Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 07, 2001, Page 9, Image 9

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    Stye Jlortlnnb ©bseruer
November 07, 2001
ortlan ò
Page B3
OMSI’s Really Really Big Film Festival
A Parent in the Making
“Mysteries o f
viewers to the
time when the
great pyramids
were buiit,
recreating the
scenes as
now believe they
For the first tim e ever, the O r­
egon M useum o f Science and
Indusry’s O m nim ax T heatre is
bringing back six o f the most popu­
lar large screen film s show n.
C alled “A Really Really Big Film
Festival,” it runs through Jan. 16,
It will give film-goers an oppor­
tunity to see their favorite film
again or catch the one that got
The six film s are:
“Everest” -J o in famed climb­
ers on a journey o f trium ph and
tragedy to the top o f the w orld’s
tallest m ountain, featuring som e
o f the m ost breathtaking photog­
raphy ever recorded. Show n on
holidays and T uesday - Sunday
at 2 p.m .; W ednesday - Saturday
at 9 p.m.
T u esd ay - S unday at 3 p .m .;
W ednesday - Saturday at 8 p.m.
“M ysteries o f E gypt” - Fly
o ver the N ile River, soar o v er the
great pyram ids o f G iza, and d e­
scend into the shadow y ch am ­
bers o f King T utankham en ’ s tom b
in this film narrated by Omar Sharif.
Show n on holidays and T uesday
- Sunday at 11 a.m.; W ednesday
- Saturday at 7 p.m.
“D estiny in Space” - V en­
ture into the vast, m ysterious fron­
tier o f space, and view am azing
footage captured by astronauts
on six N A SA space m issions.
Show n holidays, Saturday and
Sunday at 4 p.m.
"The Living Sea” -S w im with
thousands o f jellyfish, feel the
pow er o f the ocean as you surf
thundering w aves in Haw aii, and
dive to the m ysterious depths o f
the sea to visit som e o f the last
unexplored regions on our planet.
Show n on holidays and Tuesday
- Sunday at 1 p.m.
“A ntarctica” - Explore the
far reaches o f this beautiful and
hostile environm ent, the land o f
enorm ous glaciers, ice-cloaked
m ountains, hardy penguins, fierce
leopard seals and the am azing al­
batross. Show n on holidays, S at­
urday and Sunday at noon.
“ Dolphins” -S w im alo n g sid e
som e o f n atu re’s m ost graceful
and extraordinary anim als and
learn about life in their underw ater
world. Show n on holidays and
Inspired by the real life o f comedian Bernie Mac, “ The Bernie Mac Show" is a daring new
half-hour comedy for the whole family that premieres on Wednesday, Nov. 14 on FOX. In the
show, Bernie suddenly finds himself the guardian o f his sister's three young children; He
combines tough love with a unique and comedic view on parenting. In trying to do the right
thing, he doesn’t always do the right thing.
Rolled Into
One Man
Co-Ho Theatre, a
new venue in north­
west Portland that fea­
tures high-caliber, off­
beat shows will open
with the premiere o f
“The Haint,” a South­
ern Gothic play. The
story revolves around
a murder/suicide in the
fictitious, tight-knit
southern town o f M id-
way, Tennessee. In
coming to grips with
the tragedy’s ghostly
afterm ath, the good
townspeople almost ai 1
agree that a disembod­
ied spirit will make the
p e rfe c t
to u ris t
“The H aint’s” 13
eccentric characters
are played by just one
ac to r, T ro y M ink.
From a sleazy gee-aw-
shucks mayor, to a
chain-smoking lesbian
atheist, to a shrimp-dip
obsessedtown simple­
ton, to an effeminate
new-age spiritualist -
each c h a ra c te r is
played by Mink, who
draws upon a bizarre
repertoire o f distinct
personalities, voices
and facial expressions.
P erfo rm an ces o f
“The Haint” will be
given on Friday and
Saturday nights. Nov.
9-10and I6-I7at 10:30
p.m. For reservations,
call 503-295-3565.
C roing back to school
has never been this m uch fun
W h ic h
Wed. NOV. 14
Sun. NOV. 18 I
M emorial C oliseum
Wed NOV. 14
★ 7:30 PM
(Excludes Btnkstde b Front Bow Seormq)
W ed
N O V 17
12 N O O N
3:30 PM
7 30 PM
NO V. 18
N O V . 15
N O V 15
7 30 PM
7 30 P M t
7 30 PM
cd Ales, Wines <X >
laits and Bourbons
uice Cocktails • Esp
F ri
N O V 14
1 00 PM
4 3 0 PM
tK ID S U N D E R 12 SAVE 12 75 O N T IC K E T S ’
1 (Excludes Binkside 6 Front Bow Seotmg)
Duy tickets ot w w w .D ls n e y O n lc e .c o m
r/cfc« fm M r« r Ticket Centers including G.l. Joe's ond
Meier G Frank Stores. Areno Box Office or coll
(5 0 3 ) 2 2 4 -4 4 0 0
Groups (503) 235-3771
TICKET PRICES: >12.73 - >17.73 - >30.00 v e - >42.00 Fro«« tow
5736 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon
(503) 249-3983 • wwvt.nicmenamins.com
(Service chorges ond nondhng «ees moy opptv no service chotges or Areno B om O*Kce)