player award. Michael Croteau is seek­ ing about $200,000 in psycho­ logical and punitive damages from the association. He also dem ands that the MVP trophy be taken from the w inner and given to his son, Steven. Rock-Paper-Scissors Champ Crowned < G ive Pete Lovering a hand - for being the worlds best Rock, Pa­ per, Scissors player. The job- hunting W eb site operator has won the World Rock Paper Scis­ sors Society’s first open inter­ national championship. He was among more than 250 grownups who took part in the competition over the weekend in Toronto. High Court Refuses Inmate Sperm Case « The Supreme Court showed no sympathy M onday for a Califor­ nia inmate who wants to become a long-distance father. Justices rejected William Reno G erber’s claim that he should be. allowed to ship his sperm to his wife. The Supreme Court ruled 60 years ago that inmates cannot be ster­ ilized, but it’s never said they have a constitutional right to procreate from behind bars. Now on Sale: Official School Coffins PHOTO BY D avid P lechl / T he P ortland O bserver Ross Russell receives emergency food assistance for his family from Salvation Army employee John Schauer. "I didn 't know o f any other place could g o ," said the local resident who recently was laid o ff from a job at the Rose Garden. Salvation Army finds more and more people trying to make ends meet D avid P lechl T he P ortland O bserver by Economic woes are pushing more fami­ lies into desperation when it com es to put­ ting food on the table. O regonians are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet, according to Howard Erlich, directoroffamily services for the Salvation Army. The relief agency is expecting to serve nearly 4,500 low-income households this holiday season with food boxes and a vari­ ety o f services. “The need for food assistance continues to grow, which means more and more fami­ lies will be going withoui lood,” Erlich said. “O ur state is ranked the hungriest in the country right now.” A survey by the Oregon Food Bank shows that 60,000 children in Oregon need emer­ gency food in an average month. “It’s difficult to see families with hungry children at any time o f the year, but it’s especially hard on everyone during the holi­ days,” Erlich said. The Salvation Army tries to help people coming through their doors with two weeks worth o f food, energy assistance, counsel­ ing services, welfare applications, food stamps and instructions on applying for the National animal rights activists are “udderly” unim pressed— in fa c t, u n -m o o -v e d — by O regon’s state drink. People for the Ethical Treatment o f Ani­ m als have asked Gov. John Kitzhaber to pull the plug on m ilk,Oregon’sofficial state bev­ erage for five years, because o f objections to animal c* the dairy industry. continued yf on/. Former heavyweight champ Muhammad Ali visits a girl's school in Kabul as part o f his U.N. goodwill trip to Afghanistan. Muhammad Ali Visits Afghanistan (A P ) -S c h o o lg irls in K abul, A fghanistan show ered M uham m ad Ali w ith flow er petals M onday during the form er heavyw eight ch a m p ’s visit to a U .N .-sponsored school in A fg h an istan ’s capital. A li, w ho m ade the trip to K abul as a “ U.N. M essenger o f Peace,” signed auto­ graphs and handed out volleyballs and ju m ping ropes. Ronald A. D inicola, w ho served as the boxing leg en d ’s lal attorney for 15 years, said Ali cam e because he d to help focus w orld attention on A fghanistan’s ve hum anitarian needs — w hich m ight be o ver­ w ed if the U nited States goes to w ar w ith Iraq, nts to keep the spotlight o f international attention on s going on here,” D iN icola told T he A ssociated “E specially in light o f oth er w orld events.” : 60-year-old form er heavyw eight cham pion, w ho s from P arkinson’s disease, w alked slow ly and t spoke as he toured a g irls’ school in w estern “Violence breeds violence.” “N o war.” “Pray and Act for Peace.” “Free Palestine.” Those were some o f the cries from demonstrators on Sunday as they marched through dow n­ town Portland streets. Some o f the protestors called for an end to government poli­ cies that put corporate interests above basic human rights. L au rie K n ig h tly o f A m eri­ can s U n ited for P a le stin ia n ’s H um an R ights th in k s th e U .N . S ecu rity C o u n c il, w hich re ­ ce n tly issu ed Iraq an u ltim a ­ tum to h and o v er an y w e a p ­ o n s o f m ass d estru c tio n , has b e e n s tro n g a rm e d by th e A m erican g o v ern m en t. “ W e ’re n ot w ithin o u r rights to b o m b Iraq ,” she said. P olice estim a ted th e cro w d at m o re than 2,0 0 0 , w h ile p ro ­ te sters put the fig u re clo se r to 10,000. ‘S a ffire ,’ a local m u sician an d perfo rm er, said the p ea ce rally w as the first he had ev er atten d e d . T he peaceful d em o n stratio n d r e w p e o p le o f a ll a g e s . C o u p les w alked h and in hand. F am ilies stro lle d w ith do g s trailin g behind. t his sense o f hum or w as intact. A s he positioned continued I continued y^ on page A6 Thousands criticize possible war with iraq by D avid P lechl T he P ortland O bserver Eminem’s S IM Home PETA activists ask state to change from milk “A lot o f people are on the edge o f hun­ ger,” he said. Jesse Dunn was recently laid o ff from a job as a remodeler and maintenance man. He is a single parent with a two-year old son. He picked up a food box Friday and a gas voucher to help look for work. “It’s just us two,” he said, holding his son, Jesse Jr. “This is really important to us right now.” Erlich says the need for services is run­ ning about 15 percent higher than last year. He said service agencies are calling other lA f« * u l No Moro war! For fans whose enthusiasm for the home team refuses to die, even after they do, the Univer­ sity o f M issouri-Columbia has the solution. Those looking to extend school spirit beyond the grave can now purchase an offi­ cially licensed Missouri coffin. Bidding for one o f Em inem ’s boyhood homes has surpassed $ 1 million on an Internet auction site. The modest W arren, MI. home with three bedrooms and two bathroom s, was sold by Eminem’s uncle for $45,000ear­ lier in the month and has been listed on eBay since Thursday. Bidding opened at $ 120,000, and by Tuesday afternoon, the high bid was just over $1 million. Oregon Health Plan. Erlich says the typical person in need works at or near the minimum wage. Some­ times that person is a single parent with one or two children. Some are on welfare or disabled. Erlich says upwards o f 75 percent ofthose that seek out assistance from the Salvation Army are paying over half their income to rent. “That leaves very little left over in the way o f disposable income,” Erlich said. He also says that dow nturns in the economy have pushed recently laid o ff folks into the Salvation Army. y^ on page A6 continued V y^ on page A6 1 "Saffire" ponders the prospect o f another war aunng a oowntown peace rally Sunday. He was among thousands of demonstrators who took to the streets to call for an end to violence in the Middle East. photo by D avid P lechi TT he P ortland O bserver