ortlanò bserurr Sports/METRO USA TODAY/ESPN Poll Mercer Next on Tyson's Schedule If Mike Tyson is going to fight heavyweight champ Lennox Lewis under a two-fight deal being worked out by rival cable giants HBO and Showtime, He is going to have to earn his title shot. Tyson will meet Ray Mercer on Jan. 19 (SET, $39.95) in a dangerous tune-up. Showtime said. No site has been selected but New Y ork’s Madison Square Garden is the leading candidate. Goosen Heads Woods in Grand Slam POIPU BEACH, Haw aii-U .S. Open champion Retief Goosen shot a 6-under-par 66 to take a one-stroke lead over Tiger W oods in the 36- hole PGA Grand Slam of Golf. PGA champion David Toms shot a68, and British Open winner David Duval had a lackluster 76. Oates Recovering After Brain Surgery BALTIMORE - Former Texas Rangers and Baltimore Orioles manager Johnny Oates was in good condition following surgery for a brain tumor at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Additional information will not be released because of a request by O ates’ family, hospital spokesman Trent Stockton said. The tumor was diag­ nosed earlier this month. F ootball P layoffs CLASS 4A SEMIFINALS Friday, PGE Park f f M cN ary vs. L ak e O sw eg o , 5 :3 0 p.m . i f S h eld o n vs. G len co e, 8 p.m . CLASS 3A SEMIFINALS Day, times, sites, TBD i f Ju n c tio n C ity vs. S c ap p o o se i f P leasan t H ill vs. S isters CLASS 2A F IN A L -Sat., Hare Field i f A m ity vs. R egis, 8 p.m . CLASS 1A FINAL -S a t., Hare Field f t D u fu r vs. St. P au l, 5 p.m . Oregon quarterback Joey Harrington is the new Pac-10 offensive player o f the year. INDIO, Calif.— When Skins Game officials devised a new rule that made winning a skin much more difficult, they did so in the hopes that one player would win the entire $ 1 million purse on a single hole. They had to settle for one player winning it all on two holes instead. Greg Norman walked away from Landmark Golf Club in Indio, Calif, on Sunday with all 18 skins and a check for $ 1 million, while playing partners Tiger Woods, Colin Montgomerie and Jesper Pamevik were all left empty-handed — the first time in the 19-year history of the Skins Game that one player swept the match. “I knew coming out here I had to play solid, consistent golf, and I did all week,” Norman said. W hile he played solid golf throughout the weekend, Norman also benefited from the new format, in which a player needed to win or halve the following hole in order to validate a skin won on the previous hole. The bulk of N orm an's winnings came on the par-5 18th hole, where his three-foot putt for par validated his skin from the previous hole and earned him $800,000 - more money than he earned during any single tournament in his Hall of Fame career. It also helped him set seven Skins Game records. For good measure, Norman sank a birdie putt on the second playoff hole to win the one remaining skin - a Toyota Super Skin worth $200.000. Norman only needed a two-putt for par on STANDINI Oakland Denver Seattle San Diego Kansas City L 2 5 5 6 7 I Est 0 0 0 0 0 .800 545 .500 .454 .300 NEC 5-2-0 340 5-30 3-50 2-5-0 B y 4-1-0 2-3-0 2-24) 1-34) 2-24) UST Miami N.Y.Jets New England Indianapolis Buffalo Pittsburgh Baltimore Cleveland Cincinnati Tennessee Jacksonville 7 7 6 4 1 8 7 6 4 4 3 2 4 4 6 6 7 6-2-0 51-0 4 44) 4 44) 1-84) 4-1-0 32-0 334) 0-50 G io m iL .800 0 .636 0 .600 0 0 .400 .400 0 300 0 7-24) 6-34) 53-0 3-50 2-6-0 3-7-0 524) 530 4-2-0 244) 2-50 350 B y 4-20 2-20 320 1-30 2-30 L 1 2 4 5 10 I Eel 0 0 0 0 0 .889 .8«) .600 500 .091 NFC 51-0 6-24) 6-30 3-34) 1430 Time To Get a Cell Phone? Want Your Old Phone Number Back? Confused? Too much information ? Why Choose?-Have it all Can’t Wait 10 days? OR Need Features? 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For free brochures on preparedness and electric safety, home generators and other topics, call 1-800-542-8818. 4 Portland General Electric W W W .P O R T L A N D G E N tR A L .C O M Write your PGE account number here. 310 4-20 330 330 044) ♦ * - . HHEDYSCH ool McMenamins t ♦ t NEW YEARS EVE CELEBRATION 8040 N E S a n d y Blvd., S u ite 1008 P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 1 3 5 0 3 -2 8 0 -8 0 0 0 hihttlLcla U rr ■ I — — ■ « ■ 'M il a i— — ’ krsLiîJtf- Celebrate New Year’s Eve at the historic Kennedy School. Check in early for dinner, then party with the N orm an Sylvester Band. 2-10 510 320 2-20 (364) kbit Philadelphia Washington N.Y.Giants the 5 most excellent and important things to do if the lights go out V ’ ¿¡ the 18th because all three of his opponents got a little too aggressive on their respective approach shots. Pam evik’s second shot clipped the lip of a fairway bunker and left him 148 y ards from the green. Woods and Montgomerie were no less fortunate, as both found the lake to the left of the green. Norman had put himself in position to be Sunday’s big winner by sinking a 12-foot birdie putt on 17. In the process, he also cost Pamevik a big payday. Pamevik had made a difficult 21-foot putt for birdie on the previ­ ous hole and was hoping his tap-in for par would have been sufficient to validate the $730,000 skin. It w asn’t. W hile the change in format undoubtedly added some excitement to the closing holes, it also cost everyone but Norman a little money. Under the old format, all four players would have won at least one skin and Pamevik would have been the big winner with 11 skins and $605,000. Even so, none of the players appeared to be dissatisfied with the new format. MFC wm Ä 8 S t Louis San Francisco 8 Atlanta 6 New Orleans 5 1 Carolina ¿lip this. Australian golfer Greg Norman poses with the trophy after winning the Skins Game. Need a Telephone at Home? 3-24) .700 .700 545 .400 .100 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 5 6 9 Lighten up your winter. Get Connected!! AFC w nr Ä 8 6 5 5 3 FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Norman Wins Big at Skins Game by T odd B ehrendt , S pecial to U S A T O D A Y * JJ LOCK & KEY 503-284-9582 T h e B eavers and D ucks are busy p reparing for the upcom ing C ivil W ar gam e that will be held at A utzen S tadium in E ugene on Saturday. L ast year, the B eavers beat O r­ e g o n , elim inating the D ucks from the R ose B ow l com petition. T his w eek, the D ucks are fifth in the BCS Standing. So far, they have had the best regular season reco rd and have a good chance at the national title. T he B eavers look forw ard to being a good th reat to one o f the to p team s in the country. MCLEAN, Va. - Miami took advantage of its big victory in a weekend of upsets to capture 59 of the 60 first-place votes and take command of the USA TODAY/ESPN Top 25 Coaches’ Poll. The Hurricanes, who romped past Wash- ington 65-7 on Saturday, received 1,499 points to easily maintain the No. 1 ranking. Florida moved up to second, with Texas, Tennessee and Oregon rounding out the top five. NFL * AFFORDABLE Civil War to Break Out This Weekend Miami Takes Control of Arizona Dallas Page A 7 QŒt|e JJorthinù (ßhseruer November 28, 2001 CLASS OF 2002 PACKAGE October 27 - A p ril 28 P ost T imes : Friday • 7:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday • 1:00 p.m. (503) 285-9144 • 1001 N. Schmeer Rd. w3vw.portlandmcadows.com F ree P arking F ree M ainline A dmission 1 1 In clu d es lodging, d in n er, dance, beverage v ouchers, m id n ig h t ch am p ag n e to ast and breakfast on New Year’s Day. $350 per couple A dm ission to co n cert only, $40 C a ll ( 5 0 3 ) 2 4 9 <9,q ; lo r r e s e r v a tio n s o r u i i h e rt tic k e ts . 5 7 3 6 N E 3 3 rd • P o r tla n d . O r e g o n w w w .m cm en am in s.co m