H J le r r u C h r is tm a s IP P Y KW AAXAA & (Elu' ISnrtlanh " The T U f City i t v n Of f » Roses" , Volume XXXI Number 48 Committed to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 www.portlandobserver.com Wednesday December 19, 2001 50e Sharing the Magic of Christmas Oregon Linked to 9-11 Terror Attacks Senator says perpetrators of terrorism find aid and comfort here Peacekeepers in Place Soon LO NDON — The first international peacekeeping troops could be in A f­ ghanistan by the end o f the week. O f­ ficials said the lead elem ents o f a stabi­ lization force were expected to be in place by Dec. 22 when an interim admin­ istration is scheduled to take power. India Blames Pakistan for Parliament Attack NEW DELHI, India— India’s govern- arent accused Pakistan o f trying to wipe out the Indian leadership by sponsor­ ing the terrorist attack on Parliament. Home Minister Lal K. Advani called it the “m ost alarming act o f terrorism in the history o f tw o decades o f Pakistan- sponsored terrorism.’’ USA's Largest Cathedral Burned NEW YORK — Fire broke out at the historic Cathedral o f S t John the D i­ vine, with flames shooting from the Episcopal church that has been under construction for more than a century. Fire officials said they expected w ide­ spread sm oke and water damage. Tax Cats Hinder Stimulus Plan V.’A S in i JGTDN —- Progress on tax cuts and help for the unemployed has foun­ dered in Congress because o f fallout from last spring's tax cuts. T o D em o­ crats w ho opposed the previous cuts, granting President Bush more o f the same poses even greater risks to the governm ent’s financial stability. Kaylea Mazurek (left) and Egbevado Ananouko (right) were among the many deserving kids sharing a day with Santa Claus at the sixth annual Holiday Bike Drive at legacy Emanuel Hospital Sunday. The Community Cycling Center on Northeast Alberta sponsored the bike drive, with volunteers restoring donated bikes and giving them to 1,000 underprivileged kids in the Portland area. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Retail Salas Plunga W ASHINGTON— Retail sales plunged a record3.7% inN ovem ber as consum ­ ers, buffeted by huge job losses, terror­ ist attacks and a recession, got the holiday sales season o ff to a dismal start. The record drop in retail sales follow ed a 6.4% surge in October, also a record. Consortium Gets Interstate-Max Work Israel Cuts Ties with Arafat GA ZA CITY, Gaza Strip— Israel sev ­ ered all contact with Yasser Arafat, launching airstrikes and sending troops to Palestinian towns after a bus am ­ bush dial killed 10 Israelis. The new strikes today killed one man and injured <0 in Gaza. Airport Max Moves Holiday Travelers U £ to VoM 1972 Nuke Treaty W ASHINGTON— PresidentBushwiU soon give Russia notice that the United States is withdrawing from the 1972 nuclear treaty that bans testing o f m is­ sile defense systems, U.S. officials said. Bush has said the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks have heightened the need for m issile defense. Dozens of Workers at Salt Lako 1-----<-Ji W ipo n ArTVSiM Trl-Met General Manager Fred Hansen is honored by the Northeast Urban Trucking Consortium for his efforts to include minority firms In Interstate MAX light rail construction. Hansen was presented the award from James Posey (left), a member of the trucking group that is working on the Interstate MAX project. Tri-Met was recognized for exceeding Its goal of 16 percent involvement from disadvantaged business enterprises. S A L T L A K E d T Y — Dozens o f airport workers were arrested and charged by prosecutors with using false informa­ tion to get jobs at Salt Lake Interna­ tional Airport. Federal attorney Paul Warner said there were no known links to terrorism, but called the indictments important to U .S. security. 1 OHSU Nurses Go On Strike Subs brought in on charter buses to keep hospital open (AP) - Nurses walked off the job at Oregon Health & Sciences University on Monday morning. The 1,500 registered nurses at the Port­ land hospital - which also houses the state's only medical school - went on strike after a majority of nurses voted to reject OH SU ’s latest contract offer. The hospital ’ s nursing director said the hospital will continue running at full ca­ pacity, with replacement nurses filling all positions. “Our mission is unchanged.’’ said Bonnie Driggers. “Our mission is to care for our patients here at the hospital I ft and continue our research activities.” The substitute nurses began arriving over the weekend on charter buses. They have come from several states as well as the Portland area, all are licensed to work in Oregon and meet OHSU standards, Driggers said. After negotiations with a state media­ tor broke down, members of the nurses' union on Saturday night overwhelmingly rejected what Driggers called O H SU 's fi­ nal offer. continued V on page A3 The new Airport Max light rail train has turned into a popular choice for getting to the airport. Area residents are finding Tri-M et's Airport MAX line a convenient way to get to and from Portland International Airport during the December holiday season. The Airport MAX Red Line is the West C oast’s first train to the plane, running every 15 minutes, every day, from 5 a.m. until the last train leaves the airport at 11:30 p.m. Commuters are finding the transporta­ tion fast, convenient and inexpensive - taking 38 minutes from downtown Port­ land and stopping 150 feet from the airport's baggage claim. The trip costs $1.55 each way. Quick drop sites are located at MAX stations on Northeast 82nd Avenue, Lloyd Center/Northeast 11* Avenue, Old Town/ Chinatown, Galleria, Gateway Transit Cen­ ter and the Parkrose/SumnerTransitCenter. Ticket vending machines are located in the airport lobby and at all MAX stations. A Trip-Planning Kiosk in the airport lobby also helps with transit connections. (AP) - Classified information indicates there are people linked to the Sept. 11 terror attacks in Oregon, said U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith. It is the first time such a connection has been publicly made by a high-ranking official. “I can’t tell you classified things, but I can tell you we have a problem present in Oregon,” the Republican said in a Monday interview. “I don’t have any reason to believe that somebody’s going to pull the trig­ ger in Oregon,” Smith said. “But,” he added, “I have reason to believe that there are some finding aid and comfort here in the state o f Oregon who have been a party to terrorist activi­ ties that found ultimate expression in New YorkCity.” Pressed for details, he said, “I better not go any farther.” The FBI, Gov. John Kitzhaber's office and the state Attorney G eneral’s office refused to discuss specifics of O regon’s role in the nationwide anti-terror inves­ tigation. Previously, no one of authority has pubiicly drawn a direct connection be­ tween the terror attacks and potential suspects in Oregon. O f the 1,200 people who have been arrested or detained across the nation since the attacks, none are held in Oregon. Beth Anne Steele, the FBI’s spokes­ woman in Oregon, said “We know of no direct threats in Oregon.” The FBI has said publicly that “there is certainly an infrastructure for terror­ ists located throughout the country, par­ ticularly in terms of fund-raising,” Steele said. But she would not say whether that infrastructure is thought to have ex­ tended into this state. “Anything specific on Oregon, w e’re not going to get into,” she said. Smith spoke about the investigation into the Sept. 11 attacks while comment­ ing on Portland's rejection o f the U.S. Justice Department’s request to partici­ pate in the nationwide interviewing of about 5,000 foreign men. Portland said its police officers might be violating state law by posing the questions the Justice Department wants answered. Smith said he didn't want to criticize Portland city officials. He added, “I do not underestimate the terrorist threat, even in Oregon. W hile we have the right to object (to the inter­ views), we have the duty to work it Out b e c a u se p u b lic sa fe ty is in the crosshairs.” “I’d have to tell you something clas­ sified, so I can’t. But I don’t want you to think this (the interviewing) is idly done." he said. “A crime has been com m itted in America’s neighborhood, and there may be people here who wish to harm Ameri­ cans, Oregonians and otherwise,” he said. “1 want some people apprehended. I want every part of law enforcement to work cooperatively within the bounds of our constitution to make sure that dan­ gerous people are no longer given safe harbor in our country,” Smith said. Smith spokesman Kerry Tymchuk said the senator has “no information” on why authorities haven’t detained the people he's talking about. Bob A p p leg ate, sp o k esm an fo r Kitzhaber, said he had no knowledge o f the information cited by Smith. "This is completely out o f the blue,” Applegate said. “And even if we knew something about it, we wouldn’t be able to discuss it with you.” t