April 10, 2002 Page A3 B usiness Diana's Fashion Boutique to Remain Open D iana M cK night, o w n er o f D ia n a 's F ashion B outique lo ­ cated at 2808 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr. BI vd. in Portland says th at she w ill rem ain o p en through the sum m er due to p o p u la r d em an d . A lth o u g h M cK night intended to close her doors at the end o f M arch because o f p o o r sales, she says that the econom y has picked up and she is now getting strong support from the com m unity. "T he last few m onths w ere really difficu lt due to 9 /l l,b u t people are reg ain in g c o n fi­ dence in the econom y and are celebrating the turnaround with new clothing,” said M cK night. A lthough her boutique w ill rem ain open, M cK night e x ­ plained that she is still looking for a new buyer. “I ’ve been in business fo r o v er 8 years an d 1 need a break. M y husband and I intend to d o som e traveling during the next few years, so I ’ m looking for som eone to take o v e r. W e ’v e su rv iv e d th e w orst, so this is a great o p p o r­ tunity fo r anyone w anting to ow n a successful bu sin ess,” she explained. F or m ore inform ation on D ian a's Fashion B outique, call 503-249-3790. Through Jobs Plus, Unemployed and Employers Gain by J oy R amos T he P ortland O bserver Since the start o f the recession, it’s been a tough m arket out there for jo b seekers. On the flipside, em ployers have to choose am ong a glut o f applicants for every jo b m ade available. By design, the Jobs Plus program offers a win- w in solution for both sides. It has been an alm ost untapped resource that w ill rem ain available through the O regon E m ploym ent depart­ m ent for another year and a half. T he Jobs P lus pro g ram has helped thousands o f O regon resi­ dents on unem ploym ent insur­ ance gain m eaningful jo b experi­ ence and pay through com panies affiliated w ith it. M any find that th ere’s lessco m p etitio n fo rav ail- able jo b s through the program . M oney is even set aside for the Jobs Plus em ployee through an educational fund if m ore school­ ing is needed. The average amount is usually $500. O ne success story involves a w om an w ho w as hired as a kitchen helper through Jobs P lus last year. Gerry Coleman is a Jobs Plus representative that works as a liaison between individuals on unemployment and companies hiring through the Oregon Employment Department. A fter com pleting her Jobs Plus training, she was hired for regular em ploym ent with the sam e co m ­ pany. She used her scholarship m onies from the program to at­ tend night classes at Portland C om ­ m unity C ollege, learning how to use the program s Excel and Quick book. By getting advanced office education, she w as prom oted to O ffice M anager with a significant come. T he m onthly reim bursem ent from the Jobs Plus program helps em p loyers by reducing their fi­ nancial burden when they are hir­ ing a new em ployee. T he most qu alified candidate receives full­ tim e or part-tim e, paid training for a trial period o f thirteen weeks. B usinesses participating receive E m ploym ent Specialist G arry B. C olem an does extensive o u t­ reach w ork prom oting Jobs Plus to com panies w ho may be inter­ ested in saving labor costs. U p to 10% o f a com pany’s regular staff can be Jobs Plus w orkers. T his in turn helps the unem ployed choose from many o f the job opportuni­ ties available from different in­ dustries. “W e are able to potentially save the em ployer time and money by pre-screening the jo b appli­ cants and verifying their work his­ tory. Jobs Plus tries to effectively refer the candidates w hose skills best m atch the em ployer's needs,” explained C olem an. E veryone benefits. C olem an added that the Jobs Plus program has been a good m atch-up b e­ cause the unem ployed can go back to work; the em ployer saves tim e and m oney; and the econom y gets a boost. For m ore inform ation on the Jobs Plus program , call G arry C olem an o f the O regon E m ploy­ ment Department a t503-731 -3044. = = AT&T W ireless m THERE'S PLENTY OF TIME FOR SMALL TALK. Itirbine Maker Moves to Rivergate ( A P) - O ne o f the w o rld ’s lead­ ing w ind turbine m anufacturers w ill shift its headquarters to the R ivergate D istrict o f north P o rt­ land, a m ove that w ill create about 1,200jo b s and at least $150 million in local investm ent, city officials said last w eek. M ayor Vera Katz said Denmark- based V estas W ind System s n e­ gotiated w ith the city for a y ear before seal ing the deal to m ove its facilities to P ortland from Palm Springs, Calif. V estas plans to break ground im m ediately and start production by July. “T o dig o u r way out o f this recession, w e needed to becom e one o f the m ost econom ically in ­ novating places on earth ,” Katz said. “V estas will serve as the vanguard o f a new , clean-energy industry, putting Portland clearly on the m ap.” V e s ta s w a s m o tiv a te d to ch o o se P o rtla n d b ecau se o f th e g ro w in g p o p u la r ity o f w in d p o w e r in the P acific N o rth w est, p a rtic u la rly in th e C o lu m b ia R iv e rG o rg e . T h e re g io n saw th e seco n d - la rg e st g ro w th in w in d p o w e r last year, after T ex as, and at least 15 w ind farm s are p la n n e d in O reg o n and W ash in g to n in th e n ex t few y ears. T h e A m erican W ind E n erg y A sso c ia tio n w ill h o ld its a n n u al c o n fe re n c e on w ind te c h n o lo g y in P o rtla n d in June. M any o f the wind turbines p ro ­ duced in P ortland w ill be shipped to sites throughout the Pacific N orthw est for use on w ind farm s. The facility in Portland wi 11 cre­ ate up to 4(X) adm inistrative jo b s, 200 science and engineering p osi­ tions and num erous jo b s in w eld ­ ing and skilled manufacturing. The state will provide $750,(XX)for train­ ing new em ployees. T he com pan y w ould not have m oved ahead with the deal w ith ­ out a tw o-year extension o f the federal energy tax credit, w hich w as included in the econom ic stim ulus package signed by Presi­ dent B ush last m onth. The tax credit benefits companies involved in developing alternative technologies, such as wind power. “The ripple effect from this wind energy tax credit is trem en d o u s,” said Sen. G ordon Sm ith. R-O re. increase in responsibility and in­ a subsidy: the w ages are reim ­ bursed at $5 per hour for the first 30 days and then reduced to $4 per hour for the balance o f the 13 week contract. T his also allow s the em ployer to fully screen the Jobs Plus em ployee before m aking a hiring decision. A large steel distribution and processing shop recently moved into a larger facility on Swan Is­ land. T hey needed to fill new positions and requested the help o f Jobs Plus for prospective em ­ ployees. The com pany was w ill­ ing to offer one-on-one special­ ized training to the new hirees in the operation o f their m achinery. For the ow ner o f the com pany, the w age reim bursem ent program through Jobs Plus had signifi­ cantly helped offset the cost of the training. The com pany cur­ rently has six Jobs Plus em ploy­ ees - tw o o f which will be complet­ ing their training opportunity and will be hired on as perm anent em ployees. The other four are doing well and will also be offered perm anent positions. AT&T Wireless Digital Advantage $39.99 monthly calling plan need more night A weekend minutes? choose unlimited Nokia 3360 night & weekend minutes for life ’49.99 after mail m rebate only $4.99 more a month Nokia 3360 suggested re tail price $99 99 Nokia m a il-in rebate $50 00 fin a l cost $49 99 Sales ta« applies to original purchase price Anytime minutes, night A weekend minutes and nationwide long distance apply to calls placed from yout Home Calling Area for as long as you remain on the same plan. Plus get a waived $35 activation fee with a two-year agreement. 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