Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 21, 2001, Page 6, Image 6

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    (Elje JJnrtlanb O&bseruer
Page A6
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November 21, 2001
Catholic Church Bishops Elect First Black President
Church leader is a powerful orator known for speaking bluntly about prejudice
tinue to do so in his position as
the voice of the United States
Conference o f Catholic Bish­
ops on religious, social and po­
litical issues.
“W hen the ch u rch a d ­
dresses racism, you have to
maintain the principle that it’s
a sin,” said Gregory, who won
election to the presidency at a
conference meeting last week.
“But even people who are rac­
ist are G od’s children, and
people can change.”
R achel Z oll
T he A ssociated P ress
Bishop Wilton Gregory, who
is taking over as the first black
president o f the nation’s Ro­
man Catholic bishops, will help
lead an increasingly diverse
church as it works to provide
moral guidance on the war
against international terror.
Gregory, of BeUeville, 111., is
a powerful orator known for
speaking bluntly about preju­
dice. He said he plans to con­
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Gregory said the bishops
must ensure the fight against
terror is "driven by justice
rather than by revenge.”
Gregory will be leading an
American Catholic community
that is becoming more diverse
through a growing num ber o f
Asian and Hispanic im m i­
B la c k C a th o lic s see
Gregory ’ s election as evidence
of recognition they have long
sought from church leaders.
Estim ates o f the num ber of
black Catholics range from 2
m illion to 3.5 million, out of
63.7 million Catholics nation­
Gregory, 53, is an expert on
liturgy and has written exten-
The Church o f Scientology
is collecting canned food for
those in need this holiday sea­
All donations collected will
go to the O regon Food B ank.
Food can be dropped o ff
at the church o f Scientology at
2636 N.E. Sandy BIvd. from
now until Dec. 17.
For m ore inform ation, call
Where: Courtyard Marriot@
435 NE Wasco off MLK Jr. Blvd
to advertise in
Time: 12pm-n8pm
with schedule appt. times from 3:30
to 8pm for facials/makeovers
years ago when the two were
in graduate school together. A
prayer was offered that noted
how early Am ericans came
full of hope, to which Gregory
responded with one ofhis trade­
m ark straightforw ard obser­
vations: “Som e didn’t come.
Some were brought over as
“It was a m em orable m o­
m ent,” Duncanson said. “He
makes us aware without a
sense of resentm ent.”
Gregory was in sixth grade
when he first considered be­
com ing a priest. His parents,
Christians without a denom i­
nation, had sent him to St.
Carthage Catholic School on
C hicago’s South Side, where
Bishop Wilton Gregory
si vely on Catholic opposition to
physician-assisted suicide and
the death penalty.
M o n s ig n o r
R ic h a rd
Duncanson, of Solana Beach,
Calif., recalled a Thanksgiving
his family lived. He was drawn
by the warmth and intelligence
o f the tw o parish priests and
wanted to follow their example.
He was ordained in 1973,
earned a doctorate in sacred
liturgy from the Pontifical Li­
turgical Institute in Rome and
soon was in dem and as a pub­
lic speaker.
G regory said he continues
to experience racism from
Catholics and others, despite
his position in the church. Still,
the bishop said the prejudice
has never m ade him consider
leaving the faith.
“Y ou’d have to leave the
planet to escape racism ,” he
sa id . “ I t ’s a d a y -b y -d a y
o b it u a r ie s
Lillie Mae Johnson
A memorial service was held Nov. 9,2001, in Killingsworth Little Chapel o f the Chimes
for Lillie M ae Johnson, w ho died N ov. 2 at age 83.
M rs. Johnson w as b o m Lillie M ae Jackson on Sept. 13,1918, in A ugusta, G a. She
m oved to Portland in the late 1940s and was a hom em aker. In 1938, she m arried Em ory
Johnson: he died in 1986.
Survivors include her daughters, Betty Jones, V andella Johnson and Rosezlia A very;
sons, H arold, R ogers, A lbert and G eorge; sister, A nna B row n; brothers, R om eo
Jackson, George Jackson and Albert Jackson; 20 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchildren;
and tw o great-great-grandchildren.
Interm ent in R ose City Cem etery.
Diann Sarah Murphy
A funeral w as held T uesday, N ov. 6 ,2 0 0 1 , in N eighborhood C hurch in T ualatin for
D iann Sarah M urphy, w ho died O ct. 31 at age 56.
Mrs. M urphy was bom D iann Sarah C am pbell on Nov. 6 ,1 9 4 4 , in M uskegon, M ich.
She m oved to Portland as a child and graduated from G irls Polytechnic H igh School.
She was a hom em aker and a lifelong m em ber o f the church. In 1963, she m arried Leon
A. M urphy.
Survivors include her husband; daughter, Kim berly Lloyd; son, Ray; sister, Katherine
Hensley; brothers, Roy Domine, Dick Dom ine and Larry Domine; and five grandchildren.
Interment in Cliffside Cemetery in Sandy. Arrangements by Killingsworth Little Chapel
o f the Chim es.
(O b se rv e r
David Lee Stanley
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5 0 3 .2 8 8 .0 0 3 3
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A funeral w as held M onday, O ct. 2 9 ,2 0 0 1 , in K illingsw orth L ittle C hapel o f the
C him es for D avid L ee Stanley, w ho died O ct. 22 at age 55.
M r. Stanley w as b o m July 7 ,1 9 4 6 , in T hebes, A rk. H e m oved in 1976 to Portland.
He w as an autom obile m echanic until about 1980.
Survivors include his daughter, A nita; brothers, Percy, W illie, M att and C alvester;
sisters, E artha L. G ilbert-W isdom , O leth a R oberts and R o setta A lexander; and four
Maranatha Church
Mary Lee Herbert
Building Divine Unity in the Com munity
A m em orial service was held N ov. 10 at Full H oly G h o st M ission C hurch o f G od in
P ortland for M ary Lee H erbert w ho died N ov. 7 ,2 0 0 1 , at age 90.
M rs. H erbert w as bom M ary Lee H aynes on Dec. 10,1910, in F orest H om e, Ala. A
hom em aker and farm er, she m oved from A labam a to P ortland in 1997. She m arried
L ester H erbert; he died earlier.
Survivors include her sister, Inez Sim s. H er son, T o m E., preceded her in death.
Rem em brances to Full Holy G host M ission Church. A rrangem ents by Killingsworth
Little Chapel o f the Chim es.
T. Allen & Daphne Bethel
W o rs h ip w it h us a t th e:
J *-----i
A lbina
C hristian
Life C enter
C h u rc h o f God
(C leveland T ennessee)
Service Times
Sunday Morning - 10:30am
Sunday Evening - 6:00pm
(except 4th & 5th Sunday
and Holidays)
All services at:
Maranatha Church
4222 NE 12th Avenue (12th SiSkidmore)
Wednesday Night - 7:00pm
(Activities for the whole family)
Dr. T. Allen Bethel, Senior Pastor
Rev. Cynthia Brathwaite, Associate Pastor
Worship Opportunities
A Services
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
Morning Worship: 11 AM
Evening Worship: 6 PM
, Family Training Hour. 7PM
5 52 2 N. A lb in a
P o rtla n d . Oregon
* 503 283-1635
Please cal! for information or counciling.
Sr. Pastor
Bishop Samual M Irving
Other Church of
God Location:
Center e / A oiar
3402 R S t
Vancouver, Washington
Pastor Marcus J. Irving