Dance Company Presents ‘Hair Stories’ Performance explores politics o f African American hair See story, Metro Page A10 ISnrtlanh (Ohse "The City Of Roses" Volume XXXI Number 45 * Committed to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 Wednesday November 28, 2001 50* Firefighters Disciplined for Harassment Fire bureau to assess its culture to prevent similar problems Police Soy School Safe, But Many Students Stay Home NEW BEDFORD, Mass, — A high school where three teenagers allegedly plotted to use explosives and guns to kill fellow students reopened, but 41 % of the 3,300 students stayed home de­ spite a security sweep by nearly 40 officers and five bomb-sniffing dogs. jo b s as a result o f their conduct. A battalion ch ief is being dem oted to captain, a lieutenant is being dem oted to firefighter, a fire medic will be sus­ pended w ithout pay for tw o m onths, another lieutenant Will be suspended w ithout pay for one 24-hour shift, and a fire fig h te r w ill receive a le tte r o f reprimand. Fire C om m issioner Jim Francesconi The Portland Fire Bureau has d isci­ plined five firefighters, including three supervisors, for racially harassing an African American firefighter or allowing him to be harassed. Letters inform ing the firefighters o f the action were delivered Sunday and M onday, follow ing a five-m onth inves­ tigation. None o f the firefighters w ill lose their and Fire C hief Ed W ilson say the disci­ pline is part o f a broader effort to ensure that racial harassm ent is not tolerated among firefighters. The bureau will hire an outside con­ sultant to assess the bureau’s culture and recommend changes in policy o rg a­ nization or training to prevent sim ilar problems. The harassment case stems from the Economic Downturn Made Official Afghan Peace Talks Start KOEN1GSWINTER, Germany— With billions in international aid at stake, Afghan factions opened talks on how to share power once the Taliban is defeated. Three Afghan exile groups and the Northern Alliance are part of the talks in Germany. The Taliban was not included. Recession puts to end a 10-year streak of economic prosperity Bush warns Saddam W A SH IN G TO N — President Bush w arn ed Iraq i P re sid e n t Saddam Hussein to allow United Nations arms inspectors into Baghdad. Bush said W ashington w ould no longer toler­ ate Baghdad’s refusal tocom ply with terms o f the accord that ended the 1991 G ulf War. Bin Laden's Camps Teach Curriculum of Carnage JALALABAD, A fghanistan — Plas­ tic explosives, tim ing devices and sketches o f the best places to hide a bomb on an airplane filled the files of O sam a bin L aden’s terrorist training cam ps near here. Researchers' Claim to First Embryo Draws Criticism BOSTON— A company ’ s claim that it has cloned the first human embryo has drawn swift opposition from anti-abor­ tion and political leaders, who see it as a step toward cloning human beings. The researchers say they hope to de­ velop genetically compatible replace­ ment cells — not human clones. WTC Count Falls Below 3,900 NEW Y O RK — The number o f people missing or dead in the Sept. 11 terrorist assault on the W orld Trade Center has dropped below 3,900, according to the city’s official tally. The number, which once neared 7,000, has dropped steadily as police eliminate duplicate names and people who were initially reported miss­ ing but turned out to be safe. L e t th e o l i d a y S e a s o n B e g in ! 94-Year-Old Has Anthrax OXFORD, C onn.— Federal health of­ ficials confirmed that an elderly woman is infected with inhalation anthrax, baf­ fling authorities. A family member iden­ tified the woman as 94-year-old Ottilie Lundgren. She was in critical condition at Griffin Hospital in southwestern Connecticut. U J . Offers S25M for bin Laden W A SHINGTON— The U.S. military hopes that Afghans seeking a $25 mil­ lion reward, not American soldiers, will creep through caves hunting for top al- Q a’eda terrorist leaders. Defense Sec­ retary Donald H. Rumsfeld says. < stress-related disability of Rick Fizer, 31, who joined the fire bureau in J une 1999 and worked at the fire station off North Inter­ state and Going. Fizer, an African American, was subject to racist comments about “cotton picking in Mississippi,” negative comments about the North Portland neighborhoods the firefighters served and demeaning porno­ graphic pranks. Portland's Christmas tree at Pioneer Courthouse Square sparkles beautifully in the twilight Monday. The 85-foot grand fir from the Hampton Tree Farm o f Oregon was lit in an official tree lighting ceremony Friday and marks the start o f the city's holiday season. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver (AP) — It’s official. The National Bu­ reau of Economic Research announced Monday that the United States entered a recession in March, the month in which the longest expansion in U.S. history cel­ e b ra te d its 10th a n n iv e rsa ry . The committee, composed of academic economists from Harvard, Stanford and other prestigious universities, posted its decision on its Web site. It ruled that the long expansion ended in March and the nation’s 10th recession since the end of World War II began at the same time. Even though it dated the start of the recession as March, the NBER panel said a full-blown downturn still might have been avoided if not for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. “Before the attacks, it is possible that the decline in the economy would have been too mild to qualify as a recession,” the group said in a statement. The group's decision means the long­ est expansion lasted exactly 10 years. The previous record for uninterrupted eco­ nomic growth was set in the 1960s, a period of eight years and 10 months lasting from February 1961 to December 1969. At the White House, President Bush, whose father lost the White House partly as a result of the country’s last recession, pledged, “We will doeverything we can to enhance recovery.” The president called on Congress to move quickly to pass an economic stimu­ lus so that he will be able to “sign it before Christmas.” The country’s last recession begin in July 1990 and lasted until March 1991. But the NBER did not officially declare the downturn over until December 1992. OAME Youth Store Fosters Entrepreneurship The O regon A ssociation o f M inority E ntrepreneurs Y outh Store has geared up for the holidays with unique prod­ ucts from m inority-ow ned businesses in Oregon. N ate M oreland, O A M E youth pro­ gram m anager, said the retail outlet at 4134 N. V ancouver “is rapidly becom ­ ing the show case for products not avail­ able in other retail stores.” A lre a d y th is se a so n , the Y outh S tore is featu rin g G o d w are, a c lo th ­ ing line by a local d esig n er; C a rte r's W ater, a 62-o u n ce. re filla b le , daily supply o f pure w ater; along w ith the reg u lar O A M E line o f m ugs, t-sh irts, pins, and buttons. “W e’re geared up for the holidays," M oreland said. The Y outh Store is m anaged and operated by young entrepreneurs from north and northeast Portland. M oreland provides training supervi­ sion with support and m entorship from top com panies in corporate Oregon. “The O A M E Youth Store promotes business education and develops young e n tr e p r e n e u r s fo r O r e g o n ," sa id M oreland, a business adm inistration graduate from the U niversity o f O r­ egon. The store is open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., M onday through Friday. Shop­ p in g is a ls o a v a ila b le o n lin e at Alex Fountaine conducts business at the Oregon Association o f Minority Entrepreneurs youth store at 4134 N. Vancouver. The retail outlet is managed and operated by young entrepreneurs from north and northeast Portland. Nate Moreland (right) is the OAME youth program manager. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver O A M E was established in 1987 to support developm ent o f m inority busi­ nesses in O regon U n d e r th e le a d e r s h ip o f S am B rooks, fo u n d er, c h a irm a n o f the board and presid en t. O A M E ’s scope has ex p anded to include reso u rces from local, state, and federal g o v e rn ­ m ent, ed u catio n al, fin an cial and o f­ fice support sources to a ssist m in o r­ ity w om en and em erg in g sm all b u si­ nesses and en trep ren eu rs becom e suc­ cessful in business. «1