Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 12, 2001, Page 2, Image 2

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    December 12, 2001
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Man Killed at Southeast Party
(AP) - A 20-year-old man died early Sunday after getting stabbed
at a party in southeast Portland. Jason Parker o f Washougal, Wash.,
died shortly after paramedics arrived.
Police said they have no suspects and want to talk with dozens
o f witnesses. They said between 80 and 100 people might have been
at the party thrown by 19-year-old Mike Parks, whose parents were
away on vacation.
Parks said the party turned ugly when he ordered a driver to stop
racing near the house.
"(1 said) just goo ff my road quietly,” Parks said. “He basically said
I’ll do whatever I want to. And then he starts peeling off down the
road again.”
The car was soon pursued by an angry mob and Parker was
stabbed in the melee.
Ties to Serial Killer Suspect Investigated
( A P)— Detectives working the
Green River serial killings will re­
examine DN A evidence gathered
at two Oregon crime scenes in
1985 to look for connections to a
man charged with the murder of
four Washington women.
Oregon police also will review
the case o f a 15-year-old Portland
girl thought to be the only survi­
vor o f the notorious killer named
for the Washington river where
many of the victims’ bodies were
dum ped, W ashington’s King
County Sheriff Dave Reichert said.
Gary Leon Ridgway, 52, was
charged last Wednesday with four
counts o f aggravated murder.
King County Prosecutor Norm
Maleng said he has not yet de­
cided whether to seek the death
penalty in the case.
Reichert said there is ample
evidence because the well-pre­
served bodies o f the four women.
The bodies of Opal Mills, Marcia
Chapman and Cynthia Hinds were
found in 1982 in the Green River,
and the body of Carol Christensen
was found in 1983 in the woods in
nearby M aple Valley.
Remains found in Oregon, how­
ever, were fairly decomposed.
There are no fluid samples that
could easily be compared with
Ridgway’s DNA, he said.
Detectives will pay close at­
tention to other items found near
Gary Leon Ridgway
the Oregon crime scenes, such as
cans, bottles and clothing to see
if Ridgway’s DNA is present in
trace amounts.
Washington County, Ore., au­
thorities will search their archives
for evidence that was recovered
from the crime scenes, said Sandy
Jam es, W ash in g to n C o u n ty
sheriff s spokeswoman.
The investigation could go
beyond the 49 women on the offi­
cial Green River list to include as
many as 80 unsolved murder cases
in King, Pierce and Snohomish
counties, said Sgt. John Urquhart,
a King County S heriff s Office
Unsolved killings in other
Northwest cities will also be re­
viewed, including Vancouver,
British Columbia, where officials
are looking into the disappear­
ance of 45 women, mostly prosti­
tutes and drug addicts, Reichert
Man Who Preyed on Elderly Gets Maximum
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Lewis &. Clark
(AP) - A man who beat and
robbed elderly victims after con­
ning his way into their homes was
sentenced Thursday to 24 years
in prison.
G regory A llen M oore, 50,
pleaded no contest in July to two
counts of first-degree burglary.
Multnomah County Circuit Judge
Roosevelt Robinson gave him the
maximum sentence possible un­
der M oore’s plea agreement.
“The only thing I can say to
the defendant is ... once h e’s
released, he will have the privi­
lege, if he can live that long, to
be a senior citizen,” Robinson
said. “At that point in time, the
protection that w e’re trying to
give to these senior citizens
here, he w ill need those same
protections him self.”
Moore has preyed on the eld­
erly since the early 1980s, pros-
Gregory Allen Moore
ecutors said.
His last victims were Harold
and Frieda Luik. On May 1, the
couple had just returned home
when Moore knocked on the back
door of their Northeast Portland
M oore, 6 -fo o t-2 and 235
pounds, said he was a city inspec-
tor and needed to test their tap
water for lead.
“I said to him through the screen
door, ‘Where is your badge?”’
Frieda Luik recalled. "He said,‘I’ve
got one,’ just real snotty. I said,
‘OK, buddy, you’re not going to
get in here for that. You can get the
water from the hose.”
But Moore forced his way in,
threw the couple to the floor,
punched them and demanded
money. He made off with $95.
In 1986, Moore was convicted
o f robbing an 87-year-old woman.
A case involving a 75-year-old
victim was dismissed as part o f a
plea agreement.
In August 1999, Portland po­
lice Detective Dan McGetrick ar­
rested Moore for snatching an 80-
year-old’s purse. Moore went to
prison again.
W hen M oore was freed in
March, McGetrick posted fliers
showing Moore’s picture at each
precinct, telling officers he might
strike again.
One of the officers who an­
swered the Luiks’ 911 call paged
McGetrick, who grilled Moore
about the burglary. Moore told
him, “You got the right man” and
He later also admitted that on
March 9,2000, he tried to steal a
purse from an 84-year-old woman
after telling her he needed to make
sure her cat was licensed. He es­
caped, leaving her with a cut hand
and lip.
At the sentencing, M oore
apologized to his victims and told
the judge he expects to die in
prison. Moore also thanked the
judge for the long sentence, say­
ing the community would be safer
without him.
Abortion Clinics Terrorism Suspect Arrested
A fugitive suspected of mailing
hundreds of fake anthrax letters to
abortion clinics was captured last
Wednesday, the FBI said.
C layton Lee W aagner was
caught in the Cincinnati area. He
was among the FBI’s 10 most-
wanted fugitives.
Attorney General John Ashcroft
has called Waagner the primary
suspect behind anthrax hoaxes
Clayton Lee Waagner is shown in these pictures posted on the
FBI Ten Most Wanted website. (AP Photo)
ics last month.
Waagner, 45, allegedly claimed
responsibility for the letters when
he showed up with a gun at the
Georgia home of an anti-abortion
activist recently, authorities said.
He had been on the lam since
your 1 st husband
February, when he escaped from a
jail in Clinton, 111., where he was
awaiting sentencing on federal fire­
arms and auto theft convictions.
Waagner also was sought for
bank robberies in Pennsylvania and
West Virginia, firearms violations
in Tennessee and carjacking in
He was charged with possess­
ing a destructive device, being a
felon in possession of firearms and
being a fugitive in possession of
In June, abortion clinics were
warned to be on alert after someone
purporting to be Waagner posted
an Internet message vowing to kill
employees of abortion providers.
Police Leave One Dead, One Hurt
• (AP) - In the
second officer-
involved shoot- |
ing in as many
days, Portland
police shot and
killed a man Sun­
day as he rode I
Martin, 41, threat­
ened to sh o o t
d ru g sto re e m ­
ployees after he
was spotted shop­
liftin g
W a lg re e n ’s on
S o u th e a st 3 9 ,h
aw ay from an
Avenue. The em ­
arm ed robbery
ployees got the li­
on a bicycle.
cense plate num­
The suspect
ber of his pickup
had used a gun
as he drove off.
to rob a restau- _
P o lic e la te r
rant, police said. RandolPh M a" ° n M adin
found Martin and
As he rode away, he ran into
tried to stop him, but he sped
some reserve police officers, also
away. As officers approached him
on bicycles. Several shots were
at a dead-end, he tried to run them
exchanged, but police said they
down, police said.
aren't sure who fired first.
One officer fired at Martin, hit­
Portland Police spokesman
ting his hand. Martin was not se­
Henry Groepper said reserve of­
riously injured. After driving off
ficers are civilians who undergo
again, he was eventually stopped
training and extensive back­
near North Fowler and Lombard
ground checks.
when police deflated his tires with
A night earlier, Portland police
shot a man following an extended
M artin is charged with a t­
car chase.
tempted assault and possession
Police said Randolph Marion
of a controlled substance.
your 2nd husband
I k lM W Tr— ( , ) w t— M O I
your lawyer
IWo Men Shot on Gresham Sidewalk
Scratch. For everyone on your list.
M' v-n y by (pnv Must he 18 tn pur. ha'
i» n i
mt MM ot . jU*»ipiu te Ht »
(AP) — Two men in their late
teens were shot and killed on a
sidew alk late Sunday, police
One died at the scene, and the
other was taken to a Portland hos­
pital, where he later died.
Gresham police said the two
men were walking on the sidewalk
when they were approached by
two others, who shot them sev­
eral times. They don’t know why
the men were shot and they have
not arrested any suspects.
Police don’t know if the shoot­
ing was gang related.