Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 28, 2001, Page 10, Image 10

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    Committed to Cultural Diversity
“ffivulping, S u itla n d
n m nt n nt to
a If u b a r
Washington's Humane Society
The H om e 4 the H olidays pet adoption
cam paign is still going on to place
orphaned anim als with loving families
and individuals during the holiday
season. H undreds o f pets are avail­
able to adopt until Sunday, Jan. 6 at the
Southw est W ashington H um ane So­
ciety, located at 2121 St. F rancis Lane
in Vancouver. Call 360-693-4746.
November 28, 2001
Dance Company Presents ‘Hair Stories’
Performance explores politics of African-American hair
Portland New Party Celebration
Portland New Party invites you to a
N ew Y ear’s N ew Party w ith festive
food and bubb lin g b e v e ra g e s on
M o n d a y ,D e c .3 1 ,fr o m 8 p .m .- 1 a.m.
There w ill be an open-m ike K aroake
starting at 9 p.m. Please bring food or
beverages for the potluck. Call 503-
Urban Bush
Women make
debut with ‘Hair
Stories,' a dance
and musical
performance that
mixes political
aggression with
World AIDS Awareness
C atholic Charities AIDS M inistry will
host the largest display o f “T he Q uilt
in O regon” on Nov. 3 0 ,Dec. I,2 a n d 3 .
AIDS M inistry requested 3 0 , 12’x l 2 ’
Q uilts including Ryan W h ite's quilt
and panels representing local people.
T he finished, hem m ed panels repre­
sent the average size o f a grave. The
display w ill be held at the All Saints
School, located at 3847 N E. G lisan St.
Call 503-231-4866.
Bonding the Family Together
B o nding the F am ily T o g e th e r is a
tw o and a h alf-day sem in ar for fa m i­
lies to d isc o v e r the key strateg ie s
for b u ild in g su ccessfu l co m m u n ic a­
tion an d rela tin g to each o th e r in a
h ealthy w ay. T he co u rse w ill be held
at the B oys & G irls C lu b P ortlan d
B lazers, lo cated at 5 2 5 0 N E. M artin
L u th er K ing Jr. B lv d .o n D e c . 1 4,15
and 16. C all 503-963-9495.
Tree Farm Guide
A free Choose & Cut G uide to U-Cut
Christm as tree plantations in Oregon
and W ashington has been prepared by
the Pacific Northwest Christm as Tree
Association. The 2001 guide lists 41
Oregon U-Cut tree farm» and 40 U-Cut
tree farms in Washington. For addi­
tional information regarding the Pacific
Northwest Christmas Tree Association,
visit our w ebsite at www.nwtrees.com
or call 503-364-2942.
Classical Chinese Garden
P o rtlan d C h in ese G ard en w ill h ost a
d isc u ssio n and to u r on the c u ltu ra l,
p ra c tic a l and a e sth e tic a s se ts o f
b am b o o on D ec. 1, fro m 9 :3 0 a .m .-
11:30 a.m . T he lectu re and to u r in ­
clu d e ad m issio n to the G ard en and
re fre sh m e n ts du rin g the le ctu re. T o
reg ister, co n tac t the G ard en o ffice at
5 0 3 -2 2 8 -8 1 3 1 , ext. 0 o r g o o n lin e to
w w w .p o rtlan d c h in eseg a rd e n .c o m .
Community Energy Project
Learn how to take control o f your
w ater and sew er bills. T he C om m unity
Energy Project will be having a free
w orkshop on W ater C onservation on
T uesday, Dec. 4 at the M ulticultural
SeniorCenter, located at 5325 NE. MLK
Blvd., from 10:45 a.m. - 1 1 :45 a.m. Each
Portland household receives an in­
structional w orkbook and a free kit o f
m aterials w orth $25. T o register, call
Urban Bush W om en, a no-nonsense
troupe o f A frican-A m ericans, is com ing
to Portland to perform ‘H air Stories,’ a
hum oro u s, p o ig n an t co m b in atio n o f
dance, test and music.
T h ree p erfo rm an ce s are sch ed u le d
at 8 p.m . each nig h t on D ec. 1 3 ,1 4 and
15 at P o rtlan d S tate U n iv e rsity ’s L in ­
coln H all. T he p ro d u ctio n m arks the
The troupe’s repertory is suffused with
furious energy, sexual freedom and pow ­
erful and vocal interplay.
‘H airStories’ explores A frican-Ameri­
can w om en’s hair and its relationship to
im ages o f beauty, social position, heri­
tage and self-esteem .
The “N ew Y ork T im es” has heralded
Urban Bush W om en, and its founder
Jaw ole W illa Jo Z ollar. as “triple-threat
perform ers w ho dance, sing and act w ith
a... searing sense o f truthfulness.”
T ickets for the Portland perform ances
are available at the PSU Box O ffice on
Southw est H all at Fifth A venue and at all
T icketm aster outlets. For inform ation and
group sales, call W hite Bird at 503-245-
Young Ladies Leadership Group Celebrates Victory
Sisters in Action for Pow er, a com m u­
nity-based, multi-racial, multi-issue orga­
nization, celebrated a victory for trans­
portation equity at a Nov. 16 gathering.
The group recently w on concessions
from T ri-M et to reduce fares for students.
Sisters in A ction for Pow er believes
that a strategy for transportation plan­
ning and decision m aking must address
the concerns and needs o f people m ost
effected by public transit, including youth,
low incom e people and people o f color.
The group argues that transportation
serves as a political and social link b e­
tw een housing, education and em ploy­
ment, am ong other things.
As a girl-driven, intergenerational o r­
ganization, Sisters in Action for Pow er
has developed an innovative youth lead­
ership developm ent program to ensure
and support the full participation and
leadership o f girls under the age o f 18.
The program allow s for the sharing of
pow er and decision making am ong young
and adult wom en.
The women become e mpowered as lead­
ers in the organization, in a mixed aged circle
o f w omen and girls, in their peer groups, as
well as in their community.
North/NE Bus Schedules to Change
M ore w eekend service and other im ­
provem ents to relieve w eekday crow ding
are part o f series o f bus service changes
to begin Oct. 2 in north and northeast
Since 1998, T ri-M et’s w eekend rider­
ship has grow n 50 percent on Sundays
and 26 percent on Saturdays as m ore
people ride for shopping and recreational
The w eekend changes w ill bring 15-
m inute service, seven days a w eek to the
Line 8 - 5 th A venue route, w ith tw ice as
many Sunday trips as before. The line
jo in s 12 other prim ary bus lines w ith se r­
o p en in g to a 2 0 0 1 -0 2 W h iteb ird /P S U
D ance S eries.
U rban Bush W om en is a com pany o f
seven A frican A m erican dances dedi­
cated to exploring the use o f cultural
expression as a catalyst for social change,
making possible the transform ation o f
struggle and suffering into the b itter­
sw eet jo y o f survival.
vice running at least every 15 m inutes
throughout the day, seven days a week.
Otherchanges inpact the Line 1 -Greeley
route w ith w eekend service doubling to
every 30 m inutes. W eekend service on
the Line 10-NE 33rd A venue route also
doubles to 30 m inutes.
The Line 6-M artin Luther King Jr. Bou­
levard route gets a new Sunday schedule.
The Line 5 Interstate gets tw o more
evening trips to V ancouver on w eekdays,
and L ine 40-M ocks C rest gets an extra
w eekday afternoon trip from Southw est
6th & Salm on.
on page AH
Sisters in Action for Power is a group o f women and girls o f color that campaign for economic, racial and gender
photo by J ohnny H lfe / T he P ortland O bserver
More People Choose to Abandon Cars
(A P ) - Portland ranks am ong top 25
percent o f U .S . cities in getting to w ork
w ithout driving there alone, according
to U.S. Census Bureau findings.
A quarter or more o f O regon’s m etro
area residents reported using an alter­
native m eans o f com m uting, mostly
carpooling, riding the bus, w alking or
“T here are tw o things I hear from
everybody w h o ’s hiked in other cities
and then m oved here: ‘I see so many
bikers h ere ,' and, ‘It’s so m uch easier to
bike here than in oth er cities w here I
have lived,” ’ said Brita Johnson, volun­
teer coordinator w ith the Bicycle T rans­
portation Alliance.
T w elve percent o f Portlanders ride the
bus to w ork, com pared to a national city
average o f 9 percent. M ore than 2 percent
o f Portland com m uters cycle to work,
com pared to a national average o f ju st .6
percent. T w elve percent o f Portland resi­
dents car pool, 4 percent w alk and 4 p er­
cent eschew the com m ute altogether and
w ork at home.
A ltogether, 37 percent o f Portland
com m uters used alternate transportation.
T he figures reported by the C ensus
Bureau com e from the C ensus 2000
Supplem ental Survey. The survey w as
given by m ail, by phone and in person
to 700,000 households throughout 2000.
M ore than 9,000 M ultnom ah C ounty
households took part, m aking it one o f
the m ost-sam pled counties in the n a­
Because the survey did not reach
every household, as an official census
does, and excludes group living q u ar­
ters, the results are estim ates.
T he survey also did not list light rail
as a choice. People w ho get to w ork
m ainly by M A X train w ere forced to
on page AH