December 12, 2001 Page A3 3Zl|e ^ o rtla n b (©bseruer Concordia Welcomes New Seasons Market continued A . from Front Brian Rohter (right), president o f the New Seasons Market in northeast Portland gets a warm welcome from Charles Washington, publisher o f the Portland Observer and a resident o f the store 's Concordia neighborhood. photos by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver « Neighbors and dignitaries symbolically break bread - sharing a loaf o f baguette bread several feet long - during last week's grand opening o f the New Seasons Market, a locally owned and operated store at 5320 N.E. 33rd. W ilshire Park Sentry M arket closed in 1994 - a few months after C oncordia N eighborhood A ssociation land use chair H ec­ tor Roche m oved into the area. United G rocers made several abortive attem pts to start a new Thriftw ay market before selling the property to N icholson D e­ velopm ent o f K irkland, Wash. That com pany’s initial plan was to build a Rite A id drug store on the site, w ith a grocery as an afterthought, a plan not popular with Concordia. “I d o n ’t know how m uch we had to do with Rite Aid not be­ ing here,” Roche said, “but when the deal fell through, Nicholson responded to what the com m u­ nity had said.” Roche gave Rohter credit for m eeting the concerns o f neigh­ bors, especially those im m edi­ ately adjacent, about the impact of the store. Rohter returned the tribute, saying o f Roche, “ You see how it happens when you have quality people involved.” Both gave credit to Jillian Detweiler, former staffer to com­ missioner Charlie Hales, for help­ ing overcom e a m ajor obstacle: th e v a c a tio n o f N o rth e a s t E m erson S treet to c reate a useable site. Hales consistently o p p o s e d th is re q u e s t, b u t D etw eiler suggested instead that the street be relocated. “Jillian really m entored and guided us,” Roche said. A nother Hales staffer, Ron Paul, said that next to a school a market is the most important in­ stitution a neighborhood can have. T h an k s to New S easons, C oncordia now passes the “or­ ange ju ice test,” he said. This m eans that in a neighborhood, “ You can send a child out by bike or foot to buy some orange juice, and know they’ll come back safely,” Paul said. Further, he said, because the store is ow ned lo cally it re p re se n ts “w ealth creation.” An auxiliary building houses a liquor store and the Rib E x­ press, both previous tenants of the site. A sking shoppers to p a tro n iz e b o th b u s in e s s e s , R o h ter said E x p ress ow n er W ayne Cannon “makes the best ribs in tow n.” New Seasons was started by Rohter, Stan Amy, Sarah Ffitch, and other form er executives of N ature’s Fresh N orthw est in February 2000. The Concordia store is the new ch ain ’s fourth. Portland Remembers Sept. 11 Victims continued A , from Front Blackwell. At 5:46 a.m., the exact time the first hijacked plane slammed into the W orld T rade C enter, a minute of silence was observed on the square. Then bagpiper Ken Jones played ‘ ‘Amazing Grace. ” Many on the square wiped away tears. Most of the city had not yet woken up. The bagpipe’s notes bounced off empty downtown buildings. A Portland police sergeant, Jones said he felt honored to play at the ceremony. Judith and Michael Jordan stood quietly at the back of the crowd. They said they wanted to come because they had been separated while Judith traveled to C anada on Sept. 11 — M ichael's birthday. “It was a very hard day,” he said. "A very bad birthday.” The couple said the memorial would help them put the tragedy in perspective. “The ceremony was the way it should be,” Michael said, tears in his eyes. “Reflective, digni­ fied. I’ll never forget what hap­ pened.” W interization 101 A quick course in preventing heat loss and saving energy. Wrap up - Insulation is the biggest key to saving energy in your home. Make sure your ceiling, walls and floors are insulated. If you're n o t an experienced do-it-yourselfer, many home centers and building supply stores o ffe r free advice. Or, log on to or call the PGE Energy Experts, 1 -800-722-9287, fo r a list o f PGE-approved contractors. 2 Close up - Prevent heat loss by keeping your fireplace door and damper closed when not in use. Cover up crawl space vents fo r w in ­ ter. Keep curtains drawn at nigh t to help insulate. C over up - If you can't afford to replace single-pane window s w ith new high-efficiency models, try inexpensive plastic storm w indo w kits. Some models install quickly w ith a hair dryer. Check u p - To make sure your fu r ­ nace runs efficiently, check the filte r at least every three months and clean or replace as needed. 5 Seal up - Fill cracks around pipe, duct, vent and w irin g penetrations in your walls, ceilings and floors w ith caulk and/or spray foam. For more information on saving energy around the home, visit or call the PGE Energy Experts, 1-800-722-9287. Portland General Electric w w w .P o r t l a n d G e n e r a l . c o m County Welcomes Primary Care Director M ultnom ah County H ealth D e p a rtm e n t h a s w e lc o m e d V anetta A bdellatif to the posi­ tion o f D irector o f Primary Care. Abdellatif joins a management team that provides direction for all health departm ent program s and activities. H er experience and leadership will help the de­ partm ent m aintain its com m it­ ment to assuring access to pub­ lic health care for all residents and addressing racial health dis­ parities. A bdellatif will direct the fo­ cus and activities o f the county ’ s seven prim ary care clinics, an after-hours clinic, and three out­ reach sites, all o f which provide direct m edical health care ser­ vices to over 50,000 residents. She will w ork in partnership with com m unity m em bers, the C om m unity H ealth C ouncil, public and private institutions, and the c lin ic m a n ag em en t team s. “Vanetta brings a strong set o f skills, background, and aca­ dem ic preparation for the role o f leader in the primary care division o f the health depart­ ment. W e are pleased and proud that she is joining our senior leadership team ,” states Lillian Shirley, health departm ent di­ rector. A b d e lla tif w o rk e d w ith Providence H ealth System s for Vanetta Abdellatif the past four years, serving as the clinic m anager for tw o o f Providence’s m ission clinics. P rio r to h er em ploym ent at Providence, V anetta w orked for Legacy Emanuel Hospital with outpatient and residential alco­ hol, drug, and m ental health treatm ent program s. “I am very excited to be a part o f the team at the health depart­ ment," Abdellatif said. “My in­ terests are creating systems that support the provision o f quality services to poor and vulnerable populations. The level o f com ­ mitment and enthusiasm from providers and staff in this area has truly impressed me. I look forward to working with the team to meet the challenges that lie ahead in the coming months." Looking For a Smart Move? At Calaroga Terrace our residents are treated like Royalty. Studio apartments start at just $950 a month with housekeeping, meals, cable and all utilities. Call Candy f o r a tour a n d lunch a t 503-234-8271 Calaroga Terrace 1400 N.E. Second Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97232 Portland’s Premier Retirement Community I f