Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 28, 2001, Page 8, Image 8

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    (Eljp ^ n rtla n h © bseruer
Page A8
ortlan ò
November 28, 2001
Players Present ‘In Bethlehem Inn’
C o n c o r d ia P r e s e n t s
A C h r is tm a s C a r a t
ervations, call 503-253-8393 or
T h e d ra m a is se t in the
Bethlehem Inn on the night Jesus
w as bom . It opens as the inn­
keeper and his fam ily preside
over dinner at the crow ded inn,
w hen they are interrupted by
Joseph and M ary looking for
shelter, then another interrup­
tion occurs by the announce­
m ent o f a fiery star over the inn
The Players at Resurrection
Lutheran C hurch, 1700 N.E.
132nd Ave., located one block
north of Halsey, will perform ‘In
Bethlehem Inn ’ by John Carter in
a dinner theatre with music as the
Fall 2001 production.
D inner perform ances will be
on Fridays, N ov. 30 and Dec. 7
at 6:30 p.m . and S aturdays,
Dec. 1 and Dec. 8, also at 6:30
p.m. For ticket prices and res­
and then shepherds com e look­
ing for the baby.
T he play is w ritten in short
scenes and m usical entertain­
m ent will be perform ed during
these interludes.
A percentage o f the ticket
sales will be given to the G en­
esis Project, w hich is rem odel­
ing o f a house on the church
property to be used especially
for youth program activities.
World AIDS Awareness Day Observed
disease are living longer and are
experiencing a great range of
physical, emotional and spiritual
needs than ever before.
The observance marks the larg­
est display of the AIDS quilt in
O re g o n and in c lu d e s R yan
W hite’s quilt and panels repre­
senting local people.
The public can view the panels
on Friday, Nov. 30 between 9 p.m.
and 11 p.m.; Saturday, Dec. 1 and
Sunday, Dec. 2 between 9 a.m. and
Catholic Charities AIDS M in­
istry honors W orld AIDS Aware­
ness Day by offering a weekend
display of the AIDS Memorial Quilt
and hosting the 7"’ Annual Heal­
ing Liturgy.
This year, the ministry has made
1,174 pastoral visits, more than
any other in 10 years of service. It
also has welcomed 75 new clients
in 2001.
Twenty years after the first di­
agnosed case, people with HIV
Scrooge (Jamin Becker) cowers before the bleak image o f the future shown him by Christmas
Yet to Come in Corcordia University Theater's ‘A Christmas Carol.’
Concordia University The­
atre will be presenting their
production of “A Christmas
Carol,” starting Friday at the
Fine Arts Building at North­
east 27th and Highland on the
Concordia campus.
Audiences are sure to enjoy
this charming adaptation of the
the story results.
A pre-show open house party
will be held on Friday, Nov. 30 at
6:30 p.m. with the show starting
at 7 p.m. Additional performances
will be given on Saturday, Dec. 1,
Dec. 6, Dec. 7, Dec. 8 and Dec. 9.
For reservations or questions,
C harles D ic k e n s’ classic by
Michael Paller.
The performance begins with
Dickens struggling to write a new
story. He gets help when his fam­
ily and friends arrive for a Christ­
mas party and Dickens enlists
them as characters in his tale. A
delightful and theatrical telling of
W orsh ip w ith u s a t th e :
C hristian
Life C enter
Gospel Artist
Yolanda Adams, a Grammy winning
voice and one o f the key figures in the
renaissance o f Gospel music has
released her first collection o f new
material in three years - the incredible
12-song masterpiece ‘Believe. ’ Her
recent performance o f the classic
song ‘Imagine’ on TNT’s Come
Together: A Night for John Lennon as
well as her performances on Oprah,
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The
View and countless others, seal her
reputation as Gospel's most
transcendent ambassador.
More People Choose to Abandon Cars
continued A , from Metro
C h u r c h o f G od
(C le v e la n d T e n n e s s e e )
Worship Opportunities
& Services
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
Morning Worship: 11 AM
Evening Worship: 6 PM
Family Training Hour, 7PM
Sr. Pastor
Bishop Samual M. Irving
5 5 2 2 N. A lbina
P o r tla n d , O regon
* 5 0 3 283-1035
Please call for information or counciling.
Other Church of
God Location:
Center o f Praise
3402 R S t
Vancouver, Washington
Pastor Marcus J. Irving
Maranatha Church
spokeswoman Mary Fetsch said.
Clark County, W ash., with its
many workers who cross into
Oregon for work, is more heavily
car-dependent. M ore than 90
percent o f its workers drive to
work, mostly alone.
choose from “streetcar or trol­
ley,” “subway or elevated train”
or “railroad,” noneof whichcom-
pletely describes light rail. That
may have led to underreporting
o f M A X ridership, T ri-M et
JB alott
6844 N. Interstate Ave.
Portland, OR 97217
Building Divine Unity in the Community -,
Professional S liin
Sharon Cm Strvicts!
M a x w e ll-H e n d rid is
Call today fi)r your complimentary facial
726 NE Roselawn
01 mak-e o v erí
Portland OR 97211
T. Allen & Daphne Bethel
Wednesday Night - 7:00pm
(Activities for the whole family)
All services at:
Maranatha Church
4222 NE 12th Avenue (12th SiSkidmore)
Dr. T. Allen Bethel, Senior Pastor
Rev. Cynthia Brathwaite, Associate Pastor
V M /P to a r
h dfor the love of ,azz
Service Times
A n d C la c k a m a s C o u n ty
d o e sn ’t fit the alternative tran s­
p o rtatio n m old at all: 82 p e r­
c e n t o f its w o rk ers driv e alone
to w ork, and few o f its re si­
d e n ts ride a bike o r tak e a bus
to th e ir jo b s.
to Change
Sunday Morning - 10:30am
Sunday Evening - 6:00pm
(except 4th & 5th Sunday
and Holidays)
9 p.m.; and Monday, Dec. 3 be­
tween 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. at All
Saints School, 3847 N.E. Glisan St.
The healing liturgy is for any­
one affected by any illness. Arch­
bishop John G. Vlazny will cel­
ebrate the service at 7 p.m. on
Friday, Nov. 30 at All Saints
Church. The liturgy will include
the quilt unfolding ritual and the
presentation of at least four new
quilt panels. Over 500 people at­
tended last year’s healing liturgy.
A. from
The Line 74X -Lloyd D istrict/
S o u th east w ill have a route
change, running along N orth­
east Irving Street betw een 20th
and 11th A venues, instead o f
along M ultnom ah to better serve
businesses on Irving.
In o th e r c h a n g e s, a new
L ine 83-O M S I S h uttle debuts,
running every 20 m inutes daily
b etw een dow n to w n P o rtland
and the O reg o n M useum o f
S cien ce & In d u stry in a y e a r­
long d e m o n stra tio n p ro ject.
T he bu ses w ill run betw een
S outhw est 5th and S alm on and
O M S I.
As part o f the O M SI shuttle.
Line 63-W ashington Park has
been revised. The line will no
longercontinue from dow ntow n
to O M SI or serve RiverPlace.
But service on the line will be
doubled to run every 30 m in­
utes during rush hour.
For details on these changes
look for new schedules, w atch
for “R ider A lerts” on buses,
check w w w .tri-m et.org, or call
503-238-R1D E w eekdays be­
tw een 7:30 a.m . and 5:30 p.m.