November !4, 2001 Page B4 ortiaiiò (Phseruet Professor Begins Historic Border Trek 11 de septiembre en Nueva York y Washington - Sept. 11 in New York and Washington condenar el terrorismo - to condemn the terrorism distintos - different, clear fanatismo religioso - religious fanatacism Las campanas de las iglesias - The church campaigns líderes de distintas religiones - leaders of different religions método * method Museo Nacional - National Museum noche de, domingo - Sunday night radioemisoras - radio transmitter, radio station rencor - rancour, bitterness repique - pealing, ringing seis millones de habitantes six million inhabitants -------- ----------------:--------------------- :----------- The Portland O b serv er's com m itm ent to cultural diversity includes the encouragem ent o f a m ulti lingual society. R eaders can learn Spanish on this page by reading the w ords and phrases in bold print and gaining understanding o f its m eaning w ith this com panion glossary. L_____ -■ , ■ . __ .a i TH A N K SG IV IN G BUFFET M O N T ER R E Y , M exico (A PI — D e­ spite increased security and fears about travels since Sept. 11, D avid C hizum slipped on his $200 Sw iss hiking boots last W ednesday and set out on a voyage that few w ould have the guts to attem pt even during peacetim e. T he 57-year-old T exan is trying to b e­ com e the first person to w alk and canoe the 1,952-mile U .S.-M exico border. C hizum ’s travels will take him through a region considered by m any to be a law less land o f sm uggling and banditry, where the w eather can fluctuate from sear­ ing heat to bitter cold in a single day. C hizum began his trip by dipping his wooden walking stick in the Pacific Ocean. Then he headed out in the fog along a w all o f corrugated m etal that m arks the U.S.- M exico border at C alifom ia’ s Border Field State Park. His w ife saw him o ff as a U.S. border patrol agent w atched from his parked vehicle nearby. Joggers passed by on the other side o f the fence, in Tijuana, M exico. “You either live life trying to increase safety or you live life to the fullest and take the acceptable risks,” C hizum said in a telephone interview from his hom e in V alley M ills, T exas, before starting the trip. “T h a t’s my attitude as it should be for the nation. If A m erica w ants to be the hom e o f the brave, it ca n ’t be the hom e o f security paranoia.” T he form er college professor o f inter­ national relations hopes his jo u rn ey o v er the next five m onths will rem ind people that before Sept. 11 m uch o f the w orld view ed borders as w elcom ing m ats rather than security threats. “W e have to find a way to keep our borders op en ,” he said. “E conom ic inter­ dependence is not only important to North A m erica, but the w hole w orld.” C hizum , w ho has been planning his trip since M arch, considered canceling after terrorists slammed commercial airlin­ ers into the W orld Trade C enter and the P entagon. But then he decided this could be the m ost auspicious tim e fo rth e jo u rn ey . The trip, w hich he calls U .S.-M exico Border Friendship Expedition 2001 -2002, will pro­ vide him w ith the opportunity to change p eo p le’s perceptions o f the border. B efore the Sept. 11 attacks, M exican President V icente Fox was pushing a plan to eventually open the U .S .-M exico b o r­ der to perm it the free flow o f w orkers and goods. But these days, talk in the north has turned tow ard rem ilitarizing the U.S. border and severely lim iting im m igration. C hizum w ill w alk first on the U.S. side. passing through m ountains that connect to La Rum orosa, a region that the M exican governm ent recently declared off-lim its to m igrants because so m any people have died there w hile trying to slip into the U nited States illegally. He said he d id n 't inform authorities because the border is public property, but he w ill be carrying a letter o f introduction from a form er U.S. B order Patrol chief. H e w ill carry an 80-pound pack w ith a sleeping bag for freezing tem peratures and an electronic S panish dictionary. His w ife will send him provisions at stops along the way. C hizum said he w ill take photographs and docum ent his coordinates on a G lo­ bal P ositioning System . He also w ill ask people along the way to sign his log book. C hizum plans to w alk 15 m iles a day, crossing back and forth betw een the tw o countries, until he reaches Presidio, Texas, w here the depleted Rio G rande sw ells to a fast-flow ing river. There, his fam ily will m eet him so he can pick up his canoe to com plete the final leg. T hroughout his trip, C hizum plans to cam p out o f sight and rely on the w atchful eye o f B order Patrol agents for p ro tec­ tion. Chizum said h e’s more w orried about running out o f energy and w ater than running into bandits. Music and Dance Highlight Anniversary Comprised o f dynamic professional dancers from Mexico, Nomadas del sol will be giving three performances in town at the Centro Mexicano de Oregon and the Portland Center for the Performing Arts. Thursday, November 22 lpm to 7pm Join us for a delicious Thanksgiving Buffet served in the warm community setting of the historic gymnasium Cost is $18.75 per adult • $9.95 for children 6 to 12 Free for those 5 and under Call soon for reservations 5736 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon • (503) 249-3983 C e n tro M e x ic a n o de O re g o n , a n o n p ro fit o rg a n iz a tio n th at fu n ctio n s as a c u ltu ra l lia iso n and ed u c atio n al fac ility lo c a te d ad jac en t to th e C o n s u ­ late o f M e x ico in d o w n to w n P o rtlan d , is ce le b ra tin g its th ird y ea r a n n iv e r­ sary. T o k ick o ff th e ce le b ra tio n on S a tu r­ day, D ec. 1, th e six -m em b er co n tem p o - rary d an c e co m p an y c a lle d N ó m ad as del sol fro m Q u e ré ta ro , M e x ico w ill be g iv in g a fu ll-le n g th d a n c e co n c ert. B a rito n e v o c a list a n d re c o rd in g a rt-, is t, M a u ric io O r te g a F lo re s fro m G u ad alajara w ill sing a b rie f program o f 17*, 18 ,h an d 19 ,h c e n tu ry aria s and b a l­ lads by Italian, S panish and Latin A m eri­ ca n co m p o sers. N ó m ad as del sol w ill be g iv in g a d d i­ tio n al d an c e p e rfo rm a n c e s at th e P o rt­ lan d C e n te r fo r th e P erfo rm in g A rts, W in n in g sta d T h ea tre on F rid a y , N ov. 30 at 8 p .m .; S atu rd ay , D ec. 1 at 8 p.m . and S u n d ay , D ec. 2 at 2 p.m . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n ab o u t th ese u p co m in g ev e n ts, call 5 0 3 -2 3 3 -0 5 1 2 or g o o n lin e to w w w .p c p a .c o m . Salvadoreños se manifiestan para condenar el terrorismo T. Allen & Daphne Bethel A ll services at: M aranatha Church 4222 N F 12th A venue (1 2 th S iSkidm ore) 503-288-7241 Wednesday Night - 7;00pm (Activities for the whole family) 5 habitantes. El presidente salvadoreño Fran­ cisco Flores, líderes d e distintas r e lig io n e s , c a m p e s in o s , e m p re sa rio s y e s tu d ia n te s se reunieron durante una hora en el a c to p rin c ip a l en el M u se o N acional de la capital. “Los salvadoreños ofrecem os nuestra voz para condenar el odio com o justificación y el terrorism o com o m étodo ”, dijo Flores en un discurso. Indicó que “nos hem os reunido p ara o ra r ju n to s p o r los qu e p ie n san co m o n o so tro s, p ero tam bién por quienes aún están atrapados por la venganza y por el rencor”. “ N u estro m e n saje al m u n d o es m uy c laro : L o s sa lv a d o re ñ o s r e c h a z a m o s e l f a n a t is m o relig io so qu e llev a a la v io len cia a s í c o m o re c h a z a m o s el re se n tim ie n to so cial qu e c o n ­ d u ce al fo m e n to del o d io y de la in e sta b ilid a d ” , ag reg ó . D urante el acto se encendieron velas, niños entonaron cánticos religiosos y se oró por la paz mundial. Las cam p an as de las iglesias sonaron por varios m inutos en d istin tas parroquias del país. Hispanic Chamber Raises Scholarship Funds for Hispanic Students Service Times Sunday Morning ~ 10:J0am Sunday Evening ~ 6:00pm (except 4th & 5th Sunday and Holidays) San Salvador (A P) - E n m edio de cánticos religiosos, repique de cam panas y v elas en cendidas, c ie n to s d e s a lv a d o r e ñ o s se unieron la noche del dom ingo para orar por la paz y con d en ar el terrorism o. La actividad, organizada por d istintos sectores del país, fue un hom enaje a las víctim as de los atentados terroristas del 11 de septiem b re en N ueva Y ork y W ashington. U nas 118 rad ioem isoras y los principales canales d e televisión local se unieron para trasm itir el evento a unos seis m illon es de Dr. T. A llen Bethel, S en io r Pastor Rev. C y n th ia Brathw aite, A ssociate P astor » T he H ispanic M etro p o litan Cham ber will hold its sixth annual H oliday S cholarship F undraiser “Para Los N inos” for the children. All are w elcom e to attend this event on Dec. 6 at the Portland M arriott H otel on the w aterfront, from 6:30 p.m . - 1 0 p.m. Evening entertainm ent includes salsa m u­ sic by C onjunto A legre, casino A gam es conducted by W ild Bills, a silent auction and a raffle o f tw o roundtrip tickets to M exico. In Oregon. Latino students have the highest dropout rate. The up­ com ing event, according to Gale Castillo, Executive D irector o f the Hispanic Cham ber, contributes to the developm ent o f future busi­ ness and civic leaders in our nation. Last May, the Hispanic C ham ­ ber aw arded $46,500 to Hispanic students throughout O regon that attended higher education institu­ tions in Oregon as well as universi­ ties throughout the U.S. For more on the Holiday Schol­ arship Fundraiser, call503-222-0280 or go o n lin e to 4 * (