Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 14, 2001, Image 1

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    Closures Ahead for Bridge Work
Mv <
Transportation officials prepare residents fo r closures o f the Broadway Bridge
See story, Metro section, inside
33nrtíanh (J)hsu
"The City Of Roses"
Volume XXXI
Number 43
Committed to Cultural Diversity
Established in 1970
November 14, 2001
i n P i r j 'T
Joyce Harris (left)
and Antoinette
Edwards share an
moment during
Friday's Unity
Breakfast. The
session was
called by black
leaders to mentor
a new generation
o f voices and
bring into sharper
focus issues
important to
Portland's African
Rebels Take Kabul
' K A BU L, A fghanistan — Ignoring ap ­
peals to stay out o f the capital, A fghan
opposition fighters rolled into K abul
after T aliban troops fled. Residents,
freed of the Islamic m ilitia’s restrictions,
celebrated by blaring m usic from radios
and shaving their beards.
NYC Crash Puzzling
W A SH IN G T O N — Investigators were
treating the crash o f A m erican A irlines
Flight 587 as an accident. The ch ief
reason, said G eorge Black, an investi­
gator w ith the N ational T ransportation
Safety Board, is the p lan e’s cockpit
voice recorder.
M ark W ashington /
T he P ortland
O bserver
Bush, Putin Meet
G eorge W. B ush and Russian President
Vladim ir Putin will m eet in W ashington
and at Bush’s ranch in Craw ford, Texas.
T heir official business will be to strike a
deal to slash each nation’s nuclear arse­
nals and let B ush pursue tests o f a
national m issile-defense system .
Roman Catholic Bishops Elects First
Black President
W A SH IN G T O N — T he group that
serves as the collective voice o f the
n a tio n ’s R o m an C a th o lic b ish o p s
elected its first black president. B ishop
W ilton G regory o f Belleville, 111.
More Anthrax Found on Hill
W A SH IN G TO N — Tests revealed trace
am ounts o f anthrax in several more Sen­
ate offices. Spores were found in the Hart
building offices o f Sens. M ax Baucus, D-
M ont.; Russ Feingold, D -W is.; Joe
Lieberman, D -C onn.; Barbara Mikulski,
D-M d.; and A rlen Specter, R-Pa.
Bush Pays Tribute to Veterans Day
NEW Y O R K — President Bush visited
the W orld T rade C enter’s rubble, tw o
m onths after the Sept 11 hijackings. In
a V eterans D ay tribute, he called on
Am ericans to rem em ber “the terrible
harm that an enem y can inflict” as they
reflect anew on the sacrifices o f their
nation’sm ilitary.
Rebels Claim Capture of Herat
K A BU L, A fghanistan — T he opposi­
tion N orthern A lliance claim ed it had
captured the w estern city o f H erat in its
•ad v an ce again st retrea tin g T aliban
forces. H erat is the largest and m ost
im portant city in w estern A fghanistan.
North Korea Reportedly
Trying to Sell Missiles
W ASHINGTON— North Korea, rebuff -
ing U.S. nonproliferation efforts, is trying
to sell missiles to three or four countries
in Asia and the M iddle East, a Bush
adm inistration official says. The official
said they are concentrated in an area west
of China to the M editerranean Sea.
Japan Commits Ships to
W ar on Terror
T O K Y O — Ja p an ’s C abinet voted to
dispatch three w arships to provide n on­
com bat support in the U .S.-led w ar on
terrorism , despite opposition to any
Japanese attem pt to expand its m ilitary
role. T he tw o destroyers and a supply
vessel will leave Sasebo.
Sen. A vel G ordly and local leaders are
encouraging north and northeast Port­
land residents to get inform ed and in­
volved in county budget hearings that will
im pact services to the A frican A m erican
The urgent appeal follow s Unity B reak­
fast Friday, in w hich black leaders met to
encourage a sharper focus on issues im ­
portant to blacks and the m entoring o f new
generation o f A frican A m erican leaders.
M ultnomah County’s first budget m eet­
ing will be held on M onday, Nov. 19 at 6 p.m.
at the North Portland Branch Library, 512 N.
Killingsworth. It continues the next day
under the direction o f the county executive.
T estim ony can also be given on T h u rs­
day, Nov. 29 - the day the com m issioners
will be voting on the budget - starting at
9 :3 0 a.m . in th e b o ard ro o m o f the
M ultnomah Building, 501 S.E. Hawthorne.
Revamped Club a Gif t to Southeast Kids
T h o u san d s o f L en ts n eig h b o rh o o d
kids are en jo y in g a to ta lly rev am p ed
W attles B oys & G irls C lu b at 9 3 3 0 S. E.
H arold St.
The 24,000 square foot, state-of-the art
youth center opened last w eek thanks to
M ark W attles o f H ollyw ood V ideo who
jum p-started the $2 million renovation with
a $ l million gift.
For W attles, w ho had 5 children o f his
ow n, the donation is giving back to the
same com m unity that helped launch his
b u siness.
“It takes about the sam e am ount of
m oney to build a Boys & G irls C lub as it
does to build a juvenile detention center,”
W attles noted. "T he difference is, when
you build a C lub, you offer kids guidance,
hope and options. It’s a real thrill to see
this new club and to know that thousands
o f kids in southeast Portland now have a
safe, fun place to go instead o f hanging
around on the streets.”
City Commissioner J im Francesconi said
the club is ju st the beginning o f an urban
revitalization effort in Southeast Portland.
“T he new W attles club is a sure sign
that tim es are changing for both kids and
adults in the L ents district. T his C lub will
be followed by a new fire station, new retail
and housing developm ent and a w ave of
im provem ents that will bring renew ed v i­
tality to an area th a t’s been underserved
for a long tim e,” he said.
T h e W a ttle s C lu b w as fo rm e rly
know n as the L ents B oys & G irls C lub
and has serv ed th o u sa n d s o f y o u th and
fam ilies in th e L en ts co m m u n ity fo r the
4 brand new gymnasium floor gets a passing grade from kids as the totally
past 50 years.
revamped Wattles Boy- and Girls Club a t9 3 3 0 S. E. Harold St. opens to the public.
photo by
M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
U.N. Calls
for Post-
The United Nations General
Assembly pauses for a moment
o f silence Monday after an
American Airlines Flight 4 8 7
crashed into New York's
Rockaway Beach community,
killing more than 2 5 0 people.
Early reports by investigators
blame mechanical failures for
the crash, ju s t after takeoff from
Kennedy International Airport.
AP) — The United N ations envoy
called Tuesday for a tw o-year tran si­
tional governm ent backed by a m ulti­
national security force in A fghani­
Lakhdar Brahim i, outlined a plan
before the U.N. Security Council to
bring A fghanistan’s m any ethnic and
tribal groups together “as early as
hum anly possible.”
He envisioned a m eeting betw een i
the U .S.-backed northern alliance,
whose forces captured Kabul on T ues­
day, capping a five-day drive to the
capital, and representatives o f other
ethnic groups to discuss the fram e­
w ork for a political transition.
Brahim i said the goal w ould be to
convene a provisional council that I
reflects the co untry’s ethnic diver- I
sity. He suggested it should be chaired I
“by an individual recognized as a
sym bol o f national unity,” an ap p ar­
ent reference to A fghanistan's exiled
king, Z aher Shah.
The 87-year-old monarch, w ho has
lived in Rome since he was ousted in
1973, is seen by som e as a unifying
figure in a possible transitional g o v ­
Linder B rah im i's p ro p o sal, the
council would put together the tw o-
year transitional governm ent. D uring
that period, a loya jirga. or grand co u n ­
cil o f prominent Afghans, would draw
up a constitution and a second g ath ­
ering w ould approve it and create a
perm anent A fghan governm ent.
Brahimi.an Algerian diplom at, sa id ,.
turning around “a collapsed and d e s­
titute state" that has becom e a b ree d ­
ing ground for terrorists w ould re ­
quire the political and financial sup­
port o f all nations.
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan
w ants B rah im i's deputy to travel to
K abul soon, and the U nited N ations
is eager to try to get its staff back into
the country and to deliver h um anitar­
ian aid.
Brahim i said a governm ent ruled
by A fghans “w ould be far m ore cred ­
ible than one run by U.N. officials
parachuted in," he said.
Dropouts Dism al for O regon’s M inority Students
(A P) — A study o f the C lass o f 1998
show s that one-third o f O re g o n 's high
school students failed to earn a diplom a,
giving the state one o f the n atio n ’s h igh­
>, S ' r~
£ -g
U j
™ tu
est dropout rates.
The num bers were particularly bad for
O regon ’ s black and L atino students, more
than hall o f w hom failed to graduate.
“T here is one system for the affluent,
and an o th er for the poor,' said Ron
H em dou, o f Portland, co-chairm an o f the
Crisis T eam , a group o f activists repre­
senting m inority and low -incom e children
in Portland schools. “T hey system atically
ensure that poor kids get the least ex p eri­
’ There is one system for the
affluent, and another for the poor
—r Ron Herndon, co-chairman of the Crisis Team.
enced teachers. If this is not child abuse,
I d o n 't know w hat is. No one does any­
thing about it."
T he M anhattan Institute for Policy
Research calculated graduation rates by
taking eighth-grade enrollm ents in 1993.
adjusting them for state population growth,
and then com paring them with the num ber
o f students earning diplom as in 1998.
The report show s graduation rates vary
widely, from alo w o f 57 percent in G eorgia
to 93 percent in Iow a O regon ranked 40th
am ong the 50 states and District o f C o lu m ­
bia, ju st above Louisiana
“The problem w ith low graduation rates
is probably m ore severe than m ost people
realize, "said Jay P. Greene, w ho conducted
the study as a senior fellow at the New
Y ork think tank. “School districts do not
inform them about this situation in an
honest and straightforw ard w ay."
A lthough m ost states including O r­
egon consider students w ho earn G eneral
Educational D evelopm ent C ertificates as
on page A3