November 14, 2001___________________ _______ ‘J jJ o rt l a t t ò O D b ô C r U C r ____________________________________ Page B5 Garden Dedicated to Local Resident i Fam ily, friends and support­ ers o f R ichard "D ickie" D ow , a 37-year-oldm anw hodiedin 1998 after an altercation w ith Portland police, recently dedicated a m e­ m orial com m unity garden in his name. T he garden, put together by D ickie’s m other. Barb V ickers, features flojvers and a m em orial plaque. T he garden is located at the site o f the confrontation, the co m er o f N orth F enw ick and Lom bard, three blocks w est o f Interstate. The group People for Police A ccountability gave full sup­ port for the m em orial. It ’ s the first o f its kind to honor a person treated as a suspect who died as the result o f police action in Portland. O fficers restrained D ow on Oct. 1 9 at6 p .m . after an incident involving a school police officer. Dow w as revived after police officers beat him, pepper sprayed him and piled on him, but he died the next m orning. For more inform ation, contact People for P olice A ccountabil­ ity in care o f P ortland C opw atch at503-236-3065. Thanksgiving at Tabernacle Members of the Tabernacle Church, 8131 N. Denver at Kilpatrick, invite area residents to a free Thanksgiving Community Dinner. The annual event will be held from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 22. Contact Michelle Scofield at 503-286-2590 or Diane Soares- Gordon at 503-286-3009 for more information. A small memorial garden at North Fenwick and Lombard pays tribute to Richard “Dickie" Dow who died in a police confrontation three years ago. P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Project Network Expands to Help Families Grant will help local agency break cycles of violence and drugs Project N etw ork is one o f only a handful o f program s nationw ide to receive a three-year, $ 1.44 m il­ lion federal grant fo r strengthen­ ing m inority com m unities. T he m oney will allow the residential substance abuse treatm ent and licensed m ental health provider to o ver m ore services in north and northeast Portland. The netw ork now plans to w ork w ith other agencies to expand treatm ent services and resources for A frican-A m erican families, in­ cluding m en. T hese agencies in­ clude the C enter for C om m unity Mental Health, the African-A m eri­ c a n M a le P r o g r a m th r o u g h M ultnom ah C ounty’s D epartm ent o f A dult Com m unity Justice, Stay C lean, Inc., and others. T he project has been nam ed U gaza Jam ii, w hich is Sw ahili for healing com m unity. The goal is to im prove long-term recovery re­ sults by providing significant oth­ ers w ith the sam e intensive treat­ m ent as the w om en get at Project Network. “A fter achieving som e level o f stability at Project Network, women and their children often return to a hom e life and relationship full o f violence and drugs,” says Jeanne Cohen. LCSW , director o f Project Network. “Multi-generational dys­ function and historical barriers are often overwhelming. This grant will help the community offer resources and collaborations for families as a whole.” “ Receiving this grant is a strong vote o f confidence about the abil­ ity o f Project N etw ork and its part­ ner agencies to further im pact the health and w ell-being o f A frican- A m erican fam ilies in P ortland," C ohen says. “ It’s also a w onder­ ful acknow ledgm ent o f the w ork w e ’ve done in the last decade to provide holistic care for w om en w ith com plex social issues. W ith this grant, w e hope to give further insight to strengthening A frican- A m erican fam ilies and com m uni­ ties.” Established in 1989, Project Net­ New Pacific Coast Restaurant to Replace Atwaters Pacific C oast Restaurants, In c., announced that construction o f a new restaurant is underw ay on the 30,h floor o f the U.S. B ancorp tow er, in the form er A tw ate r’s space. “ W e are progressing w ith ou r plans to open an exceptional d in ­ ing establishm ent in a location w ith an u nparalleled view o f the city,” said ,A1 F lee n o r o f Pacific C oast R estaurants. “W e are on track for a first q u a rte r2002 op en ­ ing.” Pacific C oast R estaurants is continued Wishes on Wheels Race to the Finish! Sponsored teams representing doctors, lawyers and businesses took part in last month s pinewood derby model car event in the Emanuel Hospital atrium in support of the care provided at Legacy Emanuel Children's Hospital. “It definitely puts the fun in fundraising and is an outstanding example of corporations supporting a great cause, ’ said Patty Brandt, the hospital s development director. kmhd (A P ) - M ore th an 5 ,7 0 0 O r­ egonians h av e n ’t claim ed their federal rebate checks from this su m m er’s big tax cut, an d tim e is ru n n in g sh o rt for ta x p ay e rs to c la im th e m . T he IRS say s O re g o n ia n s m ust act by D ec. 5 to claim the checks, or th e y ’ll have to claim it on th e ir 2001 tax retu rn s. The checks average 300 d o l­ lars, to ta lin g n ea rly $ 1.4 m il­ lion. In ad d itio n , n ea rly 12-hun- d red tax refu n d s w ere retu rn ed to the IR S from O reg o n from this y ea r and p re v io u s years. T h ese ch eck s are w o rth o v er $ 8 0 6 ,0 0 0 , an a v e ra g e o f $681 d o lla rs p e r check. N a tio n a lly , ab o u t 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 reb a te ch e ck s w o rth $95 m il­ lion w ere re tu rn e d to the IRS, fre q u en tly b ec au se a ta x p ay e r m o v ed to a n ew ad d re ss or ch a n g ed th e last n am e, o ften b ec au se o f m arriag e. T he IRS says taxpayers w ho th in k th ey m issed th e ir refu n d should first check th e ir records and th en call 8 0 0 -8 2 9 -1 0 4 0 to rep o rt it. 89.1 222 NE KILLINGSWORTH (Vancouver Ave.) CARPET GLEAMING 2001 CARPET CLEANING WHERE TH EHEAl T H O R MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE 2 Area Minimum 1 Small Hall Free Pre-Spray • Stairs $1.50 each • • • • • Sofa (under 6 ft.) Sofa (over 6 ft.) Sectional Loveseat Recliner $20 $20 LOCK & KEY 503-284-9582 | ADDITIONAL SERVICES**] F U L L L O C K SM IT H -S E R V IC E R E-K EY A N D IN ST A LL L O C K S • Auto*Boat*RV Cleaning • Deordorizing • Dirt Resistant (Teflon) Protection • Pet Odor Treatment • Spot & Stain Removal | UPHOLSTERY CLEANING $69 $79 $79 $49 $39 I (X KEDOIT?-W F MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATC H HOUSE,OFFICEORCAR o a r i a Assistant Manager (503) 282-3379 "T 1 Small Hall Free Pre-Spray Traffic Area Each Area 2 A rea M inim um I UPHOLSTERY COUPON $69 $49 Sofa (under 6 ft.) $25 Loveseat or Chair Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning I O R \I T O I \ I M I M S 5 0 3 -2 8 I -3 9 4 0 4 I i m s 213-215 N.E. Hancock Portland. Oregon 97212 MART KAT- INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT Professional Commercial and Residencial Services (A ll T ,_ l. M A R TIN CLEANING S E R V IC E % DEAN’S BEAUTY SALON & BARBER SHOP KIM STELLY NEW SERVICE • Leather Cleaning I CARPET COUPON | 'V JJ • Dining Chairs • Ottoman I CARPET CLEANING | RHM K, AFFORDABLE from page B T hursday, Servers jo in e d w ith F rancesconi and oth er city lead­ ers to plant the first “Tree ofH o p e" at F ire S tation 14, 1905 N .E . Killingsworth. In addition, F rancesconi has asked Friends o f T rees to d ed i­ cate this tree planting season to com m unity healing. T h e n o n -p ro fit g ro u p ’s s ta f f an d v o lu n te e rs a n n u a lly p la n t tree s in n e ig h b o rh o o d s, at u r­ b an n atu ra l are a s an d o n sc h o o l g ro u n d s th ro u g h o u t th e reg io n . T h ey also p ro v id e tree s at b e ­ low co st fo r p e o p le to p la n t in th e ir ow n yards. T here are m any w ays for citi­ zens to participate in the “T rees o f H ope” project. T hey can jo in a n e ig h b o r h o o d tr e e p la n tin g project, b uy a tree to p lant in their ow n yard, volunteer to p lant at an urban natural area or m ake a co n ­ tribution to plant a **Tree o fH o p e ” at Forest Park. T o participate in a com m unity tree planting, call Friends o fT rees at 503-284-T R E E . C itizens can also get inform ation and advice on planting their ow n tree by call­ ing the C ity o f P o rtlan d ’s U rban Forestry O ffice at 503-823-4489. for the love of jazz Deadline Set For Claiming Tax Cut undergoing a total renovation o f the 18,300 square foot space at a cost o f m ore than $3 m illion. R ather than undergoing a tra­ ditional dem olition o f this space, the com pany chose a m ore envi­ ronm entally proactive approach and contracted w ith the R ebuild­ in g C e n te r , a n o n - p r o f it d e c o n s tr u c tio n c o m p a n y o n N orth M ississippi A venue. Re­ b u ild in g C e n te r w o rk e rs d is­ m antled the space nail-by-nail and board-by-board, preserving m ost o f the m aterials fo rarecy cled u se. Trees of A Hope Honor 9-11 Victims w ork was designed to help chem i­ cally addicted, pregnant women end the cycle o f substance abuse. At the tim e. Legacy Em anuel H ospital & H ealth C enter had noticed a troubling tr e n d - a sharp increase in the num ber o f drug- addicted m others and babies bom w ith com plications. P roject N etw ork offers a holis­ tic approach to treatm ent focused on the health and w ell being o f the entire fam ily unit, including the form ation ofh ealth y relationships that allow families to stay together. Project N etw ork provides quality, cu lturally-based clinical and so­ cial services to A frican-A m erican w om en and their fam ilies. % Sharon CtnSr Maxwetf-Hendricks CaU today for your complimentary facial P O rlk m a OR 97211 I 4 VM/FOge. 503-955-0TO3