(Elje ^Iortlanù (fíbsm ier Page A 8 November 21,2001 ¿lortkinò u rtlan b IL ($b*eruer Pope Proposes Prayer for Peace V A TICA N CITY (A P )— Pope John Paul II, concerned about the continued impact on humanity o f the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, in­ vited representatives o f the w orld’s religions to com e to Assisi, Italy on Jan. 24 for a daylong prayer for peace. In his w eekly appearance at St. Peter’s Square, the pontiff invited leaders o f all faiths, but particularly Christians and M uslim s, to “pro­ claim before the world that religion should never becom e a motive for conflict, hatred and violence.” “In these historic m om ents, hu­ manity needs to see gestures o f peace and hear w ords o f hope,’’ the pope said. Assisi, a pilgrim age hilltow n in central Italy, is the birthplace o f St. Francis, the founder o f the Rom an Catholic Franciscan order. The pope has twice before invited leaders o f various faiths to gather in Assisi to pray for peace. During his appearance, the 81- year-old pontiff also asked C atho­ lics to fast on Dec. 14 and pray to God for justice and an end to the many conflicts in the world. He noted that the date coincides with the holy month o f Ram adan, the monthlong holiday o f fasting and purification for Muslims. Pope John Paul II T he pope has spoken out sev­ eral times about the Sept. 11 attacks and has decried terrorism in the past several weeks. But while the Vatican has acknowledged the right o f legitim ate defense against ter­ rorists, it has m ade clear that any “ju st w ar” needs to avoid harming innocent people. T he pope, appearing in rela­ tively good form, spoke to a crowd o f several hundred in St. Peter’s Square on a drizzly Sunday after celebrating M ass at a newly built parish on the outskirts o f Rome. In his hom ily at the M ass, the pontiff recalled the w ords o f Jesus, w hich he said gave believers faith that their lives, “despite dramatic upheavals, rem ain connected to the hands o f G od.” As he left the parish on his way back to St. Peter’s, the pope waved good-bye with his cane to the d e­ light o f the crowd. His visit came after a formerCIA counterterrorism chief, V incent Canmstraro, warned in an inter­ view published Sunday in the daily La Repubblica that the pope re ­ m ained a target o f terrorists, and suggested that they might strike during the holiday season that starts this week, with the Am erican holi­ day o f Thanksgiving, and Christ­ mas on Dec. 25. Vatican officials have previously dism issed reports o f particular threats against the pope, and did so again Sunday. The pope first proclaimed a day o f peace on Oct. 27, 1986 and in­ vited representatives o f the world’s religions to Assisi. H e brought to­ gether Christian, M uslim and Jew ­ ish leaders in Assisi on Jan. 9-10, 1993 to pray for an end to the Bosnian war. Some of the town ’ s famed basili­ cas, including the basilica o f St. Francis, were badly dam aged fol­ lowing tw o earthquakes that jolted central Italy on Sept. 2 6 ,1997.They have since reopened after m ajor restoration projects. Metro clave - key continuar o s u s p e n d e r los d iálo g o s - continue or sus­ pend the dialogues c o ra z ó n - heart c u m p lirse - to expire El gob ierno colom b ian o - T he Colom bian governm ent f a lt a - fa u lt, flaw im p o n e r - to im pose la c a d e n a R a d io n e t - the R adionet channel m ism o s - the sam e p la z o - tim e se cto res o b re ro s - w orking secto r sello - stam p, seal s u r d el p ais - south o f the country tr e g u a - truce v is lu m b ra r - to catch a glimpse of zona desm ilitariza -dem ilita­ rized zone T he Portland O bser-ver’s com m itm ent tocultural di­ versity includes the en ­ couragem ent o f a m ulti­ lingual society. R eaders can learn Spanish on this page by reading the w ords and phrases in bold print and gaining understand­ ing o f its m eaning with this com panion glossary. los m ism os términos o la definición de nuevas reglas que perm itan guiar las negociaciones hacia una tregua. " Y o creo que hay todavía una leve posibilidad de que el proceso se salve, tal vez entre un 5 y 10% ” , dijo a la A PC arlos Franco, analista político de la Fundac ión Progresar y ex guerrillero. F ra n c o c o n s id e r a q u e lo s prin cip ales o b stácu lo s p ara la continuidad de los diálogos son la falta de iniciativa de las partes y la proxim idad de las elecciones del 2002, donde los candidatos consideran im popular apoyar una salida negociada al conflicto. El candidato liberal que puntea las e n c u e s ta , H o ra c io S erp a, aseg u ró que " re s u lta suprem am ente inconveniente que se siga hablando de paz y se siga increm entando la violencia’ ’, por e s o es u rg e n te " u n a c u e rd o h um anitario’ ’ que conduzca a un cese del fuego. *’ Y o no quiero que este proceso se acab e’’, aseguró el aspirante presidencial este lunes a la cadena Radionet, pero advirtió que las negociaciones deben derivar en m ejoras para la condiciones de vida de los colom bianos, L u is E d u a r d o G a r z ó n , el a b a n d e r a d o d e lo s s e c t o r e s o b reros y de iz q u ie r d a dem ocrática, co n sid era que es necesario darle el sello de política de E stado a los d iálogos de paz y asegurar su continuidad. * ’ L o que m e parece que va a ser clave es que los acuerdos que se p ro d u zcan ah o ra lo g ren ten er continuidad en el proceso (de paz) de cualquiera que sea que llegue al próxim o gobierno’ ’, dijo Garzón a la cadena Radionet. En una sorpresiva visita a San Vicente del Caguán, en el co razó n de la zona de despeje, la candi data independiente N oem í Sanin afirmó el dom ingo que el proceso de paz "n e ce sita firm eza, reglas claras, verificación y treg u a” . A gregó q u e " d e s p u é s d e l 11 d e septiem bre el m undo cam bio” y las FA R C tienen que negociar. RFPNo.OlR-61-OGC M etro is a regional governm ent responsible fo r urban growth and tra n sp o rta tio n planning; the m anagem ent o f the Oregon Zoo; St. Johns Landfill, Metro South Station, Metro Central Sta­ tion, M etro C om poster Facility; Oregon Convention Center and Portland Center fo r the Perform ing Arts. M etro is so liciting w ritten proposals for Tort Counsel Services to be utilized on an as needed basis fo r future litigation. Pos­ sible future litigation includes defense o f any claim s which are subject to the Oregon Tort C laim s Act, including em ploym ent m atters, personal injury, and property dam age. It is also possible th a t fu tu re litigation w ill not be referred to outside counsel. Proposals w ill be received at th e business o ffic e o f M etro, Of­ fice o f General Counsel, 6 0 0 N.E. Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 9 7 2 3 2 -2 7 3 6 , to th e attention o f Daniel B. Cooper, General Counsel, until 3 :0 0 p.m. PST, December 3 , 2 0 0 1 . Proposals subm itted prior to th a t date should be delivered to the Office of General Counsel m arked “ Proposal - T o r t Counsel S ervices." The RFP docum ents can be obtained by calling (503) 7 97 -1 53 0 or by a c c e s s in g M e tro 's w eb s ite a t h ttp ://w w w .m e tro - re g io n .o rg /jo b s /c o n tra c t/b izlist.h tm l. Each proposal m u st be su bm itted in a form as described in th is proposal docum ents. j Gobierno y guerrillas ante semana clave para la paz en Colombia B ogotá (A P) - El gobierno colombiano enfrenta una compleja semana para la paz, ya que mientras espera que una guerrilla se decida a co n tin u a r o su sp en d er los diálogos, tam bién intenta que otra a g r u p a c ió n r e b e ld e se com prom eta a negociar. El próxim o miércoles se cumple el plazo dado por las Fuerzas A r­ madas Revolucionarias de Colom ­ b ia (F A R C ) al g o b iern o para levantar los controles m ilitares im puestos en to m o a la zona de distensión, que según los rebeldes im piden negociar. L as FA R C aseguraron que de no cu m plirse sus dem andas el proceso será "in su p erab le por el m o m e n to ’ ’ e in c lu so p u ed e n devolver el área desm ilitarizada de 42.000 kilóm etros cuadrados que les fue cedida hace tres años en el su r del país. H a s ta el m o m e n to , lo s e s c e n a r io s q u e se p la n te a n apuntan desde el rom pim iento de las c o n v e r s a c io n e s h a s ta un relanzam iento de los diálogos en Request For Proposals Tort Counsel Services El anali sta y ex com isionado de paz C arlos E duardo Jaram illo ta m b ié n cree que este n u ev o contexto internacional incidirá en el curso del proceso de paz. " E s ta m ayor p r e s ió n in te r n a c io n a l p e r m itir ía vislum brar en el horizonte una derrota m ilitar de la guerrilla y esta p e rsp e c tiv a v a a im p o n er la n ecesid ad de en tra r a n uevas n eg o ciacio n es de paz con un horizonte claro ’ ’, dijo Jaram illo a revista Sem ana. A d ife re n c ia de lo qu e o cu rre co n las F A R C , e, in su rg en te E jé rc ito de L ib eració n N acio n al (E L N ) ha v u elto a se n tarse a d ia lo g a r c o n el g o b ie rn o en C u b a , t r a s tr e s m e s e s s in c o n ta c to s . A unque los diálogos se llevan en m edio del herm etism o han surgido voces de apoyo para que se lance form alm ente un proceso de paz, sobre todo porque los rebeldes no estarían solicitando u n a zo n a d e sm ilita r iz a p ara negociar. All bids m ust conform to the RFB fo rm a t and be com plete in­ cluding the use o f any required form s. M etro may accept or reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, or waive irregularities not a ffe cting substantial rights if such action is deemed in the public interest. M etro and its contractors w ill not discrim in ate against any person(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual ori­ entation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or m arital status. M etro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically encourages m inority and women-owned businesses to access and particip a te in th is and all M etro projects, program s and services. Oregon University System Request For Proposals (RFP) PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES Responses Due 2:00 p.m. November 29,2001 Q ualified firm s are asked to respond to a R equest for Pro­ posal for p rofessional consulting services in the areas o f ar­ chitecture, landscape architecture, interior design, planning, land use, surveying, appraising, environm ental assessm ent, construction management, and various engineering disciplines. From these proposals, a lim ited num ber o f firm s w ill be se­ lected to form a lis t from which the seven OUS universities may select professional consultants. For a copy o f the RFP, fax a req ue st to (5 4 1 ) 3 4 6 -5 7 5 7 , or call (5 4 1) 3 4 6 -5 7 3 5 and leave your nam e and address. RFP packets may also be picked up in room 3 4 9 , Susan Campbell Hall, 1 4 3 1 Johnson Lane, Eugene Oregon 9 7 4 0 3 , on the University of Oregon campus. Responses received after 2 p.m., November 2 9 , 2 0 0 1 will n ot be considered. Any questions regarding th is RFP should be directed to R obert Sim onton, Director Capital Construction Budgeting and Planning, at (541) 3 4 6 -5 7 2 8 . OUS may reject any response not in com pliance w ith all pre­ scribed public bidding procedures and requirem ents, and may cancel th is solicitation or reject any or all responses upon the finding o f OUS th a t it is in the public in te re st to do so. OUS is an AA/EEO em ployer and encourages the su bm ittal o f re­ sponses from w om en, m inority-owned, and em erging sm all business enterprises. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Multnomah County - Wapato Corrections Facility Pre-Bid M eeting: 1 0 :0 0 am, November 2 8 Outreach M eeting: 4 :3 0 pm, Decem ber 5 Concrete Work - Bids Due: 3 :0 0 pm, Decem ber 18 At M ultnom ah County Purchasing All Other Work - Bids due: 2 :0 0 pm, Decem ber 2 0 At Hoffm an Construction Company Bid Docum ents-W illam ette Print & Blueprint (5 0 3 /2 2 3 -5 0 1 1 ) or wwwjjxwa^eom H offm an intends to subm it a bid to self-perform the Concrete Work Looking For a Smart Move? At Calaroga Terrace our residents are treated like Royalty. H HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF OREGON Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 -8 8 1 1 - Bid Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 -8 8 8 8 805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100-Portland, OR97205 -CCB Uoense #28417 Studio apartments start at just $950 a month with housekeeping, meals, cable and all utilities. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffrnancorp.com Call Candy fo r a tour a n d lunch a t 503-234-8271 Calaroga Terrace 1400 N.E. Second Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97232 Portland’s Premier Retirement Community « fcsi