Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 14, 2002, Image 1

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    Girls Battle in Little League World Series »
Hometown favorite to match up in finals carried live on ESPN2.
See story, page B6
"TheCity Of Roses"
August 14, 2002
Committed to Cultural Diversity
Established in 1970
Volume XXXII
Number 30
Marshall Haskins,
Jefferson High
basketball coach,
jokes with one of
his former players,
Aaron Miles,
outside the
gymnasium at a
recent community
Haskins says
Jefferson has
always had good
players, “I'm just
the straw that
stirred the drink. "
Girl Abducted From L.A. Park
LO S A N G E L E S — A 4-year-old g irl
w ho was in itia lly thought to have
drowned in a Los Angeles park was
abducted, police said. Police are search­
ing fo r a H ispanic male, 20 to 25 years
old, w ho was accompanied by a brow n
U.N. Report a Sobering
Assessment of Planet in Peril
'U N IT E D N A T IO N S — A U .N . report
sets the stage fo r this m o n th 's E arth
S u m m it w ith a sobering assessment
o f a p lanet w here sea levels are ris ­
in g , forests are being destroyed and
m ore than 2 b illio n people face w a te r
photo by D avid
P lechl /T he
P ortland O bserver
Anthrax Found in NJ. Mailbox
N E W A R K , N. J.— Anthrax spores were
! found inside a Princeton m ailbox tested
after workers at a regional m ail sorting
fa c ility contracted the bacteria in O cto­
ber, G ov. James E. M cG reevey said.
The m ailbox was removed last week
and there is no danger to the public.
Torrential Rains Cause Misery
Across Europe
V IE N N A , A u stria — Firefighters fran­
tic a lly stacked sandbags to shore up
dams against the swollen Danube R iver
and 40,000 Czechs fled flooded parts o f
Prague as torrential rains in flicte d fresh
m isery on m uch o f Europe. The death
to ll rose to at least 74 in Europe and
Continuing a Tradition of Excellence
Jefferson coach encourages players’ love for the sport
by M ustaafa M ohammad
T he P ortland O bserver
The gym at Jefferson H igh is the unof­
ficia l stom ping ground ofbasketball greats
past and present. So it was no surprise
when a nationw ide basketball tournament
called on Jefferson to host the “ A N D 1”
basketball tournament.
Hundreds o f kids and teens enjoyed
fo u r hours o f end-to-end hoops at the
Bush Raises
Record $100 Million
Aug. 1 event.
A m azing dunkers and w itty ball han­
dlers w ent toe-to-toe in the • ~»gym o f the
2000 state champion Jefferson Democrats.
“ A nyone can come out and p la y." says
M arshall Haskins, the Democrats’ head
coach, w ho was there to cheer on the
hoopsters. “ This is a big day fo r the Port­
land co m m u n ity.”
Haskins led the Democrats to a 28-0
season in 2000. He also coaches summer
camps at Self-Enhancement, Inc.
Haskins has always encouraged his
players’ love fo r the sport, and in turn,
they w o rk hard to express it. When asked
w ho were his hardest w o rkin g players, he
q u ic k ly replies, “ Brandon Brooks and
Brandyn B ro o ks."
B oth students played fo r Haskins on
the 2000 cham pionship team.
Haskins is hopeful about the potential
fo r this year's varsity team.
“ There are some up and com ing fresh-
W A S H IN G T O N — President Bush has
been raising funds fo r Republican can­
didates more aggressively than any o f
in office.
US Airways Files for Chapter 11
Fifth Death From
West Nile Reported
N E W O R L E A N S — The W estNile virus
has kille d a fifth Louisiana resident and
infected 14 more people in what health
o fficia ls said is the nation's biggest out­
break since the disease was first de­
tected in the United States in 1999.
China Threatens Taiwan
B E IJIN G — Taiw an faces a grow ing
p o s sib ility o f m ilita ry action by the
m ainland if'ra d ic a l pro-independence
m oves" continue on the island, the
Chinese governm ent warned through
its state-run media.
photo by D avid
P lechl /T he P ortland O bserver
Famed Civil Rights Lawyer, Judge Honored Job Outlook
Postal Service unveils new stamp honoring Thurgood Marshall
(A P )— A new com m em orative stamp
honoring Thurgood M arshall, the firs t
black Supreme C ourt justice, was unveiled
meeting o f the Am erican Bar Association.
“ M y sons and I are so grateful that
T hurgood M arshall jo in s so many other
Am ericans w ho have been previously
And it follows the national trend
o f alm ost no change in the past
honored, including Roy W ilkins w ith whom
he w orked so closely, w ho did their best to
make our country a liv in g dem ocracy,"
M a rsh a ll’ s w ife , C ecilia, said in prepared
few m onths, a sign the recession
is hanging on.
M arshall, a native o f Baltim ore, M d.,
was a graduate o f L in co ln U n iv e rs ity in
Pennsylvania and Howard U niversity Law
prevailed in the landmark Supreme C ourt
case, “ B row n v. Board o f Education o f
Topeka, Kansas," that struck dow n segre­
gation in p ublic schools.
President Kennedy appointed him to
the U.S. C ourt o f Appeals fo r the Second
C ircu it in 1961. He served in that court until
1965, when President Johnson appointed
(AP) — O regon’s jobless rate
remains the highest in the coun­
try, as unem ploym ent rates rose
to 7.3 percent in July.
T hat’s a very slight jum p in the
rate, from 7.2 percent in M ay and
The 37-cent stamp, w hich w ill go on
sale in January, was unveiled at the annual
School in W ashington.
He jo in e d the N A A C P ’ s national legal
s ta ff in New Y o rk C ity , where he became
c h ie f counsel and one o f the best know n
lawyers in the c iv il rights movement.
In 1954, M arshall and his legal team
on pane A3
Friends and family ofJaun Saurez light candles in his memory
Sunday evening at Northgate Park. Saurez was killed at the
park July 21 in an incident attributed to gang violence. The
Latino Gang Violence Prevention Task Force and the
Community Association o f Portsmouth are now working with
the victim's family to speak out about gang violence.
A L E X A N D R IA , Va. — US A irw a ys,
hard hit by the drop o f f in travel after the
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, file d fo r Chap­
ter 11 bankruptcy protection. The a ir­
line, w hich had mentioned bankruptcy
as a p o ssib ility after it lost $2.1 b illio n
during 2001, said all o f its flig h ts are
expected to continue.
Saudis Say No to U.S.
Ttirning the Tide
on Deadly Violence
his predecessors and has topped the
$100 m illio n m ark, by far the highest
amount fo r any president after 19 months
J1DDAH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia
has made clear to Washington — pub­
lic ly and p riv a te ly — that the U. S. m i li-
tary w ill not be allow ed to use the
kin g d o m ’ s soil in any way fo r an attack
on Iraq, Foreign M in iste r Prince Saud
man, but I don’ t w ant to sound like I ’ m
re cru itin g ,” he says. “ We have a great
team com ing back."
Nathan W allace, Deinarcus Richards,
and Marques H all top his list.
He says the negative press Jefferson
has gotten over the past few years, stories
concerning the school's academic stand­
ing, dropout rates and changing p rin c i­
p a ls , d o e s n ’ t a ffe c t his p la y e rs .
A stamp honoring Thurgood Marshall, one o f the best known lawyers In the
civil rights movement is dedicated Friday.
him the firs t A fric a n -A m e r can so licito r
general o f the U nited States
In 1967, he became the firs t black
ju s tic e o f the U.S. Suprem e C ourt. He
died in 1993,
M a rs h a ll is the n in th Supreme C o u rt
ju s tic e to be honored w ith a stamp. O th ­
ers w ere John Jay, John M a rs h a ll. W il­
liam Howard Taft, Charles Evans Hughes,
H arlan Fiske Stone, Earl W arren, O liv e r
W e n d e ll H olm es and H ugo B la ck.
A nd he is the 25th in the post o ffic e 's
Black Heritage stamp series, w hich has
included such leaders as H arriet Tubman,
Martin Luther King, Jr., Benjamin Banneker.
W hitney M oore Young, Jackie Robinson,
Scott Joplin, Sojourner Truth, and A. Philip
In July, more than 127,000 work­
ers were unem ployed in O regon,
compared to 112,000 for the same
month in 2001.
The Oregon Em ploym ent D e­
partm ent says there w ere som e
gains in m anufacturing w hile gov­
ernment jobs, including in the edu­
cation field, were about at norm al
levels for July.
The service industry, how ever,
declined by 3,600jobs in July after
a strong gain in June.