Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 03, 2002, Image 1

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    Mariners-Padres Play in Portland
Major League Baseball finally came to fans in the Rose City when the
Seattle Mariners played the San Diego Padres. Stt SponSi pagt B3 inMe
"The City Of Roses"
Volume XXXII
Number 13
Committed to Cultural Diversity
Established in 1970
April 03,2002
Marchers Support New Christian Center
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Shuttle Countdown Bogins
Amid Heightened Security
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began its launch countdown for space
shuttle Atlantis, following new secu­
rity guidelines intended to thwart a
terrorist attack. Under the new policy,
NASA w on’t announce the start o f a
countdown until after the fact and w on’t
announce a shuttle’s launch time until
24 hours in advance.
s n
H undreds gathered for the
Miracle March in north Portland
last Saturday morning to help raise
money for the completion o f the
Life Change Christian Center that’s
located at 106 N. Beech St. One
million dollars is needed for the
first phase o f the renovation plan.
Many got a chance to see the work
that’s already completed on the
new facility.
Since 1996, the center has pro­
vided food and clothing for the
needy. It will continue to be a place
for anyone in the community seek­
ing spiritual direction and support.
Israeli Offensive
Intensifies In West Bank
RAMALLAH, West Bank — Israeli
forces shelled a heavily fortified Pales­
tinian security headquarters in an all-
night assault to flush out top fugitives.
Fighting raged outside Bethlehem’s
Church o f the Nativity as Israel ’ s prime
minister proposed exile for Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat.
Pastor Mark Strong leads
the way in the Miracle March
for the creation of the new
Life Change Christian Center
to benefit north Portland.
Late Snow Storm
Snarls Midwest
photo by M ark W ashington
T he P ortland O bserver
April began with a dose o f winter across
the upper Midwest as snow caused
hundreds o f traffic accidents. More
light snow fell across the region, add­
ing to the 3 to 6 inches that fell Monday
in Minnesota and Iowa and the more
than 2 inches that fell in parts o f W is­
Queen Mother Honored
LONDON — While the body o f the
Queen M other Elizabeth rested at
Windsor Castle, British troops fired 41 -
gun salutes in honor o f King George
V i’s widow, who died Saturday at 101.
The royal family has also been mourn­
ing P rin c e ss M a rg a re t, Q u een
Elizabeth’s sister who died in February.
Billy Wilder Dies at 95
LOS ANGELES— Oscar-winning film­
maker Billy Wilder, the Austrian-bom
cynic whose gifts for writing and di­
recting led to such classics as Sunset
B oulevard, Som e Like it H ot and
Double Indemnity, has died. He was 95.
Arab Leaders Endorse
Saudi Peace Plan
BEIRUT — Arab leaders endorsed a
Saudi peace plan offering Israel “normal
relations” in exchange for withdrawal
from all occupied Arab land. The plan
also demanded a Palestinian state with
Jerusalem as its capital and the right o f
return for Palestinian refugees.
Government Seeks Death
Penalty for Moussaoui
WASHINGTON — The Justice De­
partment told a court it will seek the
d eath p e n a lty a g a in st Z a c a ria s
M oussaoui, the only person to be
charged in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks
against New York and Washington.
Milton Berts Dies at 93
LOS ANGELES — Milton Berle, the
acerbic, vaudevillian who embraced a
new medium and became “Mr. Televi­
sion” in the dawn o f the video age,
died. He was 93. Berle was the king o f
Tuesday nights. His program spurred
sates o f televisions and helped make
TV a mass medium.
Black Public Administrators Conference Welcomed
The National Forum for Black
Public Administrators will hold their
national conference for the first
tim e in Portland, starting Saturday,
April 6 through 10 at the Oregon
Convention Center. The them e for
Forum 2002 is “Sustainability: Lead­
ership That M akes a D ifference”
and will feature workshops and spe­
cial events to highlight the best that
Portland has to offer.
The Forum 2002 conference is
designed to provide training and
inform ation on issues affecting ad­
ministrators serving in executive and
managerial positions in federal, state
and local governm ents. Public ad­
m inistrators are allowed to explore
solutions to key challenges facing
the A frican-A m erican com m unity
and local governm ents, and support
the career developm ent o f the next
generation o f public administrators.
Featured speakers include Shirley
Franklin, the first woman m ayor o f
A tlanta; Kevin Powell, form er se­
nior w riter for “Vibe” m agazine
and regular contributor to the “New
Y ork Tim es” and “Essence” and
“R olling Stone” m agazines; Ossie
Davis, distinguished writer, direc­
tor and actor; Rev. Dr. DeForest
B. Soaries, form er Secretary o f
State o f New Jersey and pastor o f
First B aptist Church o f Lincoln
G ardens, one o f the largest Black
churches in N ew Jersey.
T h e c o n f e r e n c e ’s k e y n o te
sp eak er is p u b lic se rv ice icon
M aynard Jackson, the form er three-
term m ayor o f Atlanta and civil
rights activist. He is now chairman
o f Jackson Securities, Inc., a na­
tional institutional investment bank.
In addition to the variety o f topics
presented by the noted speakers,
workshops include: The City o f
Houston: A Case Study in Energy
Deregulation; The Fire Next Time:
Em ergency Preparations in Chal­
lenging Times; Smart Tools to M an­
age Com m unity Growth; and C re­
ating Social Equity: The Public
Health C hallenges o f the New Era.
The NFBPA is hosting its annual
golf tournament on Wednesday, April
10 at Eastmoreland G olf Course in
southeast Portland. The tournament
is open to local players, including those
who are not attending the confer­
ence. Local golfers will have a chance
to play with others from around the
nation and the world as well as enjoy
networking opportunities with many
community leaders.
Proceeds from the tournam ent
benefit the NFBPA Endow m ent
Fund. Prizes will be awarded for
first, second and third place. Sign­
up to play closes at noon on Friday,
April 5. To register, contact Jamae
Hilliard Creecy at 503-823-5524.
For more inform ation about the
conference, call Deena Pierott at
5 0 3 -8 2 3 -7 7 5 7
v is it
w w w .ntbpa.org.
Interstate MAX Halfway Mark Commemmorated
Com m em orating the fifty
percent com pletion o f the
In te rsta te M A X line on
T uesday, public o fficials
S e n a to r G o rd o n S m ith ,
Senator Ron Wyden and oth­
ers from Oregon placed a
m arker in wet cem ent and
s ig n e d th em w ith th e ir
nam es.
Federal Transit A dm inis­
trator Jenna Dorn was also
on hand to present a $64
m illion check for this year’s
Interstate MAX appropria­
C on stru ctio n on the In ­
tersta te M AX project b e ­
gan in O ct. 2000. C om ple­
tion o f the line involves
adding 10 M AX stations
betw een the Expo C enter
and the Rose G arden, and
w ill operate through dow n­
tow n Portland.
A truck passes
the midway
point of the
Interstate MAX
line that's
complete up
to the
of N. Portland
Blvd. and
Interstate Ave.
T he P ortland
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