JJnrtlanò © bseruer------------------------------- Ngy*mb*L?8.»2001 Guilty Pleas Heard in Portland Policeman Stabbing Wanted for Identification Fraud (AP) - A 24-year-old man ac­ cused o f stabbing an off-duty Portland police officer at a dow n­ tow n restaurant has p lead ed guilty to several assault-related charges. U n d e r a p le a b a rg a in , Domanick Campbell ofPordand was sentenced to about six years in prison. He also faces three years’ probation. Prior to C am pbell’s Nov. 19 plea, co-defendant Tyrone A n­ thony Thurm an, 23, pleaded guilty to third-degree assault. Thurm an was sentenced to two years in a work-release program. Authorities are trying to identity these men in a suspected case o f identification fraud. T he Portland Police B ureau’s G ang Enforcem ent Team , in co­ operation w ith C rim e Stoppers is asking for your help in identify­ ing three individuals responsible for obtaining fraudulent identifi­ cation in n u m erous d ifferen t names. T he fra u d u le n t id e n tific a ­ tio n s are b eliev ed to be u sed in fraud schem es. T he th ree in d i­ v id u als m ay or m ay n ot know ea ch o th er, but all th ree have used forged C o lo rad o B irth C e r­ tific a te s to ob tain S tate o f O r­ eg o n , D ept. o f M o to r V eh icles Id e n tific a tio n C ards. A ll three also ap p e ar to be fam iliar w ith to w n s a n d c i t i e s in th e W illa m ette V alley from Salem to E u g en e an d S p rin g field . C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for inform ation leading to the posi­ tive identification o fa n y o ra ll o f * the individuals. Call Crim e Stop- persat503-823-H ELP(4357). The fam ily o fa G resham m an w ho is m iss­ ing and feared dead held a new s conference last w eek to announce a $25,000 rew ard for inform ation leading to an arrest in the case. M ark Jeffery D ribin disappeared on July 2, W hen she becam e agitated, they ran out the door. A police canine unit and m ajor crim e team responded to assist in the investigation. Fingerprints w ere subse­ quently recovered from the scene. N o suspects have been identified. 1999. H is body has not been recovered. D ribin liv e d at3 6 2 9 N .E , 137,hAve. A nyone w ith inform ation is asked to call D etec­ tive Sergeant Paul Larson at 503-823-0835 or D e­ tective Sergeant Cheryl K anzierat 503-823-0865. North Portland Trio Arrested Contacts: Jane Scott at 360-696-8119 or Detec­ tive Sergeant Lou Braafladt at 360-696-8226. The I n s t a n t H o lid a y G i f t P C C T U IT IO N B U C K S ♦ as unprovoked and probably in retaliation for contact one o f the suspects had with an officer two nights earlier. Tw o other defendants, Ronald Lam ont Cunningham , 22, and A nthony Thom as had already pleaded guilty to third-degree assault, and were each sentenced to two years o f w ork-release and five years’ probation. Tw o other defendants in the case, Dante Lamont Porter, 25, and Damon Cunningham, 25, are scheduled to go to trial Dec. 21. A seventh defendant, Jerrin Lavazie Hickman. 23, is still being sought. Family Offers Reward in Disappearance Masked Gunmen Enter Vancouver Residence V ancou ver Police Officers responded to a residential burglary and assault Nov. 17 in the Fisher’s Mill area. Tw o m ales w earing ski m asks entered the residence through an unlocked back door and surprised a young fem ale in her bedroom . O ne o f the two suspects was arm ed w ith a handgun. The subjects grabbed die victim , threatened her, and attem pted to bind her. eight w eeks to a forest work project and five years’ probation. Police identifiedCam pbelland Thurm an as two o f seven men w h o assau lted O fficers C had G radw ahl and David M ichaelson on M ay 26 as the off-duty police­ m en w ere leaving the restaurant. G radw ahl was knocked to the ground unconscious. M ichaelson w as stabbed in the lower back near his rib cage and struck in the head with a beer can. Both officers w ere treated at a local hospital and released. Police said the assail­ ants w ere members o f the Crips gang. They described the assault More than 1,000 courses to choose from, including credits that transfer to just about any university. ♦ Sold in $10, $25, and $100 amounts in an attractive presentation folder. ♦ A great gift idea for parents, grandparents, family friends, aunts and uncles. Call 503-533-2882 to order by phone. We’ll mail your certificates to you the next business day or sooner. Portland Com m unity C ollege 1 he Portland Po­ lice Bureau and in­ vestigators from the Colum bia County S h e r if f ’s O ffic e confiscated stolen property and made a rre s ts d u rin g a Nov. 16 search o f a home at 10215 N. Polk. Arrested at the scene were Frank Frank Langworthy L angw orthy, 32, and his brother, Ri- • chard Langworthy, 30. A third suspect, Ernest Lee Walker Jr., 32, was not present during the execution o f the warrant, but was arrested later the same day. Investigators removed two vans full o f stolen property from the residence. The property has been moved to the Oregon State Parole and Probation Office at 7220 N. Lombard. Detectives are con­ ducting an inventory and attempting to locate bur­ glary and car prowl victims whose stolen property may have been recovered. Any question concerning this investigation should be directed to Sergeant Doug Justice o f the North Precinct Property Crimes Unit at 503-823-2122. Richard Langworthy Earnest Lee Walker Jr. Mail Centers Test Negative for Anthrax your 1 st husband (A P) — O re g o n ’s central mail pro cessin g an d distribution cen ­ ters have tested negative for an ­ thrax, the U.S. Postal Service said. A u th o rities n ev er suspected that anthrax spores w ould be found at the dow ntow n center and a small airport facility used for out-of-state mail. The processing centers were your 2nd husband am ong 260 post office buildings across the country tested. “W e are very pleased to hear the results,” U SPS D istrict M an­ ager D allas K eck said in a state­ m ent. “ W e w ant to ensure the safety o f our em ployees and cus­ tom ers and conducting these tests is part o f doing that.” Man Sentenced to Five Years (A P) - A m an w h o stole a patrol car in V ancouver and led deputies on a 3 0-m inute chase has been sentenced to five years in prison. S uperior C ourt Judge Jam es R ulli on M onday handed dow n the longest sentence possible to Jam es C lyde Shields. In July, Shields w as arrested forpossessing m etham phetam ine and driving w ith a suspended li­ cense. H e w as released on bail and told to ap p ear in court A ug. 2. H e d id n ’t, an d a felony w arrant w as issued for his arrest. Shields, 35, w as picked up on your lawyer the w arrant Aug. 26, placed in the back o f a C lark C ounty S h eriff's O ffice patrol car and left unat­ tended. He w riggled his cuffed hands from behind his back, bent a m etal screen separating the back seat from the front seat and slipped into the d riv er’s seat. H e led police on a chase that exceeded speeds o f 100 m ph and ended in a m inor crash on Inter­ state 5. O n Oct. 11, he pleaded guilty to theft, escape and attem pting to elude police. Collision Results in Manslaughter JRL Scratch. For everyone on your list. OwetaR o c k ft V 4ry b y g a in é M u s t ! * IM fO b »*»• Be r in t i t p i i v - t h n n v . >< m ii liu M pr. 4 4 ^ 0 ,1 ,4 M »hr* j M r l p l i f * P, i h ; . (A P ) — A 45-year-old m an is ch a rg ed w ith m a n slau g h ter in co nnection w ith a traffic accident that k illed a G resham w om an. M ary M argaret Ewing, 44, died Nov. 19 when her car • was struck in an intersection on Southeast Stark. G resham police say Ew ing was northbound in the left turn lane on a green light w hen an eastbound car struck her. T he collision pro­ pelled her car into tw o others. T he driver o f the eastbound vehicle, Joe D udley H ughes, suf­ fered critical injuries in the wreck. T he drivers o f the other tw o cars had m inor injuries. H u g h es is u n d er g u ard on charges o f m anslaughter, driving u nder the influence o f intoxicants and for violating felony D -U -I-I probation. J