(Elje ^Jnrtlanb © bseruer N o v e m b e r 14, 2001 urtljutò (Ohi Page B 3 Sports/METRO Win Puts Ducks in Rose Bowl Race w as the only one in the gam e for Line, who has caught ju st six passes all season. E v e n w ith o u t F o s te r, th e nation’s third-leading rusher, the Bruins gave the Ducks all they c o u ld h a n d le . B ut it w a s n ’t enough, as they lost their third straight after opening the season w ith six wins. Foster, a senior w ho leads the P ac-1 0 in rush in g and to u ch ­ dow ns, was declared ineligible after the NCAA made UCLA aware o f an extra benefits violation. His status for next S atu rd ay 's gam e against crosstow n rival Southern C alifornia is uncertain. PASADENA, Calif. (A P) - One coach was hoping, the other pray ­ ing. The prayers o f O regon’s M ike Bellotti w on out, and now the Ducks need only a victory over Oregon State at Autz.en Stadium on Dec. 1 to earn the P ac-10 title and a berth in the Fiesta Bowl. Thus, the Ducks have plenty of tim e to get ready. Bellotti said they need it. “W e w ill practice for O regon State as if it w ere a bowl gam e,” Bellotti said after No. 7 O regon held off No. 20 UCLA 21 -20 when Chris G riffith m issed w hat w ould have been a career-best 50-yard field goal on the final play S atur­ day at the R ose Bowl. Oregon (9-1,6-1 P ac-10) is tied for first place with W ashington State, but the D ucks ow n the tiebreaker, having beaten the C ou­ gars 24-17 on O ct. 27. H arrington, 22-3 as a starter at O regon, w as 3-for-3 for 52 yards on the drive, and the reception SPORTS Jefferson Wins Pop Warner Superbowl Norman, Stewart Head Golf Hall of Fame Class LOS A N G E L E S - Shaquille O ’Neal had 38 points and 18 rebounds and L os A ngeles kept its perfect start intact, defeating O rlando for its sixth c o n s e c u tiv e v ic to r y . T h e Magic briefly challenged in the first half, but like the L akers' first five opponents, they o f­ fered little resistance against O ’ N eal. O ’ Neal ’ s points w ere a season high, and he equaled his best rebounding p erfo r­ m ance o f the season. Nebraska New No. 1 In Coaches’ Poll N ebraska claim ed the NO. 1 spot in the latest U SA T O ­ DA YZESPN C oach es’ Poll af­ ter defeating Big 12 rival K an­ sa s S ta te 3 1 -2 1 . The C om huskers garnered 30 first- place votes, w hile second- ranked M iam i got 28. Florida, O klahom a and T exas, all w in­ ners on Saturday, rounded out the top five. NFL Fines Jets’ Robinson $20K for Role In Fight H E M P S T E A D , N Y. - T he N FL fined N ew Y o rk Jets s a fe ty D a m ie n R o b in s o n $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 f o r tw is tin g th e fac em a sk o f S ain ts q u a rte r­ back A aron B rooks and spark­ ing a m elee n ear th e en d o f the gam e. Jets co ach H erm an E dw ards sent a letter to S aints co ach Jim H aslett ex p re ssin g his u n h a p p in e ss ab o u t the end o f last S u n d a y 's gam e. E d w a rd s a ls o h in te d th a t R o b in so n ’s jo b m ay be on sh aky ground. HORACE S IM P S O N Portland, OR 97217 N IC O L E B R IS T E R JA N E L L E BOUNDS GERALD TAYLOR 503-247-3165 P hoto by D avid G iezyng / T he P ortland O bserver ST. L O U IS -S t. LouisCardinals first basem an M ark M cGw ire has told ESPN he’s retiring after 16 seasons in the big leagues. M cGw ire hit 70 home runs in 1998 shattering Roger M aris’ single-season record o f 61 set in 1961. McGwire would finish his careerw ith583 home runs, good for fifth-place on the all-time list. Lakers Earn Sixth Straight Win 6844 N Interstate Ave. Quarterback Joey Harrington has led the Ducks to a possible Rose Bowl berth. Mark McGwire Ready to Retire ST. A U G U STIN E, Fla. - G r e g N orm an and the late Payne Stew art w ere am ong six m em ­ bers inducted into the W orld G olf H all o f Fam e during a 90- m inute cerem ony at the W orld G olf V illage. The others w ere tw o-tim e U.S. W o m en 's O pen cham pion D onna Caponi, Ping G olf founder Karsten Solheim . form er U.S. G o lf A ssociation president Judy Bell and A llan R obertson o f S cotland, b e­ lieved to be the first g o lf pro­ fessional. JBaltnt 618 Bryson Hampton, quarterback for the Jefferson 7th and 8th graders Pop Warner team, with his father Michael Hampton, celebrate a 25-6 superbowl victory Sunday over Whitaker 7th and 8 h graders at the Jesuit High School stadium. Bryson plans to attend Benson High School next year where his father is a football coach. photoby D avid G iezyng /T he P ortland O bserver Portland Athlete Named Rookie I of the Year Fuqua Beats Record with Rushing Performance Redshirt freshman Ryan Fuqua pul together the finest rushing perform ance in PSU history and nearly in all o f 1-AA history on Saturday against Eastern W ash­ ington. Fuqua rushed 45 tim es for 393 yards and three touchdow ns in a 37-22 w in at Eastern W ashing­ ton. His rushing attem pts and yards gained w ere both new PSU records. The 393 rushing yards is the second biggest rushing day in the history o f NCA A 1-AA football (409, C harles Roberts, Sacram ento State, 1999). Fuqua had runs o f 71 and 51 yards in the gam e and broke Chip D unn’s PSU record o f 324 by 69 yards. The 5 -1 1 ,1 9 0 pounder out o f O ntario, California, now has 1.073 rushing yards on the sea­ son - all o f it com ing in the last six gam es. Fuqua has started only the last four gam es. Get Connected!! Need a Telephone at Home? Time To Get a Cell Phone? Want Your Old Phone Number Back? Confused? Too much information? Can't Wait 10 days? Why Choose?-Have it all Need Features? GREAT FOR LISTENING 1 TO JAZZ, HIP-HOP *>• - AND THE SOUNDS OF YOUR GIRLFRIEND Free Cellular Phone, Free Long The Fastest Service-3 to 5 days Distance, You Gan Keep Your Old Number Free Anytime Minutes, No Roaming, Get Free Call Waiting, 3-Way, Rates as Low as .05 Cents Per Minute No Activation Fees. No Credit Req’d. "69 & More Order By Phone Call For Details Some Restrictions Apply Available Only At: Simply Cellular A Telephone Reconnections 8040 NE Sandy Blvd., S uite 100B Portland, OR 97213 C hrista T hoeresz o f Portland has been nam ed Rookie o f the Y ear in w o m en 's soccer for the N ew England Sm all College Ath­ letic Conference. T hoeresz is a freshm an at C on­ necticut C ollege. She is a gradu­ ate o f Caitlin G abel School in Port­ land. T his fall, she led her Camels team in scoring w ith 14 points on a team -high six goals and two as­ sists. She scored four o f her six goals in the final five gam es o f the season, including a tw o-goal ef­ fort in a 3-0 victory over Eastern C onnecticut on O ct. 9. Thoeresz also recorded three o f her six goals against N E SC A C rivals Tufts, Colby, and W illiams. bandbtshirtsi« carthlink.net OR We Offer Affordable Packages Christa Thoeresz 407 S E M a so n (M l K .J r. Blvd.) 503-284-1810 503-280-8000 MOANING 11 IN YOUR EAR. October 27 - A p ril 28 The Cognacs from France. The Attitude's Not. Happy Birthday Shay P o s t T im e s : F r id a y Washington S a tu rd a y a n d S u n d a y • 7 :0 0 • p .m . 1 :0 0 p .m . (503) 285-9144 • 1001 N. Schmeer Rd. www.portlandmeadows.com F ree From Your Family 1 F ree P arking M ainline A dmission > SAVE $3.00 A BOTTLE. SEE O UR IN STO R E REBATE OFFER FOR DETAILS. A