African American Health Advocates Supported Major grant to fu n d campaign to improve the health o f local residents llartlanh " The T h o f City i t v Of n f Roses" D, Volume XXXII Number 14 Committed to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 Wednesday April 10,2002 Changing of the Guard Poll Reflects Pessimism, Unease on Mideast A m ericans are deeply conflicted about the bloodshed betw een Israelis and Pal­ estinians, a new poll shows. T h ey ’re also w orried that suicide bom bers will attack in this country and that U.S. soldiers may have to go to the M iddle East. Store Can Keep Records From Police D E N V E R — In a First A m endm ent case that could have national im plications, the C olorado S uprem e C ourt ruled that a D enver bookstore does not have to give sales records to police seeking inform ation in a drug investigation. Saddam Cuts Oil Exports B A G H D A D , Iraq — Saddam H ussein announced that Iraq w ould cut oil ex ­ ports for 30 days, or until Israel w ith­ d ra w s from P alestin ian territo ries. Saddam said all exports w ould be cut. Postal Rates to Increase on June 30 W A S H IN G T O N — M ailinga letter, bill paym ent o r birthday gift w ill cost m ore starting June 30. H igher postal rates include a 3-cent b oost to 37 cents for first-class mail. U.S. Envoy Meets with Arafat R A M A L L A H , W est B ank — R enew ­ ing a truce m ission, a U.S. m ediator m et with Y asser A rafat at his besieged head­ quarters as Israel’s offensive against P alestinian m ilitants entered its second w eek despite U.S. dem ands that troops w ithdraw from W est Bank cities. The m eeting lasted 90 m inutes. Larry Dashiell (right), the incoming principal for Jefferson High School, is welcomed back to the north Portland school's campus Monday by Interim Principal Jim Carlile. Dashiell is currently the vice principal at Southridge High School in Beaverton. He previously worked at Je ff as a vice-principal and starts his new job in July. P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver 2nd Teen Pleads Guilty In Case of Slain Professors H A V ER H ILL, N.H. — W eeping in the courtroom , one o f tw o teens involved in the brutal slaying o f tw o Dartmouth C ollege professors apologized as he was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. ‘T m sorry,” 17-year-old Jam es Parker s a id , crying and having trouble getting up to speak. ‘’T here’s not m uch m ore I can say than that. I’m ju st really sorry.” Postal Service Eyes Rate Increases, Delivery Cutbacks W A S H IN G T O N — The U .S. Postal Service, w hich lost $ 1.6 billion last year, is looking at o verhauling its o p era­ tions. Possible changes include clo s­ ing som e offices, phased reg u lar price increases and even cutting back on six- day-a-w eek deliveries. Genetic Maps of 2 Rice Types 99% Complete T w o team s o f scientists will unveil the genetic m aps, o r genom es, o f tw o im ­ portant types o f rice. R esearchers p re­ dict the breakthrough will increase the availability o f o n e o f the w o rld ’s m ost basic and p o p u lar foods. Arthritis Pills May Prevent Cancer B O ST O N — Scientists believeCelebrex and V io x x — the red-hot inflam m ation pills taken by tens o f m illions for arthri­ tis — m ay also help prevent cancer, and m ay even cure the disease B ut ex p eri­ m ents are ongoing, and experts caution that the optim ists could be dead w rong. Board Dumps McCoy Academy M cC oy A cadem y’s ch arter school status w as revoked by the P ortland S ch o o l B o ard M o n d ay , ju s t tw o m onths before the inner-city sch o o l’s contract w ith the school district ex ­ pires. M cC oy serves inner city neighbor­ hoods as an alternative school for high school dropouts. It w as the first ch ar­ ter school in the city. Supporters tried to save the public fin a n c in g fo r th e s c h o o l d u rin g M onday’s school board m eeting, but the pleas failed on a 6-1 vote. D erry Jackson voted to keep the charter, saying the school catches m any stu­ dents w ho have no other option. R easons a g ain st c o n tin u in g the charter w ere based on an independent evaluation show ing that 114 M cC oy students earned an average o f ju s t 1.6 credits tow ard graduation and there w as p o o r student attendance. The school has also not m ade p ay­ m ents into the state retirem ent system for em ployees and w as denied a w aiver by O regon A ttorney G eneral H ardy M yers to exem pt paym ents. S upporters o f M cC oy A cadem y praised the p ro g ram 's low student ra­ tios, offerings ofco re academ ic classes and day care for teen parents. Rebecca Black, founder o f M cCoy, has vow ed to keep the school open. H erchallenge is raising $500,000 from private sources and cutting enrollm ent to stay afloat. Currently, the school district is w ork­ ing on finding alternative schooling for the m any M cC oy students. Portsmouth Plan Brings Hope, Zoning Issues Planners see mixed income Columbia Villa community with new housing and stores L ee P erlman T he P ortland O bserver For Billy Carey, the Portsmouth N eigh­ borhood Plan is a chance to m ake his C olum bia V illa hom e a better place. Lisa H om e has som ething else in mind. She w ants to advance a larger com m unity revitalization agenda for her Peninsula C om m unity D evelopm entC orporation. Y et another view com es from Richard E llm yer w ho sees the plan as a potential sidetrack for com m unity betterm ent. The plan sets a policy and a “vision" for the 600-acre neighborhood, bordered by North Lom bard, Colum bia Boulevard, C hatauqua and the B urlington-N orthern railroad tracks. Based on the theme “walking together.” ot also sets out an “action agenda" o f projects under the headings ofN eig h b o r- hood Identity, Parks and O pen Space, Public Safety, N eighborhood Livability, Human Development and Social Services, B u sin ess G ro w th and D ev elo p m en t, T ransportation and H ousing. The Portland P lanning C om m ission approved the plan last m onth. It is ex­ pected to reach the Portland C ity C ouncil for adoption in M ay o r June. A m ajor com ponent o f the plan is the pending H ope VI project for the redevel- opm ent o f the H ousing A uthority o f P ortland'sC olum bia V illa as a m ixed-in­ com e com m unity o f 2,500 residents, double its current size. A s part o f this, the plan proposes to rezone a few acres from low-density apartm ents to storefront com ­ mercial .T his w ould allow for the creation o f a “village square” o f social and retail services serving not only the V illa, but the surrounding com m unity as well. Th is proposal caused m ore critical tes- tim ony at a publ ic hearing and m ore scru­ tiny from the com m ission afterw ard, than all other parts o f the plan com bined. The comm ission ultimately approved the docu­ ment after reducing the size o f the rezoned area, on the eastern edge o f the V illa, from the original ten acres to 7.3, and the assu r­ ance that part o f this will be used for social services that now occupy em pty rental units as conditional uses. Part o f the problem , planner Julia G isler said, w as that the H ousing A uthority o f Portland, operator o f the V illa, has decided they w ant a V illage Square, but not exactly w here it should be. “W hen you rezone som ething, it stays that w ay for a long tim e, long a fte ry o u ’ve by Billy Carey, a long-time Columbia Villa resident, likes the idea o f bringing in more commercial and retail services around his home. continued on page B4 Racism Investigated at Oregon State Hospital Probe looks into state hospital's treatment o f Sen. Avel Gordly's son and other black patients m ent o f Justice will seek to determ ine to racial harassm ent, discrim ination and (A P) — T he state will review m an­ agem ent practices at O regon State H os­ oth er civil rights violations. G ov. John K itzhaber ’ s office cal led for pital after em ployees allegedly m ade the probe at G o rd ly ’s request after she and Training is also looking at w hether its trial. A ju d g e has since ordered an in d e­ racist com m ents about a black psychiat­ received an anonym ous letter M arch 6 investigation spurred a recent change in pendent review o f W aters' m ental c o m ­ ric patient w ho is the son o f state Sen. from a person claim ing to be a hospital W aters’ psychiatric diagnosis, w hich petency. Avel G ordly o f northeast Portland employee. Eight em ployees, including a supervi- caused him to be transferred from the An inquiry by the O regon D epart- A w hether m anagem ent practices have led sor, have been reassigned during the W aters, w ho has been diagnosed investigation into the treatm ent ofT yrone with paranoid schizophrenia since 1994, W ayne W aters, 36, and other black pa­ w as a patient from O ct. 5, 2001, until tients at the state hospital in Salem. The O regon O ffice o f Investigations deem ed him m entally capable to stand hospital back to jail tw o w eeks ago. V M arch 2 1, w hen a state hospital d o cto r continued on page ft 4