a p p if F o u r th o f d u t y ! M M ÎSnrtÎanù (BbsEt i f i r A Í D A r n r 1' The P City Of Roses' "Tkn www.portlandobserver.com Wednesday July 03, 2002 Committed to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 Volume XXXII Number 26 Cycling Club Transforms Lives Youth advocate brings multicultural vision to inner city race team Planes Collide Over Germany UEBERL INGEN, Germany— More than 70 people w ere killed w hen a chartered Tupelov airliner collided cargo plane at 36,000 feet over southern G erm any, officials said Tuesday. Swiss air traffic controllers said the pilot o f the Russian plane did not respond to orders to descend until too late. Balloonist Finishes Around-the-World Trip K A LG O O R L IE, A ustralia — Steve Fossett drifted into aviation history, becom ing the first person to fly a balloon solo around the world. Flying over the ocean south o f Australia, he crossed east o f 117 degrees longitude, the line from which he set o ff two weeks ago. John Benanate (right) and his team o f inner city kids at last winter's Olympic torch relay. World’s First Permanent War Crimes Court Opens U N IT E D N A TIO N S — The w orld’s first perm anent w ar crim es tribunal of­ ficially cam e into existence, hailed by supporters as a m ilestone in interna­ tional ju stice that will prevent future H itlers, Pol Pots and Saddam H usseins — but vehem ently opposed by the U nited States. Mailing Letters Cost More P hoto by K en L e G ros P hotography L L * i h by D avid W A S H IN G T O N — T he first-class postal rate is now 37 cents, a 3-cent increase that post office expects will cost A m ericans about 45 cents m ore a m onth. Rates for packages also rose. Cigarettes Hit $7 a Pack In New York N E W Y O R K — Smokers began paying m ore than $7 a pack for m any m ajor cigarette brands as N ew Y ork began collecting a new tax expected to bring an additional $111 m illion overthe next year. T he law boosted the city ’s per- pack tax from 8 cents to $ 1.50. P lechl T he P ortland O bserver John Benanate becam e interested in cycling years ago as a bike m essenger peddling the pavem ent o f dow ntow n Portland. He raced for the Portland State U niversity cycling team. It w as his pas­ sion. It was his life. But that all changed in 1992. Benanate fell from an 18-foot deck and landed on a tree stump. Hisback was broken. He would never w alk nor race again. Still in love w ith cycling, Benanate quickly focused his energies on coaching and the business o f turning peoples' lives around. He founded the non-profit cycling club and race team , B.l.K.E. that stands for Bicycles, Ideas and Kids Em pow erm ent. Benanate w anted to reach out to those traditionally absent from the w hite, m ale dom inated sport. “ I choose inner city kids because they w ere the faces that w ere m issing,” he said from his office in Southeast Portland. Benanate m eets w ith the kids several days a w eek to train. In the process o f teaching kids to be bicycle racers, he and his coaches instill standards ofhard work, self-esteem and discipline. “T hey carry those traits into every facet o f their lives,” Benanate says. I ï A He em ploys a very talented group o f coaches and m entors. “W e address the w hole child: m ind, body and spirit,” he explained. “W e do yoga because it keeps the kids strong. It helps them to breathe. It helps them feel good about them selves,” he says. Benanate touts the im portance o f a college education and has set up a college fund for the kids. “I stress education because there is no doubt in m y m ind education is m ore im ­ portant than bicycle racing,” he said. The form ula seem s to be w orking. M others have seen their ch ild ren ’s lives turned com pletely around. A nita W illiam s is one such parent. “T he biking program has given my kids hope,” she said. “Seeing John as a leader has proven to them that ju st b e­ cause you experience setbacks in your lifetim e, it d o esn ’t necessarily m ean they have to hold you back.” Benanate also has m any stories o f success. O ne o f those is that o f A nissa “N eecy” Cobb. “N eecy” was a troubled young lady when she firstjoined the team ," Benanate explained. continued on page B6 Powell: Be ‘Vigilant* on July 4 W A S H IN G T O N — A m ericans should b e cautious on the Fourth o f July be­ cause o f potential terrorist attacks on the national holiday, officials said. “T here have been a variety o f intelli­ gence reports that suggest w e ought to be especially vigilant,” Secretary o f State C olin Pow ell said. New Street for Alberta Rep. Watts Won’t Seek Re-Election N O R M A N , O kla.— Rep. J.C. W atts o f O klahom a, the only black Republican in Congress and a m em ber ofthe House G O P leadership, said M onday that he intends to retire at the end o f his term. W atts, 44, holds the fourth-ranking position o f chairm an o f the H ouse R e­ publican Conference. School children recite the Pledge o f Allegiance (AP Photo) Palestinian Elections Set; Arafat to Run ‘Under God’ Nixes Pledge of Allegiance JE R IC H O , W est Bank — Palestinian presidential and parliamentary elections will be held in m id-January, senior Pal­ estinian official Saeb Erekat announced. H ours later, Palestinian leader Y asser A rafat’s plan to seek re-election w as revealed. Nuclear Inspectors Worried Equipment was Stolen TBILISI, Georgia— International nuclear inspectors, already troubled by the dis­ appearance ofbomb-grade uranium from an ex-Soviet institute, w ant answers to an even more disturbing question: Has any equipment that makes such material disappeared as well? 1 Tri-met General Manager Fred Hansen (left) and Sam Brooks pick up a shovel to usher In the beginning o f a $3.3 million project to revamp Northeast Alberta Street from Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to 33^ Avenue with street and sidewalk Improvements. Brooks Is the executive director o f Oregon Association o f Minority Entrepreneurs and an Alberta Street business owner. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver C om m u n ity leaders b roke ground T hursday on the A lberta Streetscape Project. The $3.3 m illion effort will bring street and sidew alk im provem ents to A lberta from M artin Luther King Jr. B oulevard to N ortheast 33"1 A venue. C onstruction is scheduled to take a year. A lberta residents and business ow n­ ers had asked the city to m ake A lberta Street a better place to walk, ride a bicycle and use transit, w hile still m aintaining autom obile access and parking. “Alberta Street is creating quite a name for itself,” com mented Com m issioner Jim Francesconi, w ho oversees the Portland O ffice o f T ransportation. “The b u si­ nesses, shops, and restaurants as w ell as an em erging and exciting art industry along Alberta are drawing citizens from ai 1 over the Portland region.” The project will build curb extensions at transit stops and key intersections, ornam ental street lighting, street trees, school crossing im provem ents and sumps at intersections, im proved traffic signals at 7th, 15th and 33rd avenues, new storm w ater inlets and sum ps, sidew alk con­ struction at alley entrances and A merican continued on page B6 Judgment that words endorse a state religion put on hold pending appeal (A P) — For the first tim e ever, a federal appeals court has declared the Pledge o f A llegiance unconstitutional because o f the w ords “under G od” added by C ongress in 1954. In a 2 - 1 decision, the 9th U.S. Circuit C ourt o f A p p eals said the p h rase am ounts to a governm ent endorsem ent o f r e lig io n in v io la tio n o f th e C o nstitution’s E stablishm ent Clause, w hich requires a separation o f church and state. “ A profession that we are a nation under G o d ’ is identical, for E stablish­ m ent C lause purposes, to a profession that w e are a nation under Jesu s,’ a nation ’ under V ishnu, ’ a nation under Z eu s,' o r a nation under no g o d ,’ be- cause none o f these professions can be neutral w ith respect to religion,” Judge A lfred T. G oodw in w rote for the three- ju d g e panel. G oodw in has decided to stay his ru l­ ing until fellow m em bers o f the appeals court decide w hether to reconsider. T he Justice D epartm ent will request a full hearing by the 9,h C ircuit, w hich covers O regon and W ashington along with A laska, Arizona, California, H a­ waii, Idaho. M ontana, and Nevada. The case was brought by M ichael A. N ew dow . a Sacram ento atheist who ob­ jected because his second-grade daugh­ ter was required to recite the pledge at continued on Pa8e f