Page A6_______________________________ Slíje JJortlanb © h se r u e r N o v e m b e r 2 8, 2001 I S I I 1 1 1 I S UI S I G U ID E Portland Art Museum Concerts Through Dec. 13 Presented by Smooth Jazz KKJZ 106.7, “Museum After Hours” is held every Wednesday evening, from 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. through April in the M useum’s North Wing, 1119SW. Park Ave. in downtown Portland. Shirley Nanette’s Jazz and Gospel Show will be performing on Wednes- day.D ec. 12 and Thursday, Dec. 13. Call 503-226-2811 or go online to Winter Wonderland Through Jan. 1 A sensational display o f lights and animation span the track at Portland International Raceway. Enjoy the largest drive-through light show in the Northwest right from the comfort of your own car. Traditional favorites include Santa jum ping down an 84-foot ski slope, reindeer flying over your car and the vivid color of the giant poinsettia arch. Times are Sunday through Thursday, from 5 p.m. - 1 0 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, from 5 p.m. - 1 1 p.m. Africa AIDS Response Thursday, Nov. 29 Portland is celebrating W orld AIDS Day through music and dance at the Crystal Ballroom, located at 1332 W est Burnside St. on Thursday, Nov. 29, 7 p.m. This will be a benefit for Portland’s Sister City, Mutare, Zimbabwe. Performances will be by Maya Soleil and master drummer Obo Addy and Kukrudu. Call 503-735-1475. M t. Hood Ballet Theatre Photo caption: The Nut Warrior and the Rat King duel in the timeless classic, “The Nutcracker". It is a spellbinding and enchanting ballet that combines fantasy, magic and childhood dreams. Performed by the Oregon Ballet Theatre, “The Nutcracker" will be shown at Portland’s Keller Auditorium on Dec. 7. by S tephen R. D onaldson F orge ; 2001 In “The Man W ho Fought Alone,” Stephen R. Donaldson tells a tale o f a wounded hero’s struggle for redemption. Mick Axebrewer, “Brew” to his friends, is a recovering alco­ holic. He is also healing from a gunshot wound that almost killed him. On top of this, his old partner and lover, Ginny, has distanced herself from him. Y ears ago, w hile w orking alongside Ginny, Brew accidentally shot and killed a cop. A cop who happened to be his brother. But Brew’s real job isn’t the one he was hired for. His real job is regaining his own self-respect. ^ J* ENN M E enam DYS ins CHO o i vt ke n n e D y _ Sojourn Theatre A t th e Mevies A Lesson in Self Reliance E l em entary sc h o o l tí Friday, Nov. 30 Mt. Hood Ballet Theatre is pleased to present “Christmas with the Nutcracker” at the Parkrose High School Theatre, located at 12003 NE. Shaver on Friday, Nov. 30 and Saturday, Dec. 1. The lively sets, colorful costumes and the beauty of dance are sure to captivate young and old alike. Call 503-667-6698. Friday, Nov. 30 Sojourn Theatre will be having a production of “Tartuffe: The Visitor,” on Friday, Nov. 30 at the Echo Theatre. “Tartuffe: The Visitor” tells the story o f a household turned upside down by a pious visitor who demands moral obedience from his host family. The performances will run until Dec. 16. Call 971-544-0464. Hip Hop at Roseland Theatre Friday, Nov. 30 Local hip hop artists Dru Down, Cool Nutz, Maniac Lok and others will be performing at the Roseland Theatre for the Po-Hop 7 Holiday Edition on Friday, Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. This multi-artist concert is for all ages. Call 503-221 -0288 or go online to Black Knight Based on M ark T w ain ’s n o v e l, “ A C o n n e c tic u t Y ankee in K ing A rthur’s C ourt,” character Jam al W alker is a fast-talking, disenchanted black man w ho w orks in a m edieval them epark. H is m undane existence becom es trans­ form ed w hen, one day, he finds a m ysterious piece o f jew elry floating in the th e m e p a rk 's m oat. The je w e l’s pow ers transport him to E n g lan d , 1328, w here he team s up with an ex-knight and a peas­ ant girl to restore the king­ dom to the overthrow n queen. (G enre: historical, Martin Lawrence “gets down’ action, com edy, period: with the royal court in ‘ Black Knight. " Rating: PG -13) Barnes & Noble Holiday Party Saturday, Dec. I Join Barnes & Noble on Saturday, Dec. 1 for a Harry Potter Magical Holiday Party at 3 p.m. They will be celebrating the book that started it all, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” by J. K. Rowling. Potterfans of all ages will gather for a magical event featuring a lookalike contest, activities, book discussion, giveaways, trivia, prizes, refreshments and more. Come dressed as your favorite “Sorcerer’s Stone” character for a chance to win prizes. Call 503-283-2800. • N-Touch to Perform Saturday, Dec. 1 N-Touch, a favorite five-member band that plays jazz locally will be giving an in-store performance at Reflections Coffee & Books, located a t446 NE. Killings worth on Saturday, Dec. 1, from 4-5 p. m. For more on the band, go online to The Northwest Film Center Dec. 1 & 2 The Northwest Film Center is pleased to present the Portland premiere of an Afghan movie called “Djomeh” . W inner o f a Cannes Film Festival award, “Djomeh” follows the day-to-day life o f a young Afghan immigrant who left home because o f his past romantic indescretions: falling in love with an older woman and bringing shame to his family. The film will be playing on Dec. 1 and 2 at the W hitsell Auditorium, located at 1219 SW. Park Ave. Spy Game Lakewood Theatre Company T here w as a tim e w hen CIA officer N athan M uir and his protégé T om B ishop w ere inseparable, travelling the w orld and tasting everything it had to offer. In a profession fraught w ith danger and uncertainty, M uir and Bishop forged an uncom m only close friendship based on m utual respect and affection. B ut that w as years ago. N ow . in 1991, on the brink o f his retirem ent from the agency, M uir learns that Bishop has gone rogue. H is one-tim e protégé has been jailed overseas on espionage charges and is scheduled to die in 24 hours. Y ears o f bad blood and hurt feelings are w ashing aw ay in a flood o f m em orable adventures shared by the tw o m en as M uir takes on his m ost dangerous - and personal - m ission ever. (G enre: spy, thriller: Rating: M PAA; R unning tim e: 95 m ins.) Dec 1 ,8 , 1 5 & 22 The Lakewood Theatre Company will be presenting a child focused musical review called the Holiday Magic Breakfast Theatre. The show is an original adaptation of holiday stories artd songs from different cultures. Performances are suitable for ages 3-12. The event will be held in the Community Meeting Room at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 1,8,15 and 22. A continental breakfast is included. Call 503-635-3901. M.C. Hammer Sunday, Dec. 2 MC Hammer will be at the New Beginnings Christian Center, located at 7600NE. Glisan on Sunday, D ec. 2 to record a television production and a music video that will be released in the New Year. The public is invited to attend as the studio audience, and admission is free. Childcare is available for children 5 and under. Seating will be on a first come first serve basis. Call 503-256-6050or go online to The I n s t a n t H o lid a y G i f t to advertise IL lie P C C T U IT IO N B U C K S ^ ìn r tk in ò CLASS BEGINS W ITH A HEARTY BREAKFAST Monday through Saturday: 7ani to 10:30am More than 1,000 courses to choose from, including credits that transfer to just about any university. ♦ Sold in $10, $25. and $100 amounts in an attractive presentation folder. ♦ A great gift idea for parents, grandparents, family friends, aunts and uncles. p a s to r Sunday: 7am to 11:30am »756 \ l >»i