Page B2_________________________ ïljc ÿortlanù (©baeruer November 14, 2001 Religion Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church Homecoming Fellowship Dinner ‘The Church With a Heartfelt Welcome’ photos by V eronica G reen Honored members and friends o f Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church enjoy a fantastic gathering. À 1 1 1 0 / j I L 1 y Men o f the Ci B8 The homecoming dinner serves 250 with 50 takeouts to shut-in members and friends of Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church. , sing praise to God and give thanks, ‘Our recent Homecoming Fellowship Dinner was a fantastic gathering o f 250 m em bers and frie n d s o f Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church joining together in friend­ ship, love and unity. In addition, over 50 dinners were delivered to shut-in members and friends. This celebration was the first o f an an­ nual event. / JSB A special thanks goesto all food preparers, workers and home food deliverers,’ The many volunteers make a sharing o ffo o d ih love, unity and fellowship possible. in Johnson, co-chairs o f - co-chairs, Dorothy Jones and La van Johnson People of all ages find a place at the table to share a homecoming with the “Church with a Heartfelt Welcome I Dorothy Jt theHomg k I Young people enjoy the Homecoming Fellowship Dinner's spirit of goodwill. 1 I