Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 14, 2001, Page 3, Image 3

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    November 14,2001
Page A3
(Lhc ^¡Jortlanb (ßhseruer
Jobless Rate Falls Short for Extensions
(A P) — D espite concerns
about the economic aftermath of
the terrorist attacks, Oregon un­
em ploym ent nudged up only
slightly last month — a tenth of a
percentage point — to reach 6.5
The figure was just short o f the
number that would kick in an ex­
tended 13 weeks of benefits.
Still, the jobless rate for Octo­
ber is at the highest level since
1993, when it also reached 6.5
percent, officials said.
U nemploy ment was 6.4 percent
in September. The rate has risen for
eight of the past 10 months after
starting the year at 4.4 percent.
Economists and analysts were
watching the release of the October
figures closely for Oregon after a
substantial rise in the national un­
employment rate last month.
The U.S. unemployment rate
posted a substantial rise from 4.9
percent in September to 5.4 per­
cent in October. Meanwhile at the
national level seasonally adjusted
total nonfarm payroll employment
dropped by 415,000jobs.
The national and state figures
are the first to broadly reflect the
impact o f the terrorist attacks of
Sept. 11.
Last month, 109,500 Orego­
The refugee resettlem ent
program o f Ecum enical M in­
istries o f O regon, will host the
second annual R efugee’s First
T h a n k s g iv in g D in n e r on
T hursday, Nov. 22 at 4 p.in. at
All S aint’s Episcopal Church,
4033 S.E. W oodstock Blvd.
The celebration will offer a
traditional turkey dinner, live
ethnic m usic along with a free
raffle w ith prizes ranging from
new dish sets and blenders, to
wool coats and gift certifi­
cates. Individuals and families
O n sale r ig ht n o w
W eight W atchers .
fro m F ront
graduates, G reene said he did
not because life prospects for
GED earners are closer to those
o f high school dropouts.
Like dropouts, he said, stu­
dents who earn a G ED are more
likely to land in prison, becom e
single parents or rely on public
Funny th in g about w illp o w e r: you
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With the worsening economy, Oregon Employment Division workers in north Portland are dealing
with more unemployment claims.
nians were unemployed, com ­
pared to 75,300 in October2000—
a 45 percent increase.
Manufacturing jobs declined.
but were higher than average for
the time of year. The service in­
dustry, which normally expands
during the holiday season, was
lagging, officials said.
Government was the only ma­
jor sector of the economy to add
jobs in October.
pose was to embrace diversity
and promote racial-ethnic har­
mony. O pponents argued the
commission was unnecessary be­
cause existing laws already pro­
vide means for investigating hu­
man rights complaints and enforc­
ing rights violations.
Mayor Royce Pollard said he
expects it will be some time before
the city council discusses the
“1 think we need to let it sit for
a while,” he said. “Then the coun­
cil can talk about what the ap­
proach should be, because the
need is still there.”
County Commissioner Craig
Pridemore told The Columbian
he’s not sure what happens now.
The nine-member commission
was supposed to concentrate on
education and mediation while re­
ferring discrimination complaints
to the Washington Hume n Rights
Commission for investigation and
legal enforcement.
Dropouts Dismal for Oregon’s Minority Students
w ho have resided in the United
States for less than one year
are invited to participate.
“In this difficult tim e for all
o f us, it is im portant that refu­
gees still feel welcom ed in this
country," stated O lga D edulin,
v o lu n te e r
c o o r d in a to r .
"Thanksgiving is a time to be
thankful for what we have and
we want to share this tradition
with our new m em bers o f the
com m unity.”
For more inform ation, call
Olga Dedulin at 503-284-3002.
W illpower .
Future of Human Relations Panel in Doubt
( AP) - V ancouver city officials
are undecided about their nextmove
after voters soundly defeated a
proposal to form a joint city-county
human relations commission.
Last week, voters killed the
commission proposal by better
than 2-1.
The commission’s stated pur-
Refugees Dinner at All Saints
assistance. They earn a median
income o f about $15,000 com ­
pared with $29,000 for those with
a high school diplom a.
G re e n e 's m ethods o ffe r a
good indicator o f graduation
rates, but they are not precise
and fail to account for num er­
ous variables such as the num ­
ber of students who take a fifth
year or transfer to com m unity
colleges, home schools or pri­
vate schools to com plete their
high school education, said Bob
Jones, research analyst for the
state D epartm ent o f Education.
G re e n e sa y s th e s t a t e ’s
m ethod o f calculating a one-
year graduation rate fails to con­
vey how many students leave
over the four years o f high
school. Many states also exempt
students who leave school for the
military or who go to prison from
their dropout counts.
“To report in that way con­
fuses the public discussion. It
looks like a small num ber, and
people are less alarmed,” Greene
J o in
n o w for o nly
w e ig h tw a tc h e rs .c o m
Northminster Press. Church
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